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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. I'm so glad to see our justice system cracking down on these heinous crimes. Society will be much better off with these two - who are clearly psychopaths - put behind bars for good. I'll definitely sleep better knowing these two are off the streets.
  2. I don't have to re-read; I have enough functioning neurons to have read it correctly the first time. Since you're apparently a special needs type of guy, I'll try to make this as simple as possible. Here's what was posted: See what I bolded? Oh, yeah, it's some language that clearly conveys he's talking about someone else, someone who isn't Andy Katzenmoyer. A fourth grader wouldn't need this much fucking help figuring this out. So, now the score reads reading comprehension = 2, you = 0. Congratulations, you've now managed to draw attention to the fact you're retarded. Quick, someone give this guy the contact info for the Derek Zoolander Center for Kids Who Can't Read Good and Who Wanna Learn to Do Other Stuff Good Too.
  3. Florida v. USC would have been a very intriguing game. Also, the way Utah played, they could have given ANY team in the top 10 a very good game. Yes, even USC and Florida. Keep in mind that Utah dominated an Alabama team that was competitive with a Florida team (which was playing very well). Also, I realize all of this is stupid conjecture. Thank you, current BCS system, for giving me ample opportunity to hypothesize endlessly about possible matchups.
  4. Reading comprehension just kicked you in the face.
  5. Just located the USA Today Poll; it's the other major poll opposite the AP Poll. Needless to say, it's a little different than the AP Poll. Here are the standings, 1 through 11: 1. Florida (60) 13-1 1,524 2 2. Southern Cal 12-1 1,393 4 3. Texas 12-1 1,389 3 4. Utah (1) 13-0 1,375 7 5. Oklahoma 12-2 1,333 1 6. Alabama 12-2 1,157 4 7. TCU 11-2 1,114 11 8. Penn State 11-2 1,091 6 9. Oregon 10-3 1,011 13 10. Georgia 10-3 904 17 11. Ohio State 10-3 874 10 Notice how different 2 through 4 are in the USC, I mean USA Today poll? And, okay, I know I'm an Ohio State fan boy, but how in the fuck are you going to move Georgia up 7 fucking spots - yes, SEVEN - with a win over Michigan State? LOL - seriously, what the fuck? I can see Oregon being in front of Ohio State and Penn State remaining in front of Ohio State (though I think Ohio State is actually playing better than both of those teams right now), but moving Georgia up seven spots is ridiculous. I mean, Georgia would normally have to beat the fucking Steelers to move up seven spots in a poll.
  6. AP poll is out, some highlights from it: Florida is #1 - so no split national championship this year; Utah is #2 - which I find great delight in, and can't really dispute; USC is #3 - which is also legit, but makes me laugh that they are behind Utah; Texas is #4 - which means, if I am not mistaken, they actually won then dropped a spot; Ohio State is #9 - behind Penn State (#8) and ahead of Oregon (#10), which means, if I am not mistaken, that Ohio State actually improved a spot with a loss. Perhaps this is a sign of good things to come. I hated to see Florida win. I hate their cockiness, I hate their fucking fans, and, perhaps most of all, I hate how fucking good they are. Some of my hate is undoubtedly masked envy, but, well, fuck it, it's still mostly hate. I predicted Florida would roll Oklahoma. They didn't, so I was wrong there. Oklahoma actually played well, though, like Ohio State, they squandered some scoring opportunities. I don't think Oklahoma has anything to be ashamed of. I agree, the game was a little boring. It seems like the refs were stopping the game for some reason every other play. Run for five yards out of bounds at the 45 yard line, ref announces, "The previous play is under review." WTF?
  7. Drink: Level vodka and cranberry, Coke, or Redbull. Beer: Just about any; lately it's been Newcastle or Bass. Shot: Whatever, it's a fucking shot. Just drink it.
  8. It's a no-brainer for Beanie to enter the draft. Of course, selfishly, I want all the Ohio State underclassmen who leave early to stay, but I cannot dispute their choice. They're no-brainers. I really like Boom Herron. He seems faster than Beanie, and I think he'll contribute greatly (i.e., I don't really think our offense will be hurting withouot Wells). Also, like it's already been mentioned, we have Berry coming in next year - he's the number one rated RB in America. People are already getting giddy over the prospect of him and Pryor being in the same backfield.
