Okay, I can kind of see where you're coming from, I just disagree a bit on some things.
My understanding is that different types of proteins have different absorption/digestion rates. For instance, whey protein is absorbed and digested relatively quickly, and certainly much more quickly than, say, casein protein, which has a much slower absorption/digestion rate. (This is why you eat foods high in casien protein - like cottage cheese - before you go to bed because you want the protein broken down/released over a longer period of time - that is, while you sleep - to help "fuel" your muscles for a longer duration of time.) Also, the amount of protein I use in my pre-workout shake (see previous post) doesn't amount to a "full stomach." Rather, it constitutes, consistent with what I understand to be prevailing fitness/muscle building standards, the proper amount of necessary ingredients (protein + carbohydrates) to maximize the building of lean muscle mass.
BTW, I'm not trying to get on some pedastal and preach about bodybuilding stuff. I hate people who do that (and we all know those meat-heads in the gym that are like that), so I'm definitely not trying to sound elitist. Just telling you what I know and have learned, and I'll be the first to admit that I don't know everything (and hence my curiosity in wanting to know your opinions).