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Dr. Pomade

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Everything posted by Dr. Pomade

  1. Your posts always help. 10/10 car enthusiasts
  2. Life and Death of the Maserati: A 2-Page CR Thread
  3. Thoughtful, provocative, and compelling. Just like my erections. 9/10 douchie Porche driving gloves I've never heard of a Caterwaul 7000. Sounds intriguing. Post a pic next time to enhance your score. 3.2/10 crumpets I have no idea what you just said. 5/10 blank stares
  4. Not bad, especially the way you used panaches. 7/10 popped collars Convertible, my hair, 'nough said. -15/10 styling sessions Solid choice. However, not rating very high on uniqueness factor. Also, kind of been there, done that. 5/10 flaming Corvettes How do you know I'm not posting for a friend? Minus points for your insinuations and veiled accusations, my good sir. -3/10 handlebar mustaches
  5. Exceptionally strong move right out of the gate. Bonuses for that exhaust note, styling, and uniqueness to our local car scene. 9/10 gold chains I already own that one. -2/10 hair products Paul, I like what you've done here. I've always been a fan of the GTS Viper. Unfortunately, Vipers' exhaust sound like ass. That first Maserati you linked is hot to fucking trot. I might make an inquiry on it. For serious. Not only did you list choices, but you linked actual cars that could be bought. 9.2/10 faux hawks I said you only have $50,000. -7/10 for following directions
  6. The faster the better. Define fast however you want. Bonus points for style and originality. Think panache. Does not need to be driven daily. Is a weekend/summer car. Can be a sedan or coupe. Can be a manual or automatic. What's your choice? Name them and I will rate them. 1000 dogecoins and 3 Mr. Schnauzies to the winner. Begin.
  7. English Bulldog. Cross contamination like that is just unacceptable.
  8. Yeah, come to think of it, that's been my experience as well. The dealer from Tuscon where I got my S5 was a solid MEH on the customer service scale.
  9. I've had nothing but successes with the Fords I've owned. Will proceed with Aston Martin purchase.
  10. Honestly, I was a little shocked he didn't try harder. I'm not sure if I gave the vibe that I couldn't be swayed, but I certainly didn't intend to come across like that.
  11. I'm going to buy an Aston Martin just to offend your American sensibilities.
  12. No, they didn't offer anything. I think they knew the dog hair was a deal breaker. One of the first questions I asked when I called to inquire about the car was whether any animals had been in it. I explained that I couldn't tolerate any animals being in it. When the results of the inspection showed animal hair, I think they realized that was the deal killer. Or, maybe I'm just giving them too much credit. In any event, they didn't counter with anything or offer anything additional. Instead, the salesman asked what else I might be interested in.
  13. I killed the deal. The dog hair was something I couldn't get past. I didn't bother even trying to negotiate the price because it doesn't really matter what they discounted, as I wasn't going to buy it. Thanks to everyone for the input. Back to the drawing board.
  14. The Centerfold is expecting you.
  15. That was impressive to me. I probably could have done the "thugs" and "zebra" part and that's about it.
  16. Thanks for the tip regarding the title fiasco. And I think, ultimately, I'm with you: I think I'm going to walk away from this one. I just can't get past the dog issue. Duly noted. LOL, that's true (about them going overkill on the scent). Thanks for the offer about coming up to the Hangout to address the smell. Even if I don't buy this doggy-scented car, can I still come up to the Hangout?
  17. Leave it to CR to comment about the buffets at strip clubs. OP, I can second (or third) Kahoots. I've been there a few times with girls and everyone had a good time. If you wanted to "double up" on selection, you could choose to go to Vanity, which is located directly next door to Columbus Gold. Meaning, you could go to one of those and then leave and go right next door to the other one. No good strip clubs are located close to Lafagota. So, you'll need to do some traveling. If I had a party bus or something, then I'd be inclined to do like a "circuit" of sorts: I'd leave Lafagota and head to Kahoots. If it's awesome, great - everyone stays there. However, if it seems lame or the girls want to move on, I'd load up and head toward Vanity and Columbus Gold.
  18. And that's really my biggest concern. All the other stuff mentioned I can live with easily and - like everyone else here - perceive them as being minor and expected considering the age of the car. However, a dog smell would cause me to walk away from the deal.* I wonder if the dealership would be agreeable to a contingency pact with me. Something like, I agree to buy the car, but if I get it up here and it smells like dog, then they agree to take it back and we split the costs of the return shipping. Do dealerships make those kind of deals? *I'm sorry to sound so anti-dog. I'm really not. I love dogs, actually. Please don't judge me pro-dog CR contingent.
  19. If I was a defense lawyer making a case for the dealership, I'd point out that I made an inquiry about the car just a few hours after it arrived on the lot. Our deal moved quickly and they might not have had the time to do a thorough cleaning/detailing of the car. If I were the prosecuting attorney rebutting that, I'd point out that the dealership had the time and took the initiative to put four brand new tires on the car. Thanks for all of your input. I think my approach to this sale - and all car sales, really - has been consistent with what you've said (e.g., not faking excuses for the sake of trying to talk down a car), so that makes me feel good about things.
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