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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Look at you, talking Captain Emo off the ledge.
  2. If you wanted us to know you are related to George, then you should have said that from the get-go. Instead, you tried to turn him into some "get-out-of-a-decent-intro-free" card. Way to go, lowlife; you're reflecting so well on George's memory right now. Also, it's apparent you know how to use the quote feature about as well as you know how to use a camera. Is there a lot of lead-based paint in your garage? Just wondering.
  3. Marijuana should have been legalized a long time ago. The potential economic gains appear absurd; it's obvious that criminalizing doesn't stop people from using it (i.e., the War on Drugs has been a lost cause for a long time); it's equally obvious that decriminalizing (i.e., legalizing) it doesn't result in "automatic" abuse or misuse of the drug; and there is simply no logical reason why it should not be legalized. BTW, I'm not a smoker and never have been. However, I'm fairly well educated on many of the issues relevant to this, so my opinion is based on everything but a desire to use marijuana without fear of persecution.
  4. Fail part deux; it's still the same shitty introductory post, dude.
  5. I think I speak for all of us when I say we're sorry for the loss of your cousin. I think I also speak for a large portion of the people here when I say that one-upmanship stuff like that is lame (e.g., "Hey, I'm George's cousin - don't be mean to me!") and will get you flamed even more. Martyrdom doesn't go over well here. Look, your introduction fucking sucks and so does your ability to hold your hand still while taking a picture. Work on both, try not to whine in the process, and things will go a whole lot smoother for you.
  6. So, hypothetically, we fast forward to today, and none of those cars were ever taken off the truck, how much money are we now talking on that truck? It has to be something insane, I'd imagine. Some guy I know was talking about selling is - and it only has like 118 miles or something retarded like that - and he was talking about getting offers in the area of $80K...?
  7. Actually, it's "LITE WATE!!!!!1!!!"
  8. What are you talking about? That guy has like 21% body fat, and I'm fairly sure we like to keep our body fat right around a very lean 53%.
  9. Maybe because it's a scam? My thinking is that if some dude wants to get revenge on his ex-girlfriend, he wouldn't set up such an elaborate scheme to show everyone her pics.
  10. What kind of lame ass scam is this?
  11. Okay, just looked it up - it must have been James Spader I was thinking of. (Not sure how I ever confused him for Michael Madsen.)
  12. And, IIRC, there was a fairly decent actress or actor or two in that movie, like Holly Hunter maybe? And Michael Madsen? In any event, I remember feeling embarassed for everyone involved - for the actors for making such a horrible film and for all of us having to watch it.
  13. Haha, for real. Didn't, in one scene, they stage a car accident and dress up like Jane Mansfield or some shit like that?
  14. I can't hit the plus sign followed by a number one any more emphatically right now.
  15. LOL, wow. Just wow. And, for the record, I watched Crash - all the way through. I remember we were like, "What the hell is happening to my eyes right now?" Seriously, that movie was just absolutely retarded.
  16. Just caught the score: Notre Dame - 42, Hawai'i - 7, with a few minutes left in the third corner. Two thoughts as I watched for those 35 or so seconds: 1. Wow, how fucking bad is Hawai'i to be getting beat, at home, by Notre Dame? 2. What the fuck is all over Hawai'i's field? There's paper and debris everywhere. Christ, pick up your shit.
  17. Thanks for disclosing. You and I share many of the same sentiments about Columbus. From a metropolitan perspective, how does Columbus stack up against Cleveland? Cleveland's a lot older and has a few more major attactions (e.g., professional football, basketball, baseball and the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame), but it seems like it's been on the decline somewhat in recent decades. Though, I'd like for Columbus to develop a few more major attractions of it's own (e.g., I've been wanting for years for Ohio to legalize all forms of gambling so that Columbus can set up a casino right on the Split) so as to help develop it's own national identity. Also, you might have to excuse me: being a native Columbusite, I have an inherent inferiority complex and constantly yearn to know where my city stacks up against other cities.
  18. That too. Just wondering if that's what Joe meant to imply or if I'm missing something.
  19. What's the difference between renting a house and renting an apartment? Renting is renting. Or, are you meaning there are advantages to renting a house (e.g., more space, more privacy, more distance from neighbors) that make it more appealing than renting an apartment?
  20. For Christmas, I bought you a toaster. Now go take a bath with it.
  21. Best introductory post I've ever seen on here and, perhaps, anywhere. So, to the OP, what's your view of Columbus relative to Dayton and Cleveland? Just wondering.
  22. Yes, yes, I like this, let's work with this. Perhaps, yes, a romantic evening at Mitchell's downtown, followed by, perhaps, a carriage ride through downtown? During the ride, you force her hand into your lap, where you promptly fill her fist with a warm stream of golden love. Yes, and then the carriage takes you to the Renaissance Hotel, where you've reserved the penthouse sweet. And the room is decorated with lit candles and rose pedals and more urine, because you've read how chicks like phermones in guy's pee, so you figure this is a great way to get her in the mood. Before she notices her heart aflutter, you spit in her mouth, give her a solid right cross to the left breast, get on bender knee, profess your undying love, and present a four-carat stunna! This is how you celebrate Christmas with a girl you like, AMIFUCKINGRITE?
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