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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. It looks like it flies. No, like it looks like it really flies, like does fly-byes and aerial attacks and time warps and shit. I'd drive/fly it around for sure.
  2. Equus me, but do you think we could come up with a less retarded name for a car? P.S. Yes, I'd drive that car. The interior looks nice, and the exterior isn't bad at all. Hyundai has come a long way since the Scoop.
  3. "That's actually pretty irresponsible, Rusty." Haha.
  4. I always have to wait in line, never get VIP, and sometimes have to pay double for drinks. I'm doing it wrong???
  5. Team Z06 was once a mighty and proud clan. Perhaps it will be once again? *cue dramatic music*
  6. I usually go to Mynt everytime I'm downtown. Why did you ask? I was at Sugar about two weeks ago. It's went way downhill from what it used to be, IMO. Now it's like Sugar is trying to be this industrial-warehouse-rave-type place. Cool and all, I guess, it's just that there's only so much of that fake smog-smoke shit I can take, you know?
  7. Dr. Pomade

    Chris Brown

    How does that have anything to do with your replies being so ungodly long that it makes baby jesus kick puppies?
  8. He was probably chasing the backwards-driving semi that was recently caught on tape.
  9. Wait, if a vote for Stillman equals a vote for big-titty blondes, I need to change my vote. I didn't realize my vote could be bought, and I'm hoping to sell it to the highest bidder.
  10. LOL @ the whole concept of this thread. Can we have more threads like this? Seriously, so much potential here... P.S. I'm voting for Ben as the iman just because it actually made me chuckle when I read it.
  11. Agreed with Austin - I heart the FRC look. Another drawback on this car, for me, is that it's not a Z06, yet it's being made out to look like one. I don't like that approach - either it's a Z06 or it's not, you know? And, quite frankly, I don't care that it's not a Z06; I just care that it kind of looks like someone wants people to think it's a Z06 when it's not. I know, this is kind of like splitting hairs, but when I'm seriously considering buying something, then I seriously consider all the little things. Also, I think I'm about done with the black-on-black-on-black-on-black-on-black look. Yes, still looks good, but, aesthetically, I feel like I want to go in a different direction. P.S. Anthony, I hear you, but, at the same time, if I buy a car with the intention of spraying it, then I'm going to spray the fuck out of it, even if it's right out of the guy's driveway. "Okay, well, good doing business with you, here are the keys to your new Vette, have fun with it." PSSSSSSSSH...PSSSSH "Umm, did you just purge the line?" *nitrous switch engaged* "Uh, okay, well, to get back on the freeway, you'll turn left out of here and..." *WOT*
  12. LOL, that was pure and utter entertainment. SALAD!
  13. LOL, no lie, I've contemplated calling the guy. I think it's a great price, but, honestly, that it's been so openly sprayed is what concerns me. I know what happens to Vettes on too much juice, you know? I'm afraid the car would fucking implode on me right in the middle of the desert on the drive home.
  14. IMO, he doesn't need to change the wheels - the ones he has are baller. Going wingless would look great, I think.
  15. Dr. Pomade

    I Miss You

    Was the guy you saw exuding awesomeness and fury? If so, then that was me. If not, then it was just some random chachi.
  16. Dr. Pomade

    I Miss You

    LOL, Hal is about the most polarizing figure on this board - people either heart him or loathe him. No in-between, apparently. I'd be willing to wager at least a small amount that the vast majority that fall in the latter category have never actually met him.
  17. Yeah, there you go. Has Andy ever detailed anything for you before? He's a fucking ninja.
  18. Dr. Pomade

    I Miss You

    Wow, that's it? I guess I thought it would be more. Okay, well, sorry for the thread-jack.
  19. Dr. Pomade

    I Miss You

    Oh, okay, thanks. While we're on the topic of stuff I don't know, can you explain to me the scoring system for reputation points? How much does a +rep or a -rep count, for instance?
  20. Dr. Pomade

    I Miss You

    This is fucking awesome.
  21. Dr. Pomade

    I Miss You

    Sorry, I realize this is off-topic, but I've seen the infraction counters and wondered what exactly an infraction is, how people get them, and what does an infraction mean? Pleez halp me understand. Kthanksalot
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