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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Me, on the other hand, I'm just awesome.
  2. The funny thing is - for those who don't know either Cavin and/or Kenny - is that, in person, both of them are down-to-earth, laid-back, very cool guys.
  3. Whoa, your neutrality is a bit overwhelming, just like my cologne. Both are sure winners, though. Two seals of approval for you, my neutral friend.
  4. Taking off your friendship bracelet now...
  5. You can't flame someone and then claim to be neutral.
  6. :eek: OH NOES!!!1!!!1!! :eek: I just freaked out reading your post, kind of like when you hear a really terrible story and then can't do anything but just listen in horror and then you make a face like "OH NO" and your eyes get really wide.
  7. +1 I'd like to know the finer details and whether or not there's any truth to the statement/rumor that, should the bill pass, that it would allow only ONE casino in the entire state. So, where can we find information on the bill to read for ourselves? Anyone got a quick link? IMO, casinos - plural - are great for Ohio; a single casino - just one - is okay, but not great, for Ohio.
  8. New polls are out. I can't disagree with AP Top 5: 1. Texas 2. Alabama 3. Penn State 4. Oklahoma 5. Florida Did you see that Oklahoma State jumped up to #8? Whoa, that was gracious, I thought. And, of course, here comes the pollsters-love-USC phenomenon; USC is now ranked at #6 and poised to inherit one of the top two spots.
  9. Seriously, B-to-the-muthafuckin-ORING. Maybe Tressel's trying to revert to circa 2002, wherein he's comfortable scoring three field goals and praying that the defense holds out? Problem is, our defense doesn't seem nearly good as it was back then.
  10. What's that? I don't think I follow...
  11. Oklahoma may not even fall out of the top 5, considering the quality of their game. That was a great game, and both Texas and Oklahoma should be applauded. Two top 5 teams playing like two top 5 teams; such a nice change from, say, OSU v. USC, OSU v. LSU, OSU v. FLA. LSU should fall out of the top 10, and behind Ohio State, considering they were exposed last night: they don't really have an offense, and they obviously don't have a defense. LSU's "quality" win to date came against Auburn, who has since lost two more games. *yawn* Bye bye, LSU. Speaking of exposure, Missouri just let everyone know they don't belong in the top 10. They managed to score, what, 23 points on an Oklahoma State defense that, I'm pretty sure, doesn't even play defense - rather, they have 9 or so guys just run out on the field and wander around when their offense isn't on the field. They choked big-time, and bye bye goes Chase Daniel's Heisman campaign. Missouri should fall below Ohio State as well. Here's the problem with Ohio State right now: they suck on offense. If - IF - they would have put up some huge numbers the last few games, like hang 34 on Wisconsin and 45 or so on Purdue, then the pollsters start believing Ohio State has turned over a new leaf, Pryor was all Ohio State needed, and they're worthy of top 10 status and mentioning in the National Title hunt. Instead, they've laid a few metaphorical eggs. On the flip side, winning is winning, and, like I've said since the USC massacre, Ohio State really doesn't deserve mentioning for the National Championship and really should simply focus on winning out, going to the Rose Bowl, and putting a beating on someone there.
  12. First, great video. Second, an observation: post a fight video, and 814,590 guys will chime in with some comment about how the fighter wasn't fighting properly and/or how they, the poster, would beat the fighter in a fight. These ultra-awesome-MMA-internet-fighters are likely same guys who only date supermodels and, thus, will critique any picture of any female posted at any time.
  13. First, I doubt Texas will be beat badly if they are, in fact, beaten. Second, I think there's still a massive amount of bias against Ohio State in the pollsters, so, even if Texas, say, gets beaten badly (e.g., by 25 points or so, like you mentioned), I still don't think they'll drop below Ohio State. Rather, they'd probably slot Texas in around #11 (i.e., just above Ohio State), and defend that by saying that they were beaten by the #1 team. Not that I think it's right or that's what I want to happen, that's just what I think will happen.
  14. Neither of those teams will fall below Ohio State with a loss, IMO.
  15. I love Pryor's swagger - it's exactly what Ohio State needs and has needed for about 15 years. I'm impressed by his confidence - which he tempers with just the right amount of modesty - and I'm enthusiastic about his physical prowess, pocket presence, and play-making ability. I'll stop short of mouthing off about how many Heisman's he'll win or National Championships he'll lead Ohio State to, but I won't shy away from saying I'm jumping on the Pryor bandwaggon now while there's still room. As for tonight's game, well, I'm always scared to see Wisconsin on the schedule, given how well they've played against Ohio State in the past decade. Recent history says the game will be tight. My hunch - or hope? - is that Ohio State has an offensive explosion and puts up a lot of points. Stopping Wisconsin's run is, IMO, the key to victory for Ohio State.
  16. Tilley's a myth, but I'm not. And I'd say this kid is a psychopath in the making; 20 years from now we'll be wishing Terry the crocodile would have ate him too.
  17. BTW, I think casinos in Ohio are a great idea. In fact, if the city leaders were smart, they'd turn Columbus into a Midwest mecca of gambling.
  18. I was a little miffed at the polls as well. However, I don't think Ohio State can really whine too much - the polls have been exceedingly good to them the past few years, and all that has amounted to is two disappointing (to say the least) performances in National Championship games. So, the backlash won't go away that easily. Look, it really doesn't matter what the polls say. Ohio State controls its own destiny with respect to an automatic BCS bid if it simply wins the rest of its games.
  19. But Pryor's not, and, like Vince Young, he has - I think - the potential of taking over a game and single-handedly winning games he's not supposed to win. I know, Pryor hasn't proven anything yet, but, still, the similarities thus far between him and Young are undeniable. I guess, in the end, I'm just optimistic in a way that I wasn't for the year or so before.
  20. Wow, I really think you're on to something here. Maybe we can get the racehorses charged with Murder while we're at it? Obviously, it was their fault he died. LOL.
  21. No, there were plenty of times in the 90's (read: The Cooper Era) when OSU was very uncompetitive against Michigan. I really like (1) being an Ohio State fan right now and (2) being a fan of college football in general. With respect to (1), Ohio State is an exciting team with Pryor at the helm and now especially with Beanie being in the same backfield with Pryor. It's like back when Troy Smith was emerging, Ginn was running amok (e.g., remember him against Oklahoma State in the bowl game a few years back?), and Ohio State looked like a threat to break a big play every time they stepped on the field. There's a certain energy around this team, a buzz of sorts, that makes me optimistic for this season (and the next few to come). With respect to (2), I'm echoing Kenny's sentiments - college football is so zany and chaotic from week-to-week that it stays fresh and exciting. Seriously, Florida getting beat at home against Ole Miss? Georgia getting manhandled in the first half at home against Alabama? Here's to hoping everyone has at least one loss by the end of the season.
  22. Of course, we've just jinxed Oregon State; USC has now scored twice.
  23. I hope USC gets absolutely humiliated. And this vintage USC - they play great against good teams (e.g., tOSU, Michigan, Texas), and then get beat by the big underdogs (e.g., Stanford, UCLA, Oregon State in 2006). As for tOSU not being out of the picture, yes, they are, and they deserve to be. Ohio State has no business whatsoever even coming close to getting mention for the National Championship game now or for some time to come. No, Ohio State should just play loose, get Pryor into full gear, have fun, run the table, and then go smoke some team in the Rose Bowl. That's a realistic goal, I think.
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