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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. I don't really harbor grudges against Michigan players once they graduate.
  2. If you said, "Hey, you mailed this to the wrong place, this isn't technically giving us the right amount of time," then, if I was the landlord, I'd say, "Oh, so sorry. Remember all those times that your rent check got lost in the mail and I never charged you a late fee? Yeah, well then I guess you can appreciate that mistakes happen, right?" I'd bitch a little bit to CR about your landlord not technically giving you enough time and then write out my rent check for February - with the $35 fee increase included - and go on worrying about more important things.
  3. LOL, because San Fran has had sooooo many awesome players the past decade I guess the bums just really stand out.
  4. Not even sure why I'm able to scroll past this post; I'm fairly certain the thread should abruptly end here.
  5. http://www-tc.pbs.org/wnet/americanmasters/files/2008/10/610_charles_about.jpg "I've always been a big fan of BStowers765529293821933. He's always been something of a visionary, I think, a true prodigy. I'm always moved by his work."
  6. BStowers6872832384348 vids routinely garner critical acclaim from the Blind Actor's Guild.
  7. Brian tuned your car so well it turned it into David Beckham + Google. Congrats, your car wins the internets.
  8. I find this movie to be oddly disturbing - would definitely recommend.
  9. This guy is the recipient of the Making Sense Award.
  10. 6:00 mark of video - him running a reverse on ND in Fiesta Bowl. LOL'ing and how he just blows by #50 (Mangold?) who is running out ahead to "block" for him. #50 is in an all-out sprint - totally in it to win it - and Ginn is just like whooooooooosh right by him.
  11. 2:33 of that highlight vid - him running punt back against Michigan - was one of those times I'm talking about where the crowd goes nuts because Ginn only has the punter to beat. I was at that game. I was delirious by the end of it.
  12. I've seen Galloway and Ginn play. Galloway was a straight up burner. Ginn though took it to another level. Ginn's running style is so odd - like he's hunched forward a bit, and it doesn't even look like he's running that fast. Some of the loudest cheers I've heard in a stadium is when Ginn would field a punt, run up field, and only the punter was left to tackle him. No kidding - the stadium would erupt in cheer because everyone knew it was a foregone conclusion that Ginn was scoring. It was amazing. Also, watching that Ginn highlight video now. I've stopped it at about 1:38 and rewatched it several times in amazement of how Ginn just walks away from the Michigan State DB. Like Ginn just hit the fucking spray.
  13. And the plot thickens? Interdasting.
  14. That makes my blood boil. When I see something like this, I wish there was something I could do personally to help atone for it - it would feel great to hit one - or all - of those little fucks as hard as I could and hope I broke a jaw or two. And +1 on the Asian kid taking it like a champ. Those little fucks were wailing away for a while and still couldn't keep him down. Let's hope Asian kid has some cousin in a harcore Asian gang or something and decides to go looking for revenge.
  15. Haha, slowest car ever. For shits and giggles, I raced a stock Trailblazer TBSS in my C230. Buslengths doesn't even to describe the massacre that ensued.
  16. Nerd Alert: Lord of the Rings, Gandalf: "You shall not pass."
  17. Fight Club, Tyler Durden giving out rules:
  18. Iron Man, Jericho missle demonstration:
  19. I think you made the right choice with the Z06. The GS has things that just don't set well with me. Like those shark gill things. And the wheels bother me to no end. Staying with the nautical theme, they look like crab claws. Or, perhaps worse, they look like little T-Rex arms. Of course, this is the equivalent of me bitching about Adrianna Lima having a pimple, but you get what I'm saying. For me, the Z06 was the clear choice.
  20. As far as intense opening scenes go, I think this one ranks near the top. It's from Saving Private Ryan. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPA6kRuhKks
  21. I've never seen Snatch. People have been telling me for years that I need to see it. Watching that vid definitely makes me want to see it. Brad Pitt is nearly incomprehensible - how did he not win an Oscar for that?
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