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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Technically, I think it does. It's the same post that has occured after the initial post. Replay confirms it. gergwheel, you've been charged with a timeout and will only have one more challege to use for the remainder of this thread.
  2. No worries, give me her number and I'll take her. :gabe:
  3. LOL @ all the name changes: in just the past few minutes I've seen: FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUU Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious WELCOME TO THE ANGUS DOME And that little shrugging smilie thing that Jones just posted
  4. This thread is awesome. Gabe, Phil, and Paul make this place entertaining. So do others, but those three catch hell for being trolls. Despite what people say about how intrusive they are, etc., this place would be a whole lot more boring if it wasn't for them. Just saying.
  5. I think you're confusing consent with criminal responsibility/culpability. Just because a juvenile cannot consent to something (e.g., getting a tattoo) doesn't mean they can't be held criminally responsible for an illegal act. So, I don't think you'll get far with your army of underage criminals using the affirmative defense of "but they can't give consent, so you must acquit."
  6. However, technically, she did not have a "choice," insofar as she was a minor and therefore cannot, by definition, give legal consent. She can give her assent, but consent for the procedure would have to come from her legal guardian(s). I know, we're now talking semantics (no pun intended) and this is mostly an exercise in academia.
  7. I'd say that if you want a tattoo, then wait a full year before doing anything. If you still want the tattoo, get it. If you want something else, then wait another year and decide if you still want that one, and so on and so forth. As for kids and tattoos, no. If my kids ever want tattoos, I'll tell them they can wait until they're legally permitted to do so, and even then I'll encourage them to use my "wait a year and then decide" rule.
  8. Damn, some of that stuff is crazy awesome. Backflips into basketball shot. Dude that jumped off the cliff into the river like 70 feet up.
  10. Holy fucking watch snob.
  11. twistedfocus has gained a level. He is now a 5th level Wordsmith.
  12. Yup, just seems like a reason to hype USC. It will be interesting to see how ESPN manages to hype/blow USC this year while at the same time hyping/blowing the SEC in obligatory fashion. Should USC meet the SEC in the NCG, it will be hype of hyperbolic proportions. OMG SEC THE UNSTOPPABLE FORCE VERSUS USC THE IMMOVABLE OBJECT HOW MANY TIMES COULD THESE TEAMS BEAT THE HOUSTON TEXANS ON A NEUTRAL FIELD? IS USC THE GREATEST TEAM NOT NAMED THE SEC? USC AND THE SEC: A FOOTBALL GAME THAT WILL OPEN A RIFT IN THE TIME SPACE CONTINUUM
  13. But the words won't come out.
  14. It's all mythical, homie - the 03 Cobra in question has been long gone for some time now.
  15. Ask any poster. Any real poster. It don't matter if you miss a post by a second or a year. Posting's posting.
  16. The pic in my sig gives everyone an idea of what angle of it they'll have when we race. And I will be wearing that hairdo and those sunglasses as well just for the full effect.
  17. Just realized this post requires one of these: :fa:
  19. Hopefully, at some point in the foreseeable future, I'll have something to get back in the mix. My last run in with the Cleveland guys resulted in me getting walked by a GT2 (and some other car - Evo maybe?). Of course, I only got one shot - no one would give me another run (but then again sometimes one shot is all you get).
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