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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  2. Wait, Phil, they acknowledged that you have a valid permit to be in the parking lot, and then continued to assert that you must pay them to have your vehicle released? This sounds ridiculous. Did they give you a specific rationale for their lunacy? For instance, was your permit not properly displayed?
  3. That Meyer video was entertaining. And ND not playing Michigan anymore will mean I won't have to worry about which team I want to lose more when they play. Related thought: by a show of hands, who wants to kick Denard Robinson in the face when he starts doing that stupid "I'm hungry-feed me" thing?
  4. Pat Forde back to hating on Ohio State. http://sports.yahoo.com/news/ncaaf--forde-yard-dash--figuring-value-in-the-head-scratching-world-of-college-football.html;_ylt=As6Ak5Mt.kobJUdRWubmNrgcvrYF;_ylu=X3oDMTQwb2FiMW1uBG1pdANGRUFUVVJFRCBNZWdhdHJvbiBOQ0FBRgRwa2cDYzhmZmU2OGQtNDJmNS0zZTZjLTg4NzgtZTBiNWI1N2NjZDBmBHBvcwMxBHNlYwNtZWdhdHJvbgR2ZXIDNTM5YzFiZTMtMDcxYS0xMWUyLWJmZGItZjk4MjRlZDNmOTkz;_ylg=X3oDMTFqdXByMzhlBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANuY2FhZgRwdANzZWN0aW9ucw--;_ylv=3 He neglects to mention that Gee - while a total dork and someone I'd like to see less in the spotlight than what he is - is a money making machine. Dude gets people to just pour money into Ohio State.
  5. You're far too attractive for me. -0.5 points for making me feel uncomfortable with your attractiveness and swag Juicy: -0.5 points total
  6. -0.5 points for misspelling Milgram. Josh: 0.0 points total
  7. This semester it is just Intro Psych. (Other semesters I sometimes teach Forensic Psych in addition to Intro.)
  8. You couldn't let it go at Biakabatuka, could you? Ohio State's 1998 team was the best Ohio State team I've ever seen. How in the hell they lost that game I will never know. Wait, yes I do: Plaxico Burress and John Cooper.
  9. LJ, I am, but I teach on Thursday nights from 6 to 9:30.
  10. MSU's Bell is poised to put himself firmly in the Heisman hunt with a big day against Ohio State. If we play the way we have, then he could have 200+ yards and 3+ TDs. Seriously, Ohio State had better get their shit together or it's about to get ugly.
  11. In your first sentence, you basically outlined what every football team wants/needs to be successful. In your last sentence, replace winable with losable and you'd have an equally valid statement.
  12. LOL, I wonder if he regrets not bolting to the NFL when he was one of the hottest coaches out there.
  13. The wife and I are out of here. We're either going to Chipotle or Social. I know, they're pretty much the same.
  14. Drink, it's singular muthafucka. I'm not here to support your alcoholism. JK, I am. Bring your cirrhosis to WOB and we will indulge. /thread jack. Back to discussing your beers/beverages of choice.
  15. P.S. Come to World of Beer at Easton in November and I'll buy you and everyone else in this thread that has posted thus far a drink.
  16. For my glorious return, I'm owed two drinks. So, that's a net of one drink for me. TIA
  17. Sam Adams makes an Oktoberfest, right? I'm not really into Sam Adams' stuff, so I'm not sure if they have one. That's why I asked.
  18. So what's your favorite vodka? Guess what mine isn't: Grey Goose. Shit is one step above rubbing alcohol. Maybe a half-step. Vodkas I enjoy: Absolut, Kettle One, and Level. Level is likely my favorite, but it's difficult to find.
  19. Drinking Patron - am I allowed to post in this thread? P.S. I enjoy stalker dog.
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