Excellent. Like I said earlier, I hold the initial brake-check douche accountable for the entire ordeal. I wish he would have been more seriously injured.
Also, in the article, they have a biker who said that, initially, there was no intent to confront the RR driver aggressively or whatever. Bullshit. You don't stop 30-deep in the middle of the highway and get out and surround a vehicle just to exchange insurance information. And, if I'm the RR driver, I am most certainly interpreting the bikers' behavior - regardless of their intent - as being aggressive, considering (1) they were driving aggressively around me and (2) one idiot just aggressively brake-checked himself into the front of my vehicle.
The bikers would do well to just STFO and let this shit go. You don't have anything close to resembling an argument here. Their stupid "Justice for Biker X" Facebook pages only make me resent their actions all that much more.