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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Yeah, it's definitely waaaaaaay hypocritical of the NCAA to do what they do. You'll get no argument from me about that.
  2. Haven't the analyses demonstrated that a playoff would actually create more money than the current BCS? I know, that doesn't diminish your point about us exploiting "student" athletes, but I'm just saying.
  3. I wonder what the Plus 1 would look like this year? I'd guess there'd still be controversy, insofar as, I'd think, both Oregon and Oklahoma State would have fairly sound arguments for getting to face Alabama in the NCG. However, didn't Oregon lose twice? So maybe I'm resolving my own non-issue here: it would be Ok State to face Alabama for national championship if there was a Plus 1 this year. Is my thinking right on this?
  4. It's taken this long for someone to say the chick looks pretty hot? Disappointment.
  5. Did the crowd ever start chanting "SEC SEC" ?
  6. AP is already out, I think: (1) Bama (2) LSU (3) Ok State Was hoping for chaos as well. Only hope: BCS committee is meeting today to discuss things. Hopefully some semblance of a playoff comes out of it. Probably won't, but that won't keep me from wishing.
  7. Watched a bit of the first half and none of the second half. Checked score this morning and laughed. Read how LSU had 92 yards of offense and laughed even harder. Now, do we get to harass LSU incessantly about being overrated, pathetic, choke-artists just like Ohio State got after the 2006 NCG? Also, how exactly does ESPN spin this one? Where was all that SEC speeeeeed for LSU? And, when I'm done being bitter, I wonder if LSU didn't enter this game kind of like OSU did in 2006: everyone was telling them that they have it in the bag, people were saying they could lose a close game and still get an AP championship, etc. I think Ohio State entered the 2006 completely overconfident, and I wonder if LSU didn't feel the same. Imagine if you're LSU - you have to be like, "What did we have to play for? We already beat this team once on their field. We're the only team this year that hasn't lost. Why are we even being made to play this game anyway?"
  8. Hacked account? Or just spontaneous psychiatric breakdown?
  9. *cutting wrists* Across the road too, so that it will hurt more and last longer.
  10. I want to punch you in the face.
  11. I think they did the remake so soon because they realized it's a money-making opportunity. I saw all three of the original movies. I liked them, though I think I liked each sequel at little less than the one that preceded it.
  12. I thought a few times when I posted those pics, "I bet he will edit these and add a NWS icon." Then, you didn't at first, and I was like, "What is wrong with him?" However, you came through in the end. I am never disappoint.
  13. The remade them. For instance, Daniel Craig is the lead actor. Edit: Just saw your edit.
  14. They're hoping no one remembers. I'd say it's impossible to forget.
  15. http://www.hardrockhotel.com/images/uploads/rehab-lg-01.jpg http://www.vegashotspots.com/hot_trips/vegas_review/pool_2004/images/rehab.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_UbLhBplJBZE/TB686kW_fgI/AAAAAAAAArA/a69kTBUChxM/s1600/rehab_62010_019.jpg http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2536/3798871449_72ed42172f.jpg http://a1.ec-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/26/f354a86f064e4b749ba22bf3098083e3/l.jpg
  16. Looks great on the inside, looks kind of boring on the outside.
  17. PM'ed with question about how to fix my PC for free. :gabe:
  18. Dr. Pomade


    Yeah, I figured some of what I wrote wouldn't be accurate or up-to-date or whatever. The beauty of something like a Wiki page is that we could just update it whenever to make sure it's accurate. No offense intended. Thought you two were friendly with each other. My bad.
  19. Just watched the video. Couple of thoughts: I really liked it. I like how prescriptive it is. Tells you what you need to do and how to do it. However, wow, that's a lot of supplements! That won't be cheap. Good luck with things, and keep us updated on your progress. I'm considering doing something like this (p90x, etc.) at some point nearing spring. I'll be suffering right along with you.
  20. I heard this movie ends with a guy hanging himself.
  21. Dr. Pomade


    I don't always post three times in a row, but when I do it's usually when I post three times in a row.
  22. Dr. Pomade


    That's what I'd envision the entries to look like. If someone posts the pics associated with him, then we can add those.
  23. Dr. Pomade


    Name: mjrsplat Join Date: January 16, 2011 Known Aliases: Aj, beet dique sooprah, sir post a lot, I name raped you Approximate value: low level troll Known allies/associates: brkazzgsx (banned), Patterson Known enemies: Phil, most of CR Respect: 2/10 Relevance: 6/10 E-warrior abilities: 7/10 Car: 6/10 Online persona: 6/10 Notables: Has been the source of much ridicule due to what is regarded as "pube-like" facial hair on his chin. Was involved in fairly high-level debate with Phil concerning his ex-girlfriend, who many referred to as a crackhead. Is able to form coherent sentences. Is also able to poke fun at himself, which is a relatively rare commodity. Was amongst an influx of a breed of "new trolls" that infiltrated CR in early 2011. Is often tortured by Brian Carter (administrator). Has a car in which the seats resemble the mask from the movie Scream. Images most often associated with this member: [material forthcoming]
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