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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Damn, fucking ballin' - congratulations, dude.
  2. And I'm up the food chain from your little bitch ass, any way you want to fucking cut it. What, you want to compare paychecks? W2's? You'd better be deeeeep into six figures, Dr. Glorified Massage. Wait, how about degrees, GPA, or years of education? Yeah, I figured I've got you covered there. I've got two degrees and graduated at the top of my doctoral class with a GPA that'd bitch slap a stegosaurus. Okay, how about we compare IQ scores then? I can have MENSA fax you my shit -- yeah, that organization where you have to have a genius fucking IQ to get in. Or maybe we can just post up our pics and see who doesn't look like some chromosomally-challenged troglodyte? Lead, it what's in your fucking drinking water. You're an elitist prick and a bully - just the type of person I like to humiliate. You want to act like you can look down on people just because of what you do for a living or how much you make? This is why I enjoy making you look fucking retarded.
  3. White, I can respect this thread, and kudos for where your heart/head is at. However, are you fucking drunk and on E? Christ, I feel like I'm at some rave at an industrial warehouse and I'm cornered by some guy in the bathroom trying to tell me how great of friends we are and how the universe is just this really small place and how we're all just sexual creatures.
  4. Why is it so hard for you to comprehend that (1) some people on this site may actually think you're stupid for some of the shit you post and (2) that simply because someone happens to agree with something I say doesn't make them a "nutswinger?" It's like you're amazed that not everyone shares your dislike of me. Fucking quit being stupid already. Look, dude, your asshurt over me fucking slapping you around in a thread or two and now you want to take your shots at me in The Kitchen. Cool, I can dig it - it comes with the territory. But where I think you really fail is that you're the last to get the fucking joke - everyone here already knows that I don't take myself too seriously, so you trying to act as though I do, while at the same time slandering my career and my attempts to improve my livelihood, is probably not the best way to get a laugh at my expense.
  5. Oh, I thought the owner might be someone else, based on the conversation we had a day or so ago.
  6. I fucking hate you. :) Seriously, that's very impressive. So, who's car is it???
  7. Yeah, I created that profile several months ago when I responded to a casting call for a reality TV show called LA Shrink. The show was supposed to be about several good looking females and their interactions with a psychologist - I was encouraged to submit my resume and be cast as the psychologist. Haven't heard back from them, so I don't know if I didn't get the part or the show didn't get made or what. Also, there was no "voting" for me - rather, the psychologist was to be simply picked by the producers or whoever's in charge. Okay, so, Dr. Obsessed, let me get this straight - you're going out of your way to flame me for trying to get a job where I'd be on television, work with smoking hot chicks, make a boat load of fucking money, and potentially enhance my career expotentially? I can understand that you're miffed because I made you look fucking retarded in the "School Shootings" thread, but, really, doing this probably says more about you than it says about me.
  8. LOL - yup. Hal, yeah, that was mine.
  9. I came across this video, which is from a few years ago, and figured I would share. You should recognize several cars/people in the video. http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh186/tilley614/th_MCIR_10604_burnouts.jpg
  10. This is true, and imagine how upset all the students would be if they couldn't take some of their favorite courses that I offer, such as: 1. How to Wear Enough Hair Product to Frighten Homophobic Men 2. Mental Illness: It's All Completely Made Up, But Don't Tell Anyone 3. Psychology: An Awesome Way to Get Chicks 4. Dr. Rick and Stupidity: They're Positively Correlated! 5. Psychiatric Medications: Take Them and Die
  11. You make retarded people appear gifted. Your DNA must be littered with fucking abnormalities. http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh186/tilley614/V8KILR.jpg
  12. LOL - I was wondering when you'd come across your pic.
  13. LOL, so now you know what I do for a living? I think there's a positive correlation between you posting and shit that doesn't make any fucking sense appearing on the Internet. This is where one of Kevin R's graphs would come in handy. Maybe you should stick to talking about guns or god or liberals or something. You're just floating farther and farther out into deeper water on this topic, Dr. Propoganda.
  14. Quit trying to make up excuses for poor journalism. The author misleading the reader with respect to the Columbine shootings - and, the author is, in fact, misleading with respect to how it's written and what is implied - isn't the only thing botched in the article. Listen, there are plenty of problems with pharmaceutical drugs of all kinds, both psychotropic and otherwise. However, quoting this retard as a source of support for such a stance is absurd.
  15. For those of you who are actually interested in being educated, I wanted to point out just one of the major flaws in the article - and a good reason why you shouldn't put much stock into what's being written. The author says, "This was exactly how the Columbine school shooters described their experience of carrying out the infamous shootings in Colorado." However, you might recall this fairly important fact: the Columbine shooters both committed suicide just after the shootings. Thus, we have no idea what the Columbine shooters were thinking or how they felt about their experiences because they blew their fucking faces off before we ever got a chance to ask them. Of course, the jackass author doesn't want you to know that and is banking on the fact that either you didn't know that or just forgot that it.
  16. Correlation is one of those fancy words that some people like to throw around when they're trying to seem impressive or smart. I wonder if those people are aware that one of the fundamental tenets in statistics is that CORRELATION DOES NOT IMPLY CAUSATION. That means that just because two things are correlated doesn't mean that one thing causes the other. Of course, if you're some whackjob with a modem and a keyboard, you don't much care about facts or being logical or adhering to science or any shit like that and instead are hellbent on delivering some skewed message that is really nothing more than nonsensical propoganda disguised as "facts."
  17. Meet you at Bob McDorman's at 3:00pm today?
  18. Uh, someone is taking the Batman thing a little too far. I can just see this guy flipping out on his wife when she comes out to the garage to tell him dinner's ready: "WHAT THE FUCK, CAROL?!? I TOLD YOU TO USE THE INTERCOM AND TO ASK FOR MASTER WAYNE WHEN YOU BUZZ ME!1!1!! FUCK, WHERE'S MY KEVLAR FLOORMATS?!?"
  19. That article is so full of wrong that it's difficult to pick a starting point on where to tear it apart. Ironically, it appears that the author is in dire need of psychiatric medication.
  20. This could be the greatest thread of the new millenium, and it's only 2009.
  21. I think whoever captioned that pic was gay and retarded. Who cares what she's doing when she has tits like those, and who in the hell spells "you're" with two fucking R's?
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