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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Dr. Pomade

    Sugar Bowl

    Utah just got shafted on another call by the refs. Utah cornerback had perfect fucking coverage on the receiver, made a great play on the ball, and got called for pass interference.
  2. Dr. Pomade

    Sugar Bowl

    Utah just scored, back to 28 to 11. Great response by Utah to drive down and score right after Alabama scored. And that Brown (#88) for Utah is about a fucking beast - that guy seems nearly impossible to tackle.
  3. Dr. Pomade

    Sugar Bowl

    Loved seeing Alabama get dominated by Utah in the first half. What was up with that bullshit call against Utah for the false start on the 4th and 1? Looks like they were legit in their shift, but the refs called it a false start anyway. Announcers said something about the shift being too "abrupt," which sounds like bullshit. Don't have my rulebook in front of me though. Anyway, thought Utah got the shaft there.
  4. This third attempt at an introduction has warranted you three Beagle McBoozies and Friends. Congratulations in achieving this near impossible feat of failure. http://www.noahs-ark-sanctuary.org/images/halloween%20doggies.JPG http://www.noahs-ark-sanctuary.org/images/halloween%20doggies.JPG http://www.noahs-ark-sanctuary.org/images/halloween%20doggies.JPG
  5. Okay, I agree with you to an extent, though I still think the head coach is at least partially responsible for some of those things you mentioned and, in general, is where the proverbial "buck" stops. Also, stop saying calm down like I'm upset with you. I could care less that you hate Ohio State. I was only correcting you for saying stupid things, like implying that Ohio State doesn't win big games. It's fine to have an opinion, but when you say shit that doesn't make sense, then you'll get called on it. It's as simple as that, dude.
  6. First, no one cares who you hate. Seriously, no one does. Second, stop being stupid. Ohio State has won plenty of big games, just not three recent ones. Also, the head coach is most definitely at fault for losing big games. In fact, the head coach may be THE reason for losing big games. Have you ever heard the name John Cooper?
  7. I think Vegas currently has the line on that set at 4-to-1.
  8. This is me sprinkling little less sign three's all over this post for Kenny. Chris, great points - you and I are very much on the same page. I'm hoping that Texas has bought into all this hype about how they'll annhilate OSU and we can catch them sleepwalking (ala Ohio State vs. Florida in 2006).
  9. Hopefully, global warming and anti-Al Gore killed winter for good. Killed it to death, with any luck, I say.
  10. I know, I went there, invoking the name and powers of the baby football jesus. It just happened, and I can't take it back.
  11. I guess it's just as fashionable now to hate on Ohio State as much as it's fashionable to lavish adoration on USC. This is me rolling my eyes. Listen, Ohio State is to blame for at least some of this. They got fucking hammered by Florida - when they should have won - and then haven't shown up in two other very high profile games. The sports media/nation has a short memory - they forget how dominant Ohio State was in BCS/big games before the past 36 months. However, fact is, had Ohio State won those games, then there definitely wouldn't be all this hating going on. All that being said, the die-hard, irrational Ohio State fan in me wants us to hand Texas their ass so that I can go on and on and fucking on to anyone that will listen about how Ohio State just fucking rolled the team that a lot of people said should have been playing for the national championship. Then, in my little dream world, Ohio State goes on to fucking hammer USC next year and I continue with my onslaught of taunting and boasting and bragging about how Ohio State has changed things and is now the juggernaut of the college football land. Please, oh please, baby football Jesus, use your magic powers to make this happen.
  12. Thanks, but you still didn't rectify how a "greatest ever" USC team actually lost to Oregon State. Fact is, you can't rectify it because - if USC was as great as they're being made out to be - they never should have lost to that team. End that simple little story. Now, is USC a really good team that is ultra-dangerous and playing just as good as anybody right now? Absolutely, at least I certainly think so. I'd even go so far to say that, if we had a playoff in FBS, then USC would likely have won about six national championships just this decade. Of course, we'll never know and, in the end, we're left with a bunch of silly debating. I'll gladly agree to disagree, BTW. After all, I only ventured in here to rant (whine? ) a bit, not to be rational or make solid points or do anything constructive like that.
  13. I respectfully disagree. Bowls in "other" locations (e.g., Detroit, Boise) work reasonably well even when home teams aren't involved. There's no reason to suspect that a bowl wouldn't do equally as well here. A pipe dream, I know. But I'd like to see how a team like Florida or USC (warm weather teams) would fare having to adjust to a cold weather climate.
  14. USC lost to Oregon State. That ends any argument of being "the best ever" at anything, except perhaps choking away easy games.
  15. +1 Yeah, we'll come up your way and you can show us around up there.
  16. When I was a kid, I wanted my job as an adult to be a guy that hunted and killed poachers.
  17. I couldn't agree more, and I'm going to rant a bit. It's more than a little fucked up that USC gets to play what seems like 4,396 home games a season, including their bowl game, which is 11 fucking miles from their actual "home" stadium. In contrast, Penn State had to travel about 2600 miles - don't try to tell me that doesn't end up counting for something. USC is a great team, and they have played excellent football for about the past eight or nine years now. They've shown up and played really well in all of their big games, and they have earned all of the respect they've garnered. But, for fuck's sake, there's only so much I can stand to listen to the entire broadcasting world annoint them the second fucking coming of Christ. What is it, some attempt by the media to squeeze as much ratings as they can from the L.A. market by continually lauding praise on USC, hoping then that L.A. continues to tune in to listen to how great USC is? I had to turn the television off - even Herbstreit was getting fucking annoying going on and on about them.
  18. Especially if they are doing it from a 40 roll. That SRT4 is going to get smoked.
  19. Negative ghost rider, the pattern is full.
  20. Haha! "Throw it at the wall...it doesn't even stick."
  21. Seriously, AHHHHHHHHHHH what the hell is happening? I'm making myself laugh.
  22. WTF - my screen is going nuts. My sig picture is in like four different areas, shit is all mashed on top of each other. I think I just caused a rift in the time-space continuum.
  23. Whoa, I'm member #2240, which, coincidentally, is how much weight, in pounds, I bench press. So, how are the member numbers determined?
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