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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Dr. Pomade

    CCW Class

    I completed my CCW class through Aim Hi in New Albany. Relatively, it seems a bit pricer. I did the weekend class. Looks like they even offer a one-day class option. You don't need to bring your own firearm to the class - they have everything there that you need. Here's the link in case you're interested: http://nasr.hostasaurus.com/TRAIN/CCW.html
  2. I don't normally take people for granted, but when I do, it's usually people on CR that I take for granted.
  3. Post pics of your Supra or it didn't happen.
  5. Just looked it up - they played Florida State in Orange Bowl and won 26 - 23 in 3 OT.
  6. Other suitable names for this thread: 9/11 Was an Inside Job The Second Gunman on the Grassy Knoll M&M's Cause Autism Casey Anthony Was Framed OJ Didn't Do It Area 51
  7. Penn State went to a BCS game that year, didn't they? I'm trying to remember if they did and who they played (and how they did).
  8. Okay, granted, ND was probably overrated, so smoking wasn't that great of an accomplishment. However, what loss that year wasn't close? I know the Texas game was, and wasn't the score of Penn State game something like 17 - 10?
  9. You mean the same China that forbids parents to have more than one child? Sounds like genocide the long way, if you ask me. And it's also a little known fact that Jesus was Chinese. Recent analyses conducted at the California Institute of Technology (CIT) revealed that early portraits of Jesus demonstrated definitively that he had distinctive Chinese features, like his eyelids, beard, and sandals. The rise of the Anglo Saxons resulted in Jesus' image being "recreated" if you will to portray a more decidedly Caucasian version. Dr. Michael Bross at CIT even issued a press release: "The Jesus Christ that we all know is likely a sham. In all statistically probability, the true Jesus Christ looked more similar to Jackie Chan than John Stamos." Yes, the Chinese have been "vaccinating" for a very long time. And, by vaccinating, I mean butchering. I would guess it's probably revenge for having Jesus stolen from them.
  10. Why the hell would he want that angle? "And here's what my exhaust tip does when I'm diving. You see it not moving? Do you see it? Not.moving." Was he trying to get the exhaust note, I wonder?
  11. It's because you're absolutely correct: vaccines cause cancer. It's a little known fact that vaccines were created by a one Dr. Hermann Schnitzel, a Nazi geneticist with a penchant for diabolical irony. With the full financial backing of Hitler, Dr. Schnitzel genetically engineered a potion that would, on the surface, protect an individual from measels and other fairly benign diseases, but at the same time sabotage the immune system by introducing mutagens that would insidiously transform into carcinogens and, ultimately, cancer. Beautifully lethal and yet so ingeniously simple, the "vaccine" was born and Dr. Schnitzel was regarded as a Nazi hero. His prized invention found its way into American hands as WWII was coming to an end. Seeing the potential in eliminating a sizable portion of the U.S. population (and in other industrial nations) so as to stabilize growth and normalize world economies, the U.S. Department of Defense seized the opportunity to introduce these "vaccines" to the masses so that their goals, albeit nefarious, could be realized. Now, people are led to so many lambs to slaughter as they line up at the various Krogers and health clinics to get their "flu shots," oblivious to the reality that they are simply an ends to a means. Excellent detective work, ksysmikssiudykkjsiwk. A tip of my cap to you, my astute friend.
  12. Ashley and I are contemplating going to the Wisconsin game this year as well. And I'm with you guys - I would have put our 2005 (2006, really) Fiesta Bowl team (that annhilated Notre Dame) up against anybody. By that point, we were playing as good as anyone in the nation. Not saying that we would have beaten Texas or USC in that Rose Bowl (as both those teams played great), but it's game I would have liked to have seen for sure.
  13. You kind of have a point: ND still hasn't recovered from Bob Davie (and it probably wasn't his fault at all).
  14. Your seats were waaaaay better than ours. We were fucking stuck up under C deck with an obstructed view (those old cement columns). However, it was the only night game I have been to at Ohio State, and the atmosphere was absolutely electric. Only better atmosphere I've been in was at the 2006 National Championship game - which was awesome right up until the point after Ginn scored on the opening kickoff *shudder*
  15. No, Tressell probably wouldn't have started Braxton, but Tressell was stupid about those things too. Recall here Boeckman over Pryor and Zwick over Smith. I was just as critical of Tressell about those things as I have been of Fickell. Again, not unrealistic, IMO. I'll go on the record and say I don't mind if Braxton loses a game due to "freshman mistakes." I'd rather us lose with Braxton learning versus lose with Bauserman flailing around like some lame fucking duck. Yes, I remember Pryor's fumble against Penn State. I was at that game. And I can say with a very clear conscience that I never criticized him for that. He was just trying to do something extra when he didn't need to (and had he not lost the ball he likely would have scored a TD on that play, BTW). I will be just as supportive of Braxton if something similar happens with him. Also, I completely disagree with you by saying they did the right thing by "easing" Braxton into the job. They didn't ease him into anything. He didn't even play the second game and then got thrown into some weird, stupid QB rotation at Miami down two scores. So, no, that was a fuck up on Fickell's part. Christ, Todd Blackledge did a better job coaching from the TV booth during the Miami game. No, Fickell is not who I can support at this time for this job. So, is Meyer any better? I don't know. But could he be any worse?
  16. Agree and agree, I guess. Though, if I concede that a few losses this year are an inevitability, then I suppose I'll be most interesting in seeing how we lose. Losing a few close games is okay; get smoked repeatedly is just unacceptable.
  17. I'm down on Fickell and I don't think I have unrealistic expectations. What, me thinking he should have played Miller over Bauserman is unrealistic? I actually think that's not only realistic but prudent, and the product on the field supports that. We reach a BCS game and I might get on the Fickell bus. Don't think that's going to happen, though. Imagine how loud the chorus will be for Fickell's head if we get smoked a few more times this season.
  18. Hmm, Rich Rod at UCLA versus Lane Kiffin at USC.
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