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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Okay, a Ford-150 just careened off the road and crashed into the rental office at my apartment complex. Truck stalled for a second, then he got it started and drove away with the right front tire hanging completely off (and sparks flying everywhere). I just got off the phone with 9-1-1, and now I'm hearing the police helicopter flying overhead. Guy had to been completely drunk. He was at an angle where I couldn't get his license plate number though. Guy is going to kill someone.
  2. I firmly believe that the replays will show that the receiver fumbled the ball out of bounds and, therefore, Tressel was absolutely right to challenge the spot.
  3. Ha, true. I was so nervous/amped on our last drive and Texas' last drive. It was a great feeling...right up until Texas scored.
  4. Beanie just said he had a concussion and that's why he didn't play the second half.
  5. Couldn't compete??? What the fuck? This is why I think I'm going to avoid ESPN as much as possible for a while. Those fuckers are just bad for my blood pressure.
  6. Yeah, I see your points - they're valid ones.
  7. What are they saying on ESPN?
  8. LJ, I take it back a bit: the defense on the last play was absolutely baffling. Not sure why we didn't have someone deep to keep them out of the endzone.
  9. Then we'll just have to agree to disagree, because I thought the defense couldn't have played much better or the defensive schemes to have been dramatically improved. Remember, this was a Texas team that was scoring, what, 44 points a game? And Ohio State held them to 24. Considering the high-powered offense that Texas has, I would think a whole lot of people would say, just based on the score alone, Ohio State's defense played well.
  10. If they weren't aggressive, then we'd be sitting here saying, "Wow, we just sat back and allowed Colt McCoy to pick us apart!!1!1!"
  11. Great game. Unfortunately, the team I wanted to win didn't. Some thoughts: - Beanie Wells is hurt. It looks like he grabbed for his hamstring after one of his longer runs toward the end of the first half. That he only ran like three times in the second half makes me thing he pulled something. I'm not surprised - he's about the least durable back I've ever seen. -Terrell Pryor threw like shit. It looked like he was trying to "push" the ball every time he threw it. Also, he made several bad decisions tonight. When he almost had it picked off near the end zone, he could have easily ran for 15 yards (and, perhaps, a TD). -Ohio State's defense played exceptionally well beyond just a few instances. They stayed very aggressive, and I liked to see that. -The pass from Boeckman to Pryor was phenomenal. Absolutely one of the best plays of this whole season. -The refs blew the call on the fourth down spot on Texas' last drive. IMO, the receiver actually fumbled the ball out of bounds, but they didn't see it/call it, so they spotted the ball where he had initially reached out (before the fumble). Had it been called correctly, it was a fumble, Texas fails to convert on fourth down, and Ohio State wins. -I'm absolutely not ashamed to be an Ohio State fan. This was a great game that came down to the last second. Ohio State can hold their head high. They just happened to be the lesser of two good teams tonight.
  12. My #10 jersey got left in a trash can outside of the University of Phoenix stadium after a certain game I had the misfortune of watching there about two years ago.
  13. I want Ohio State to win that badly that, yes, there is definitely potential of that actually happening. Seriously, I am completely unrealistic and retarded when it comes to Ohio State football. I realize it's immature and silly and a little sick of me, but I know this. I embrace that part of me.
  14. LOL - I'm currently in the process of debating my own choice of clothing for tonight. Similarly, as soon as I posted my dream prediction of tonight's outcome, I said to myself, "Great, you just fucking jinxed Ohio State, you jerk." Of course, because the things I talk about on CR affect the outcome of the universe - that makes complete sense. I guess my nerves are just making me feel superstitious. This, of course, is an excellent reason to start drinking heavily.
  15. Starting to get amped/nervous. There's a part of me that is simply excited to see Ohio State play one more game, in the same way I was at the end of the 2005 season when we played Notre Dame in the Fiesta Bowl. That team was just so full of potential that I just enjoyed watching the athletes make plays. There's another part of me that's wincing at the possibility of Ohio State playing predictably/terribly and laying another goose egg on a national stage. Something feels different about this one, though. Maybe that's just me being unrealistically optimistic. *shrug* In my dream world, Ohio State's defense bewilders a Texas team that isn't prepared for our pass rush, rush defense, and ability to play shut-down man-to-man coverage. Still in that dream world, Ohio State picks tonight to have the best offensive game of the year, Beanie runs for 175 yards, which allows Pryor to essentially run or throw at will. Ohio State racks up 500 yards of offense and holds Texas well under their average. Dream world: Ohio State 42, Texas 17. I then go fucking beserk, buy dinner for everyone in this thread, and spend the next three months talking shit to anyone and everyone that disputes Ohio State's superiority.
  16. Dr. Pomade

    Yo Dawg

  17. This seems like the opposite of a great way to die. 1514: György Dózsa, székely man-at-arms and peasants' revolt leader in Hungary, was condemned to sit on a red-hot iron throne with a red-hot iron crown on his head and a red-hot sceptre in his hand (mocking at his ambition to be king), by Hungarian landed nobility in Transylvania. While Dózsa was still alive, he was set upon and his partially roasted body was eaten by six of his fellow rebels, who had been starved for a week beforehand.
  18. Yeah, I remember that - it's now the reason why the NHL has nets that extend above the top of the plexiglass behind the goalkeepers (so as to prevent errant shots like that from careening into the crowd).
  19. True2Form did some work on the Montero a couple of years ago and it turned out fine - I had no complaints.
  20. I used to listen to Lunatic Fringe before every wrestling match: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xp9852hq0W0 I'm fairly sure the song was in a movie about wrestling (Vision Quest), which is where I probably got it from. Also, I've always liked to drive when listening to any of the following: - Kickstart My Heart by Motley Crue: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTXbx0zyt_Q - Thunderstruck by AC/DC (or really anything by AC/DC): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvoeeq-BH4w - Sandstorm by Darude (or any good techno/house music, really):
  21. Toast is pretty serious business, after all.
  22. Haha! My fav! Honey, you always know how to make me feel special.
  23. Hearting those rabbit ears, old skool style.
  24. http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh186/tilley614/schnauzieinternet2.jpg
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