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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Yeah, no, have you seen any of my random posts with Ewoks in them? I have no business accusing anyone of being a postwhore. Speaking of Ewoks, this thread has generated into such randomness that I think it needs one...
  2. You're right, he didn't catch the joke - either of them. Not entirely his fault, though; text has a way of killing the pragmatics of speech. No, I was joking on both. I thought you would pick up on them; the first because, well, yes, DJ had posted two hours earlier, and the second because we know you weren't post whoring when you did that. Oh well.
  3. Dude, quit post whoring. Seriously, not cool.
  4. I think I heard that DJ was back and that he should be on here checking the board but I don't know if he will post on here or not.
  5. Yeah, he went to London (or somewhere in England, I think) to visit a buddy. I think he said he'd be gone for a while. Him, not the buddy.
  6. LOL - the intarweb just bushwhacked you, Paul.
  7. And a licky boom boom down.
  8. So, of the people on here that know Cavin, was it him acting like a complete douche or not? Oh, and Ben, I completely feel you on the whole "hurt-my-family-I-kill-you" thing.
  9. Oh noes, reading comprehension has ganked you too. By "roll" cars, he meant "cars that are capable of rolling," not roll racing. So, essentially, he wanted all the people that have track cars that are capable of rolling on a street to chime in and bench race their track cars that roll on streets.
  10. Then you haven't been here long enough to know this is what we do. THE BENCH RACING E-DRAMA LLAMA WILL KILL YOU!
  11. Just answer this: do you race it on the street? If you don't, then eject yourself from this thread and then your truck as you drive - oh so streetably - around 270. Seriously, again, the guy who started this thread wants to know about street cars that race on the street. Not that hard of a concept to grasp for most people that have all 23 sets of chromosomes.
  12. It was a rhetorical question. I know the race wouldn't have happened because my keen skills of reading comprehension alerted me to the fact that you don't street race.
  13. Yeah, I know, and I didn't mean to come across the wrong way - I guess I was just trying to keep the inclusion of cars as close to the defining criteria as possible. A lot of us know about Corey's Civic, how impressive it is, and so forth. But, the guy who started this thread wanted to know about street cars, and, if Corey's car is never on the street (for whatever reason), then it probably doesn't belong in this thread. Not that it can't be mentioned or whatever, just, technically, if we're talking about "street cars," then a lot of cars end up getting excluded. In any event, I know what you're saying, and, for the record, I completely agree with you.
  14. Is the fact that rules don't apply to you a rule? Just wondering. Perplexed in Polaris, Johnny Z06
  15. Wait, you don't street race, remember? So, you're fired from this discussion. Ibid; if he doesn't run it on the street, then it's not a street car. So, while it's certainly fast, it doesn't deserve inclusion in this discussion.
  16. LOL. If you don't street race, then how would you have ever done that? 11.00 in a Lightning is a feat, considering they weigh about as much as a doublewide.
  17. LOL - I just re-read what I posted earlier; I'm being a dick. Oh well, fuckers, I guess I'm just in that kind of mood. P.S. Am I the only one amused that Jackson quotes himself in his sig?
  18. Nope, it's not going on the Vette. Thanks for the opinions on the strip; keep them coming.
  19. Seriously, get the fuck over yourself. I could care less about your gay little plans for a meet at Hooters or the fact that you're a noob. You're a dumbass for posting "Columbus, Ohio" on a site located in Columbus. End of short fucking story. Deal with it. Or, keep whining about it and give me a reason to show you what "flaming the noob" really looks like.
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