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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Alright, so I just allowed myself a sip of the Kool Aid and the luxury of speculating about how Ohio State can make it into the playoff. 1. We must beat Michigan. I think BStowers already said as much previously. No win against Michigan, then do not proceed. 2. Michigan State must lose against Penn State. If they don't, then there is no way Ohio State can win the B10. And I don't see Ohio State being invited to playoff without having won the B10 (unless by some miracle all hell breaks lose and everyone above us except Michigan State loses). (Note, I think MSU losing to Penn State is the largest hurdle. Here's to hoping Michigan State gets caught with a hangover/looking ahead and/or is lulled into a false sense of superiority because they are playing at home and Penn State is not a good team.) 3. Notre Dame loses to Stanford. 4. Oklahoma loses to Oklahoma State. 5. Alabama loses to either Auburn or Florida. 6. Clemson loses to either SCar or UNC. I think we get in if #3 through #6 above all occur (because that will be CFP Armageddon). I think we can still get in if 2 of the above 4 occur. What do you guys think?
  2. So I'm back to stewing over the Mich St game. Meyer and Co essentially just killed Elliot's Heisman chances along with the CFP chances. Impressive, really, how they killed those two birds with one stone. I'm afraid Ohio State is going to come out flat and lacking creativity in the play calling department yet again and will get manhandled.
  3. I also like my 03 Cobras with Alteezas. I was way ahead of this curve, gentlemen.
  4. I like to bounce the tach off the rev limiter and brake boost at stop lights only then to have traction control kick in when I try to take off and stall out. +++street rep
  5. Some random thoughts: - thanks, Tim Beck, for making me lose $100 to jive. Had I won, I was treating everyone in this thread to some BW3's. Now, I get to change my screen name to something of jive's choosing. I hope you're happy. - things can look one way on paper, but they can look a whole lot different when you play out the games. Last year, after JT goes down, we look done for on paper. What happens? We have perhaps the greatest three game stretch of any team, ever. Seriously, it's definitely the best three game stretch for Ohio State I can remember (2nd place: when we beat Michigan and then Notre Dame at end of 2005 season and then Texas at beginning of 2006 season). -enter this year: on paper we look to be legendary. Hell, people were talking about this team as being in same league as 1995 Nebraska and 2001 Miami. L-O-fucking-NOPE. -I'm not really that upset by the loss. Of course, I'm disappointed. But Ohio State has not been good all year long. They just haven't. The only surprising thing, really, is that they made it this far without a loss. So, when they loss, I kind of shrugged and said, "Well, that's what happens to teams that aren't that good - they lose." The end. -guys, I love the optimism, but there's no way this team is getting into a playoff without all hell breaking loose, like the kind of hell that we haven't seen since 2007. And, besides, would you really want this team - this same floundering, fucking inept offensive team you saw get bullied by Michigan State - in a playoff? Christ, Bama would hold us to under 50 yards of total offense.
  6. I don't want to see this team anywhere close to a playoff. We'd get manhandled. This is not a good team right now
  7. I hate it when I'm right. Ohio State deserved to lose even worse than they did. Michigan State totally dominated that game.
  8. If we don't score on this drive I am afraid we lose this game in regulation.
  9. Michigan will beat this team by about 20. We will be luuuuucky to escape this game with a win. And they have lost 2 QBs.
  10. My bad LJ - my comments are an insult to the 1998 choke team. At least that team managed more than 71 yards of offense.
  11. Great play calling, 1998 Ohio State.
  12. This weather sucks. We need a retractable roof stadium.
  13. 5 yard punt. Padding the stat lines, bro.
  14. Yeah I'm about a 7 too. I was an 8 until you talked me down a little. I just think Ohio State plays softer and sloppier at home. Not sure why I think that.
  15. I'm nervous - this game is reminding me too much of 1998 Michigan State. And jive, are we double or nothing on the outcome of this game?
  16. Dude you nailed it. And I hope you also nailed it.
  17. I'm shopping around for the same thing. Samsung makes a great TV, always a safe bet to go with them. I will likely be buying that exact TV from Best Buy unless I can get a better deal elsewhere.
  18. I'm not certain which has more impact on our world: the JFK assassination, landing on the moon, the invention of fire, the Internet, or Zoolander 2. It's pretty much a toss up.
  19. Great video. Was there anything in that cup or was that just a prop?
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