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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Andy, I think the link trowa provided is a good one. That website has a lot of helpful hints, and it says to do a lot of what I'd advise. Cover letters are, IMO, vital. Similarly, as previously posted, follow-up thank you letters are important. When done correctly, both convey a sense of professionalism that can only serve to enhance your chances in obtaining the position. Certainly, there are some professions in which cover letters and the like are more - and less - important. Yet, as a rule of thumb, you should use them. I can share with you some of the cover letters and follow-up thank you letters that I've used, if you're interested. Good luck with things, and let me know if there's something in particular you think I can help with.
  2. There is no longer a tie for first.
  3. Dr. Pomade


    Seriously, why all the lame ass replies? IMO, a pre-nup is the only way to go. And, might I say, if you and your significant other love each other as much as you say you do, then neither of you should have a problem signing a pre-nup. I know have a recommendation for an excellent family relations attorney, if you'd like it.
  5. Dr. Pomade

    Fuck You...

  6. Oh, okay, gotcha. Yup, makes sense now. Thanks for bearing with me.
  7. I know you were just joking around, but I was just trying to make sense of it. Like you said Alex, but the only Alex I know is the Alex (#2), and he posts in the Kitchen like once a year.
  8. Oh. Who's Alex? And because we like the Kitchen we'd have to be banned? I'm very confused right now. Pleeze give the helps.
  9. Absolutely; that was succinct, pointed, and informative. Thanks. Of course, the question was initially directed toward the Evan guy, but apparently he doesn't feel like answering my question. Oh well, you'll have that from time to time. Regardless, thanks for your reply; I appreciate the insight.
  10. Wait, who's to say I haven't been swayed by all your sermonizing? After all, all the talking you do isn't just to hear the metaphorical sound of your own voice, isn't it? Maybe my opinion on the subject has changed. I mean, people's opinions can change, right? Or is that too radical a thought for you?
  11. LOL, so I ask a guy why he carries a gun and now I'm (1) ungrateful; (2) a left-winger; and (3) paranoid? Wow, Rick, thanks for missing the point - again. Should I start including pictures of puppies and connect-the-dot diagrams with my posts to help you understand? Look, I could care less about gun control, and I could care even less about your disdain for it. Rather, I wanted CMH-gun-checking-guy to answer what I thought to be a relatively simple question just because I was curious to know about his reasoning. That's all, Rick. No, seriously, that's it. Because, as I said, I was curious to know his reasoning. Maybe I want to look into getting a CCW permit, and I'm just wondering what it's like for people on the other side. Maybe I'm wondering if his reasoning is the same as mine would be if I carried a gun. And, no, I'm not scared of people legally carrying guns. EDIT: I thought Rick could use a smiley.
  12. Just because you can do something doesn't necessarily mean you should. And no one bothered to actually answer my question. I'm not interested in seeing anyone get up on a right-wing soapbox (seriously, guys, I don't really care), I just wanted to know why the guy who started this thread seems to carry a firearm so often. Do you have a dangerous job? Are you paranoid? Do you just like carrying around a gun? Just wondering.
  13. Congratulations, Brian This must be a very exciting time for you, and I'm glad to hear things are going well. Give me a call when you can - we can do dinner and celebrate.
  14. Dr. Pomade


    Whoa, 26 pages... http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19726&highlight=Thorne
  15. Negative rep for offering the quote on CR (which only confuses people like Leviathan who don't really know what it means) or negative rep for quoting it incorrectly?
  16. Methinks the lady doth protest too much.
  17. It sounds like you carry a firearm often. Why?
  18. Maybe they can get a teacher to burn crosses into their arms too.
  19. I thought it was 25K? Anyways, details on the WRX so that we can hopefully match it to someone on here and laugh heartily?
  20. Dr. Pomade


    I recall the thread you started about Thorne; I think it got above 10 pages, didn't it?
  21. Dr. Pomade


    LOL, true story. At times it felt like tilley vs supramark/eli/DJ. Seriously, baptism by a very hot fucking fire.
  22. I think he's referring to the Steelers (who beat Cincinnati in the playoffs that year), and intimating that they are/were, in his opinion, the worst SuperBowl champions ever.
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