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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. My vote is for the RS6's. Five spokes > six spokes, IMO.
  2. You noticed the small detail in Jones' signature, but failed to see the multi-page thread he created about that signature change. INTERDASTING
  3. Ambiguous use of "you guys": acquired at 17th level Giving out obvious advice: mastered at 19th level Professing to not give a fuck, but then acting like you give a fuck: achieveable with +4 ring of hypocrisy
  4. Did you post up the for sale specifics anywhere? I ask because I was curious and I didn't want to ask for all your business here. And I didn't want to hijack this thread.
  5. Jones, did you post up your car for sale in the Corral? Come to think of it, your car might be perfect for her/them.
  6. I would just go silver. Solid choice, can't go wrong. Not sure how I'd feel about red or orange. 5% on the windshield in that pic: :dumb: http://www.halifaxcourier.co.uk/webimage/1.4193454.1327935000!image/495184639.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_595/495184639.jpg
  7. Only took two replies Jones, looks fantastic. Congratulations, great acquisition. I look forward to seeing it in person.
  8. Pro tip: try actually quoting who you're referencing to avoid confusion. We can't read your mind.
  9. First, what are you talking about kids that aren't mine? Second, no one is advocating in this thread that you should worry about a trust fund before taking care of your own finances, etc. No one asked, "Hey guys, should I set up this trust fund first or pay off my credit card debt?" Your obvious point is obvious.
  10. Yup, you can set limits and conditions for how and when the money is distributed. That way, an 18 year old, who, IMO, should never have unlimited access to a bunch of money, doesn't take their inheritance and blow it on 14 ZR1's. You can set things up in such a way that X amount of money is distributed at this time, X amount at this time, and so on and so forth. That's what Ashley and I did. Also, we added a clause into our wills that, in order for our children to get their inheritance (and in the event we're dead by the time they are 25 years old), they must use a percentage of it to travel overseas, see the world (and hopefully learn something about themselves), and do some kind of charity work.
  11. First, I think it's great you're diverting some of your child support into a trust fund. Kudos on getting that accomplished. My best advice is to consult with an attorney that specializes in trusts, wills, etc. Ashley and I are currently in this process and in fact will be signing our wills and what not in just a few days. The lawyer we've worked with has been great: a younger guy (so he's relatable), down to earth, and realistic about things. Send me a PM if you're interested and I can get you his contact information.
  12. That sounds (no pun intended) like something I'd definitely like.
  13. Watched the video - that exhaust sounds amazing. What button is he pushing? Is that like some kind of electronic cut-out?
  14. My S5 has the 4.2 V8 - isn't that the motor in your buddy's car? (The 2012 S5 convertibles come with the s/c V6, but the coupes don't.)
  15. Just saw this vid. It features a militek exhaust. Again, something I've never heard of. (I know zilch about Audi aftermarket stuff.) Interestingly, it features a "before" and "after."
  16. What aftermarket exhausts should I look into for the S5? I came across a couple of vids that got me wondering. This one says Cargraphic w/ AWE downpipes. I've never heard of either, but it sounds pretty good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2swDgAfQg3o&feature=related Here's another, though I have no idea what this exhaust is. Maybe someone can ID it from the sound. The vid is long and the guys in it are quasi-annoying. You hear the exhaust at the beginning and then around 1:55 of the vid. (I think you can just skip the rest.) Also, a concern: is there ever a drone at cruising, highway speeds with these aftermarket exhausts? I had aftermarket exhausts on other V8's (Cobra, Z06) and never had any issues with droning, but those are totally different cars/exhausts.
  17. Funny, a few months ago we tried to watch Iron Man on Netflix and it wasn't available for streaming. Maybe it just recently became available? I think Iron Man 2 was available on streaming, but the first one wasn't (at least back a few months ago). Edit: Just saw your other post. Yup, maybe they swapped it out or something.
  18. No, it's not just the trial version, Netflix selection of movies sucks (especially the ones you can stream/watch instantly). I had Netflix for about a year, which was about 11 months too long. And I'm totally with you on their jacked up organization - "new releases" definitely doesn't mean what we all think it means.
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