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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Groveport Madison High School, class of 1992. Fucking Cruiser spirit, bitches. Yup, went to my 10 year reunion and had a pretty good time right up until my g/f at that time got pissed at some other chick for putting her hands on me and they almost fought. What can I say? Chicks dig the Johnny B. Or Groveport girls are just desperate and crazy. Anyway, I think going to reunions are great - provided (1) you genuinely want to reconnect with someone and/or (2) have kept yourself in shape and want to rub it in.
  2. Yeah, mine does that occasionally. (It seems to happen after I've shut off my TV [but left my cable box thing "on"] and then, after a while, turned the TV back on.) It goes away as soon as I change the channel; for instance, as soon as I notice it, I will flip the channel up or back one, then go back to the original channel, and the delay is gone. I have no idea what causes the delay.
  3. This is something that a first-year political science college student would say. Someone who thinks they have this really awesome grasp on American politics but, in the end, just does a lot of pandering. Bitching just to bitch is just bitching, you moron. No, it's not patriotic, no it's not the "American thing to do," no, it's just fucking stupid.
  4. Here's a classic example of Rick's mouth moving but nothing worthwhile coming out. How exactly does one "walk all over the constitution?" Seriously, how? What, can we just ignore it - is that how we walk all over it? And what's this about "degrading moral values?" Hey, look, another vagary! You're using words but aren't really saying much. In the end, it just seems like you think that your opinions are more than just opinions, but are, instead, reality. "Hey, I think this way, so therefore that must be the way it is!" It's the same flawed line of reasoning used by people with schizophrenia. Congratulations, your logical deduction skills are on par with someone with systematized delusions. Okay, now this makes some sense - I can actually buy into what you're saying here. Of course, you've said it in response to my quote, which seems to imply that I've criticized the Bush administration previously but now heap praise on the Obama administration. That would be misleading.
  5. Yes, I'm confused; what the fuck are you talking about? What the hell does "touting some aspect of the constitution" mean, and how does that have anything to do with "being virtuous?" Seriously, make sense, dude, or just don't talk.
  6. I've always been a little confused by people who, on the one hand, tout the virtues of the United States Constitution, yet, on the other hand, take every opportunity to slander the United States government. The First Amendment in action, I suppose, but still a little hypocritical. That, or you're just a bunch of sore fucking losers. Obama won, get over it already.
  7. http://foxacrossamerica.files.wordpress.com/2008/03/creepy1.jpg
  8. What the hell? Lots of creepy unfunny there. Seriously, a stapler-remover eating a goldfish?
  9. Hourglass? For me, it's a scale (like in a scale of justice).
  10. No, he was fucking retarded way before he decided to issue a racial slur in an ill-timed and weak attempt at petty humor.
  11. 30 is the new 20, AMIRITE? Happy birthday, homie.
  12. This thread is chock full of fucking win. Seriously, I LOL'ed at about six of Kenny's posts. *applause*
  13. Thanks. Yup, definitely banhammer worthy. Back on track, this video is lame and is lacking in beatdown.
  14. This is probably one of my favorite smilie things of all time.
  15. And since I'm on a roll, I'll mention what I know about the "triple post," which is that it was created by a guy full of awesomeness, hair gel, and six-pack abs.
  16. And, while I'm lecturing on psychopathology, I'll mention that "multiples" is a reference to "multiple personality disorder," which is, clinically, very much distinct from a Bipolar Disorder. "Multiple personality disorder" is also no longer a viable term in the current clinical nomenclature; rather, it is now referred to as a Dissociative Identity Disorder. The disorder, which is fairly controversial (e.g., there are many clinicians and theorists that dispute its veracity as a bona fide psychiatric illness), is marked by the presence of at least two, separate, distinct identities or personality states.
  17. Just to clarify for everyone, there are two types of Bipolar Disorder diagnoses - Bipolar I Disorder and Bipolar II Disorder. The former is marked by at least one episode of mania or mixed mood (i.e., an episode during which the criteria are met for both an episode of mania and major depression), and the latter is marked by at least one episode of hypomania (i.e., which is essentially a lesser form of mania). Both can (but do not necessarily need to be) characterized by episodes of major depression. There are some other specifics, but I'll spare you those (even more) boring details. Thus, to recap: Bipolar I Disorder = mania or mixed mood (and potentially major depression) Bipolar II Disorder = hypomania (and potentially major depression) Bipolar Disorder is often used to refer to the colloquial (and now clinically/technically defunct) term "manic-depression."
  18. Also, note that he has black friends, which, of course, means that he can never, ever be racist. I mean, he has black friends.
  19. Because if your insurance company does it, every insurance company does it? Yeah, that logic makes perfect sense...for retarded people. Rational thinking is completely lost on you. Go play in traffic and, with a little luck, you'll be whacked by a careening vehicle operated by a drunk 17-year old. No worries, though, as our adolescent murderer will surely save a bundle on his car insurance the following year once that pesky "juvenile file" gets sealed. AMIRITE OR WAT?
  20. Mike, Wow, okay, it's worse than I thought. Now he's actually posting his inner monologue. This is starting to border on psychosis. A restraining order may be useless against this kind of psychiatric disturbance. I can only hope this message reaches you in time. Your friend, John
  21. Michael, Hey, me again. Sorry to write again so soon, but Wonderkid keeps pouncing on every post I make. It's like he's sitting there, continuously hitting the refresh button, feverishly awaiting the next post. I'm getting a little creeped out by it, honestly. Not sure if I should reply to him or get a restraining order against him. Please advise. Thanks, John
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