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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Hustling and shit talking and all that stuff is kind of a love it or hate it thing, I think. Personally, I love it, though I share some the same sentiments that have been expressed in this thread so far: it's much more entertaining - and tolerable - when the hustling doesn't involve some moron screaming and jumping around. Sonny and Davis, IMO, are a spectacle to behold -- it is absolutely great to watch them in action. They, to me, embody what the "hustling" aspect of street racing should look like. If you haven't seen them at work, then you really owe it to yourself to do so.
  2. I can't believe you would ask me something like that in front of all these people. We're through. You can come pick up your stuff from my apartment later. Leave your key.
  3. That car fucking moves out. I'm with Gearhead though - as I'm watching it, I'm like, "Okay, this guy's has to have $100K in this car, and yet the fucking tail light is out???"
  4. asoldiyhuawsd'yhqwdfhica;klasda lkakhsd;ahd asldhadinxc asdi8qr6p98ydgi db adaoi9 ;l aud h8uan Seriously, that's what your post looks like. Failure is too kind a word for what just happened here.
  5. Does anyone else think the girl on the couch looks creepy in a syndromal sort of way?
  6. LOL - yeah, I used to live in Lexington, and, oddly enough, I used to yell the same thing every time I drove by it as well. Story I got was that they wanted it to say "Florence Mall" but some city ordinance wouldn't allow the mall to advertise itself on the water tower or something, so they changed it to "YA'LL." Whatever, it's completely fucking stupid and makes me laugh every time I think about it.
  7. I've been in the Pics and Vids section reading the thread I already made about this. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=62801
  8. OMFGIHATEYOUSTILL! Haha! Seriously, still hate you for that, though.
  9. ...you should have already have seen on the Internets. http://www.youshouldhaveseenthis.com/ Of course, if this is a repost, then there's 99 + 1 more thing that I should have seen on the Internet.
  10. Some thoughts: - The pics are great, especially the rolling shots and the burnout shots. - I really don't like the stripes, but, for some reason, I don't hate them on your car as much as I have on others. To say that they don't look good would be, at best, me nitpicking unnecessarily. At worst, I'm just wrong. - I have an urge to go out and buy a Z06 today. Like right after work. Looking at your pics reminds me how much I miss my old car.
  11. You have earned my respect and some e-applause.
  12. I'm tempted to buy them just so I can say I own a Snuggie.
  13. Just how fucking low is your IQ? Using your same retarded logic, I could say, "Well, I have just as much right to get stupid drunk and drive through your neighborhood as you have the right not to drink." See how that doesn't make any sense? Of course you don't, because you're too busy being dumb. Now go exercise your right to kill yourself.
  14. I used to smoke for several years. I don't smoke anymore. Therefore, I have experience in both being a smoker as well as a non-smoker. I think that qualifies me as much as anyone else to assert the following opinions: - Smoke smells fucking terrible, and it makes you stink. If you smoke, you probably don't notice how much you smell like shit because your olfactory bulbs are smothered in soot. Believe me, you fucking reek. This is a great reason why you shouldn't be allowed to smoke anywhere inside - because you stink. Go be stinky somewhere else, Sergeant Stinks. - You don't need to fucking smoke inside, anywhere. No, don't even fucking try to say you do. There's not a worthwhile fucking argument amongst all of your stupid non-arguments as to why you need to light up inside some restaurant or arena or stadium or club. If you're unfortunate to be addicted to nicotine and must smoke, then walk your addicted ass outside somewhere and have at it. - If you are are bar that allows people to smoke in it (e.g., Zeno's in Victorian Village), and you go to that bar, you've automatically lost any right to bitch about smoking or smelling like smoke. Seriously, it's going to smell like smoke because people fucking smoke there. So, no, whiner, you can't complain about smelling like smoke after you went to a bar where people smoke. Why? Because you're a whiny idiot. - If you smoke and you throw cigarettes out the window, then you should be ticketed for stupidity and laziness. Yes, two tickets - one for being stupid enough to break the law (i.e., litter) and another ticket for being fucking lazy. Yeah, I know, you don't want to put your cigarette out in your car because it gets ashes everywhere and smells foul. Too bad, you lazy fuck - quit smoking if you don't want to have to worry about putting cigarettes out in your car. Guess what I don't have to worry about? Discarding needles once I'm done shooting up heroin. Why? Because I don't do fucking heroin. - If you smoke while you eat, then you are beyond fucking hope. There is no excuse for such a ridiculous display of grossness. If you read this and this describes you, then the rest of us are hoping you somehow die before reading the rest of this and save us the utter disgust that accompanies each and every sickening display of your inability to stop smoking long enough to stuff your mouth with gravy-covered meatloaf.
  15. +1 on the pics, especially the mirror shot one. That car looks fucking great.
  16. Yeah, maybe -- I ate at the one in Bexley, and it just seemed to be saturated in oil. I'm cool with a little bit of oil and all, but they seemed to go overboard.
  17. Not sure what you're laughing about -- I could have a Lamborghini this afternoon if I wanted, dude.
  18. Oh, okay, now I follow - thanks.
  19. I had Penn Station a few weeks ago. I think I had the oil with a side of oil sub - it was the exact opposite of delicious.
  20. Saying that about the steering wheel is the vehicular equivalent of bitching about Megan Fox's thumbs.
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