  9. Early nomination for Worst Introduction Post of 2009.
  10. There are usually two aspects of substance dependency that must be adequately addressed if you're going to be successfully in quitting: the physiological aspects and the psychological aspects of the addiction. Most of the posters thus far have given you advice that address the psychological aspects of the addiction. While those are helpful and may be enough to help someone quit smoking who isn't highly addicted physiologically to nicotine, they'll ultimately be insufficient for those who are. You, my friend, seem to be thoroughly addicted physiologically, considering your withdrawal symptomatology (e.g., feeling physically ill after only a few days without cigarettes). So, I'd imagine it's going to take more than lollipops and chewing gum to help you kick the habit. When I quit smoking, I used buproprion. That drug is marketed under the name Wellbutrin as an antidepressant and Zyban as the anti-smoking drug. It's the same drug, though - buproprion - in both, just different trade names (so that the drug companies can maximize profits). Anyway, it worked wonders for me. You take the drug and continue smoking as though nothing has changed. About five days in, cigarettes started tasting nasty. You know that last cigarette you smoke at 4am after you've smoked like a pack-and-a-half, the one that tastes terrible? That's what all the cigarettes started to taste like, even the cigarettes that usually taste really good (e.g., the first one in the morning, the one right after a meal, the one right after sex). About seven days in, I started forgetting that I needed to smoke. You know how your body starts geeking for a cigarette about every hour? Well, for me, it was like my body forgot to remind me that I needed to stop what I was doing and go smoke, and before long I was going like two and three hours between cigarettes. About 10 days in, smoking cigarettes started to make me feel physically ill, and I just became aversive to them. I know, after about 10 solid years of smoking a pack a day, and many, many failed attempts to quit smoking, I just simply lost the physiological urge to smoke. It was heaven. I threw my cigarettes away just like that and started what amounted to a new life. (I also put on - no lie - eight pounds in the week after I quit. Nicotine is a powerful stimulant, so it ramps up our metabolism and kills our appetite. If you're concerned about putting on weight - and, OP, I know you are - then quitting smoking is one of, and perhaps THE best thing you can do.) There are plenty of people who have used buproprion and been unsuccessful, so it's not a wonder-drug for everyone. But, for me, it was just the thing I needed to break the physiological component of my addiction that was keeping me from quitting for good. At this point, I'd advise that you make an appointment with a primary care physician, let them know you want to be prescribed something to quit smoking, and discuss your options. I'm also fairly sure they've released another medication for smoking cessation, though I'm not as informed about that one as I am the buproprion. The psychological components to addiction can be powerful as well, and I'd advise you to be prepared for those as well. For me, quitting smoking was like breaking up with a girl that I had dated for a really long time. Think about it, when you smoke, cigarettes are always there for you. In the morning when you wake up, when you're stressed, when you're happy and celebrating, when you go to bed, when you're sad, when you're bored, when you're at work or on vacation - you get the picture. So, when cigarettes go away for good, it's almost like you're ending this really long, really significant relationship. Be prepared to mourn a little, and be prepared to occupy yourself with other activities. Think about it - you've just eliminated something from your life that you used to plan your life around. With it gone, you'll have a void, so you'll need to find something to fill that void. For you, I'd imagine exercise should be what you use to fill the void - get your ass in the gym and get your flex on. Okay, that's my two cents. I hope it helps. Keep in mind that not only is nicotine one of the most addictive substances physiologically (and, in fact, is - as some studies contend - as addictive physiologically as cocaine and heroin and those drugs we consider the "heavy hitters"), but studies consistently demonstrate that the person who is successful in quitting smoking usually has tried and failed to quit smoking several times before. So, statistically, you're where you need to be. Also, based on what you've said, it sounds like, psychologically, you're at a point where you're ready to quit for good. Good luck.
  11. Sorry for the semi-thread jack, but where are you going in England? I was just there this summer. Back on topic, thanks to the OP for the responses and information concerning the cruise, prices, etc. I might have missed you comment on this already, but did they have gambling available on the boat?
  12. This made me LOL as well. I'm LOL'ing a lot, right? Kbye.
  13. Some of those pictures are spectacular, particularly the one of the graveyard - that one is wicked. Thanks for sharing. Always wanted to go on a cruise, heard it's something that everyone should treat themselves to at least once.
  14. Awesome thread, quality reading. Will not only read again, but will memorize and recite to my children on every Christmas Eve.
  15. Yeah, it was just like that, minus the part where you're completely wrong.
  16. I'm with you - I despise Florida, and I'd like just about anybody (that isn't named USC or Notre Dame or Michigan) win a national title before the Gators do. So, not a fan of Florida at all, but they look devastatingly good. Oklahoma won't know what hit them. Here's to just holding on and riding out this tide of "OMG TEH SEC IS TEH MOST AWESOME OF ALL TEH FOOTBALLZ!!!1!!" and waiting for things to cycle back in the Big Ten's favor.
  17. Pryor wins a Heisman and a national title while at Ohio State. He'll progress as a passer much the same way Troy Smith did, and Tressel will develop an offensive scheme (e.g., probably a spread-type offense) around him that taps into his talents. With time, experience, and some adaptations, he'll put up good numbers and win a ton of games. I'm telling you, Pryor is Vince Young part deux, only with more potential and way ahead of schedule.
  18. Oklahoma is going to get fucking smoked. They may lose by 40 points. If they only lose by 20, it should be considered a moral victory.
  19. The refs did, IMO, make several poor calls. Of course, I've always said that if you're allowing the outcome of a game to rest with officials, then you're not playing good enough. That being said, I'll still cry foul when I think it's a bad call. No need to apologize for that. Also, I agree with you on one point - I thought the announcers were fairly even in their analysis and were saying a lot of complimentary things about Ohio State.
  20. This is what my girlfriend just typed: I've taken about 12 online classes at CSCC. What class is it, and who is your prof? If your teacher has not posted anything, then I would definitely email that instructor. It seems odd that there would be no communication at all, since today was the first day of the quarter. Most of the teachers are very organized, because that's what they do - teach online classes.
  21. Okay, thought so. Didn't think penalties like that were reviewable?
  22. Drunk Ford F-150 Update: they caught the guy in my apartment complex. Police have him in custody. His truck is minus one wheel. LOL.
  23. Oh, the ball wasn't out before he was down? What "earlier hit" are you talking about? (Honestly, I don't know what you're talking about.) Are you talking about the penalty where he got called for roughing the passer, but the replays showed that he actually hit him in the shoulder (and not the head)? I don't think penalties could be reviewed?
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