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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Btw I have pretty much sucked all year with my prognostications and boasting, so go ahead and start spending that $100.
  2. if UNC wins, Ohio State is going to the Playoff. Write it down. Clemson will automatically be devalued with the loss, which will simultaneously devalue UNC. The ACC doesn't have any clout with the committee. USC is going to beat Stanford (remember Stanford beat them earlier this year; beating any team twice in same year is tough). The loser of the B10 game (which will be Iowa) will be bounced by virtue of late loss. That leaves the committee to pick between Ohio State, UNC, Notre Dame, And Clemson for last spot. Ohio State will get the nod if it comes down to them. Write all that down too
  3. The 1 would be a quality loss, though.
  4. Remember, Alvarez and Osborne are both on the committee, and both may be the most influential. Any wonder why Iowa and the rest of the B10 have gotten so much love in the rankings? If there ever was a committee that would allow 2 B10 teams in, it would be this one.
  5. I think Ohio State gets in if: 1. UNC beats Clemson or Florida beats Bama; and 2. Mich State beats Iowa (and it will help if they maul them, like Casey said) It will also help if USC beats Stanford.
  6. Oklahoma looks like Ohio State did at the end of last year: solid on defense and unstoppable on offense.
  7. Oklahoma looks really good. If they win and so does Notre Dame, how big does the Texas game become??
  8. As much as the SEC Redneck Calvary clowned on Ohio State for years, they deserve every ounce of vitriol they get.
  9. About 15 different teams could win the SEC this year. Not exactly the accomplishment it's been in years past. But your sentiment is dead on: Ohio State has no one to blame but itself for being on the outside looking in.
  10. Henry has had a Heisman winning season. Only other player I think can win it is Deshawn Watson from Clemson.
  11. Ohio State has a better resume than Bama does at this point. Bama's quality win is - who? - Miss State? LOL Bama lost at home to the 18th ranked team. Ohio State lost at home to the 5th ranked team. Bama's best win to date is over the 23rd (maybe?) best team. Ohio State's best win is against the 10th ranked team. And don't tell me Florida will be a quality win. They are about to get smoked by Florida State.
  12. I think I might just keep this name forever. Clearly, it's good luck.
  13. I'm on it. Also I'm going to suggest we lose a game early on. It's clear to me that we need to lose before we decide to actually start playing.
  14. LOL, for real, I am pretty sure Marshall got shanked on that play.
  15. And this fucking QB has like 500 yards passing in first half
  16. Stupid classless Michigan fans booing McMillian's injury. Fucking morons.
  17. Does this fucking QB have an incompletion yet? Christ
  18. Okay well let's see if Ohio State learned anything from their loss.
  19. 2 of the 4 upsets occur above. I win: I get to change my name back and you have to change your name to something of my choice You win: ??? (What do you want?)
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