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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Shut your smug mouth when you quote me.
  2. Guess who wasn't in a single one of those vines.
  3. Yes, I saw it. It says 2000HP, not 2000whp. The key is the "w." 2000HP (i.e., what it's making at the crank, I presume) translates into 1760whp (i.e., the amount of power it's putting to the wheels). Jones and Juiced are being a bit elitist by smugly laughing at everyone who failed to pick up on that. Personally, I think it's a bit misleading, as I think the inclination is to think 2000whp when you see something titled "2000HP."
  4. These things always make me LOL and I have no idea why.
  5. @ guy throwing his headphones
  6. Notice from the second angle there's a passenger in the very back that appears to know that impact is imminent. Also, you always hear of people getting thrown from a vehicle during a crash, but I had a difficult time conceptualizing that for some reason. This vid clears all that up for me. Physics can be violent.
  7. Dear Captain of the USS Irony: Hat's = contraction for "hat is" As in "My hat is off to you." Hats would imply that someone took off more than one hat. People usually only wear one hat at a time. Nice try, but it looks like you nailed the iceberg. Be sure to go down with the ship.
  8. Wait, didn't you lose to him one time out in front of IPS? And I think I lost money on that race, too.
  9. Good, interesting read - thanks for posting this.
  10. Seriously, it's like pdggdgdppdggdpggddgpddppdggdgpdpdpdpdpdpdggggpdgp STAPH
  11. I paused at the same part and said to myself something to the effect of, "Wait what?" Then I decided that it was just part of the engineering stuff that I know zero percent of and moved along in my ignorant bliss.
  12. Sounds awesome - congratulations, my fine looking friend. All this engineering stuff sounds really cool, though I understand zero percent of it. So, after you've got things running smoothly there, where to next? Back to the 614, or do you think they'll send you somewhere else to do something similar?
  13. I remember thinking that the Cam Newton thing would surely lead to Armaggedon, and we all know how that turned out. So, while my initial reaction is that Manziel is toast, my learned cynicism advises to wait and see.
  14. I could probably head out there on Mon. Key to all of this will be if I can swing it at work and get the time off.
  15. I'd be lyin' if I said I wasn't really interested in some of these automobiles.
  16. I don't think I could bear to see cars just go to waste in a field like that.
  17. I like the ND gold helmets - like the super gold ones. I think they wear them all the time now? In any event, I think those are an improvement. I can't think of any alternate uniforms that I've really liked either, other than maybe Boise State's. Though, I think liking those is relative (since their previous uniforms were terrible).
  18. Why am I not surprised by any of this? WTF Meanwhile, Urban is being blamed for the Hernandez murder and the second gunman on the grassy knoll.
  19. The more I hear about how Manziel is and was in high school, the more I picture him being straight out of that movie Varsity Blues.
  20. I love my car because it always takes me back after I slap it in a drunken rage in front of my friends and co-workers and then spend a weekend in jail.
  21. I guess you could say the cat's out of the bag.
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