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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. I'll take Haters That Only Date Supermodels for $800, Alex.
  2. The game against Miami technically shouldn't even have made it to overtime - Gamble caught a pass that was ruled incomplete; had the refs got it right (or had replay then), OSU gets a new set of downs, take a knee, and runs out the clock on Miami. So, I'll concede the questionable interference call if you concede that the game never have even gotten that far. Okay, I'll buy your counter with respect to Notre Dame and the high-powered Ohio State offense. Same with respect to the Kansas State game. With respect to Penn State, your argument about them not having their starting QB doesn't hold much water - they scored the majority of their points in the second half (i.e., the half you imply they were less offensively potent). I'll take a great offense against a great defense anytime, too. Agree completely on that point.
  3. Mentioning a few games from the past three years isn't exactly an unbiased "history" lesson. How about when OSU held Miami to 24 points in the National Championship game in 2002? And, might I add, Miami needed an overtime period to actually get that many points. What were they averaging that year per game? Wasn't it like 5732626 points per game? And don't tell me Miami wasn't a top notch program - people were saying that Miami team could take the Bengals. How about the year after that in the Fiesta Bowl when OSU held Kansas State in check? Wasn't that the same Kansas State team that put an absolute beating on Oklahoma in the Big 12 championship game? Then how about the year after that when Ohio State shut down Notre Dame in the Fiesta Bowl? Wasn't that considered a fairly high powered offense? I think Notre Dame put up decent numbers against USC that year - and would have won had it not been for the infamous Reggie Bush shove of Leinart into the endzone. Even playing not great, Ohio State still held a very potent Penn State offense in check this year. Sure, Ohio State has been demolished in a few very big games against top notch programs in recent years, but to then dismiss them - and the entire conference - because of that seems a little unfair. Just my two cents.
  4. Why are you posting your car in this guy's intro thread?
  5. I'm rooting for OSU to go to a BCS bowl game regardless of who they'll play or how much of an underdog they might be. Your logic reminds me of the retards who were saying last year that they'd rather OSU go to the Rose Bowl and play USC than play LSU in the title game. Here's how it goes: National title game > BCS bowl game > everything else. Saying that you'd rather a team go to a lesser bowl just for a better chance of winning sounds kind of silly; you always strive to play in the game with the highest stakes. Would the Patriots ever aspire to play in the wildcard game over the Super Bowl? BTW, here's a little news flash: OSU can't look ANY worse in the eyes the national media than what they do right now.
  6. Absolutely. I think it'll be a situation similar (in set-up, and not in outcome, let's hope) to last year: OSU went to the NCG, and Illinois, the Big Ten runner-up, gets the invite to the Rose Bowl. The Rose Bowl likes - more than the other bowls - to preserve the Big Ten-Pac 10 tradition. Also, I don't think Tressel has played in the Rose Bowl? So, that (coupled, more importantly, with the massive draw/$$$ that OSU brings) would make OSU a nice choice to make it to the Rose Bowl this year.
  7. Yup, I did. Absolutely amazing ending. Crabtree is a monster. For those who didn't see/haven't heard yet, Texas Tech scored a TD in the last seconds to beat Texas. Tech had been up as much as 19, but Texas rallied back in the second half and took the lead with just a little less than two minutes left. On the last play in which Tech scored, the QB tossed a 25-yard pass to Crabtree, who caught it, broke a tackle, and ran the remaining five yards into the endzone.
  8. 50/50, no spelling mistakes, 7:03 left on the clock.
  9. Sorry to hear about your broke transmission.
  10. Gay Test 1. When you see a girl, what is the first thing you do? a. Assess the size of her boobs. b. Imagine what her ass looks like in a thong. c. Comment on her eyeshadow. 2. Did you just answer c to Question #1? a. No - okay, you're in the clear. b. Yes - congrats, you're gay.
  11. Too late, I already voted for you.
  12. We could always cast a vote for each other? I think we're pretty worthwhile.
  13. Politics and religion = two topics that never end well.
  14. I can't speak for anyone else, but I think one of the most "American" things I can do is vote - to exercise my right to participate in a democratic process. While I can understand why some (many?) are disillusioned with the process, and I can respect their right to not vote, still, for me, it feels pretty good to cast my ballot.
  15. Not almost, it actually did: the Insanity Defense Reform Act (IDRA) of 1984 was essentially a direct result of the Hinkley case/verdict. The IDRA of 1984 resulted in the burden of proof (to prove insanity) being placed on the defense (as opposed to the burder being on the prosecution to prove sanity) and that the standard of proof to be raised to clear and convincing evidence (as opposed to simply a preponderance of the evidence, a less-stringent burden of proof). It also resulted in other things (e.g., prohibiting experts from offering an opinion on ultimate issues), but the aforementioned are the major changes. IIRC, there are four states that do not afford criminals an insanity defense (i.e., they abolished it): Kansas, Montana, Idaho, and Utah.
  16. Pics for verification, please. Wait, did I just say that?
  17. You're my pal, Scott, but I can't let you say stupid things, so don't. And here's a smiley because I care:
  18. The correctness is high with this post.
  19. I just did three sets of awesomeness.
  20. Damn you, numbers and data!
  21. Because that's the site it came from, probably. I got to it through Google Images...and because I happen to have all of David Hasselhoff's MP3 lyrics.
  22. Fat doesn't go away when the lights go off.
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