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Everything posted by Jonan1647545505

  1. http://img66.exs.cx/img66/597/FD820009.jpg Nice Mask http://img66.exs.cx/img66/5505/FD820010.jpg Everthing in carry case
  2. I have three Paintball gun sets for sale. 2 Basic Starter Kits: Gun, feeder, 9oz CO2 canister, basic face mask, barell swab, barrel cap, paintball canister, and manuals -one has everything even a rebuild kit (pictured) $50 -the other has everything but face mask and rebuild kit (same as pictured, minus items) $30 http://img66.exs.cx/img66/9104/FD820011.jpg http://img66.exs.cx/img66/8350/FD820012.jpg Now for the really nice one It's a Tippmann A-5, semmi-automatic, with a really nice hard carry case, 2 16oz CO2 canisters, 2 paintball canisters, 2 barrel swabs, 3 alan wrenches(to take gun apart for cleaning), gun oil, small parts bin (with a coulple extra parts), a nice $40 mask, and manuals $350 http://img66.exs.cx/img66/3981/FD820002.jpg Gun http://img66.exs.cx/img66/3073/FD820001.jpg Everyting http://img66.exs.cx/img66/6493/FD820005.jpg Closeup of stuff http://img66.exs.cx/img66/6606/FD820006.jpg CO2 Canisters http://img66.exs.cx/img66/5142/FD820008.jpg Carry Case http://img66.exs.cx/img66/4425/FD820007.jpg Another pic of Carry Case
  3. The boxes in the picture have extra torque converter parts, belts, throtle/brake cables, bolts, nuts, and some other parts. I also have some bigger tires for the back, that we never got around to putting on. we were going to move the back tires to the front then put the bigger ones on the back, they are still brand new never been used. Originally $200, asking $100. http://img66.exs.cx/img66/407/FD820017.jpg http://img66.exs.cx/img66/7408/FD820018.jpg
  4. http://img66.exs.cx/img66/9813/FD820013.jpg The Kart http://img66.exs.cx/img66/1766/FD820015.jpg Engine http://img66.exs.cx/img66/7277/FD820016.jpg Torque Converter
  5. weekends over and i didnt get a chance to take some pics. I work outside and it is supposed to rain, so i'll try and get some pics soon.
  6. Coolie, thanks for the link, I will try my best to get some pics taken. Thanks again,
  7. I will try and get some up this weekend. I need someone to host the pics though.
  8. Reposting this since the weather is begining to break. Sat in my moms garage all winter, she lives in Sunbury, i live on campus so call my cell 740-815-5848 and we can figure out when is best to look at it. Its a 2 seater, 5hp Briggs and Stratson motor with a larger carb made it more powerful overall, has a Torque-Converter (helps with big hills), live axel, pull start(always starts on 2nd or 3rd pull), has roll bars. Perfect for 8-12 year olds, adjustable seat. Just a basic yard kart, asking $250. [ 08. April 2005, 09:50 PM: Message edited by: Jonan ]
  9. I live behind Hoover, and actually the road is called Red Bank Rd. I've seen about 3 vehicles totaled this year a newer Jetta, a 5 sereies BMW (his parents were uber pissed) and some sort of croch rocket (not much was left of it, made a 3 ft deep hole where he landed in my friends yard) So far everyone has lived, the bike, the guy driving was fine but his girl was choppered out real fast. Also I've seen pleanty of cars bottom out looks really cool at night, sparks flying every where. Just be warned there are shit loads of deer in that area, along with cops that sit at fishing areas. Oh and people will call you in so do it once or twice then leave. Don't be to stupid but have fun cause thats what life is all about!!
  10. I need a radiator for a 90' civic, anyone have one that i could get for cheap, the one i have is clogged really good, tried to back flush still clogged, i would perfer the full size so i could keep my A/C but if someone has the half size for cheap im willing to disconnect my A/C, I dont have a lot of money right now, please help me out Thanks,
  11. WOW, it looks great man, I would love to have an older vette like that. Nice find!!
  12. Looking for a Cheap PS 2 for a friend, just need the system, all hookups and 2 controllers, she already has a couple of games but any offers would be cool too. I was hoping to suprise her with it, she is leaving OSU to go to Akron Univ to be a Civil Engineer. Lemme know if anyone has anything, Thanks, John
  13. The ones you want to beat the hell out of...i would like the hard drives. Thanks~
  14. Yeah pics would be cool...does it run?? PM sent!!
  15. i would like some info on dishwasher running, size, color, etc Thanks,
  16. that was damn good graemlins/thumb.gif
  17. Looking for a factory passenger side turn signal, for a 94 Eclipse, doesnt have flip up lights. My girlfriends sister got merged into on Friday. It just put a small dent in the fender and busted the turn signal. Does anyone have any?? Thanks- [ 12. May 2004, 12:01 PM: Message edited by: Jonan ]
  18. http://www.world66.com/myworld66/visitedStates/statemap?visited=CODCFLGAILINIAKSKYMIMONCOHPASCTNVAWV create your own personalized map of the USA or write about it on the open travel guide
  19. I agree, sweet lookin' Pics.
  20. Do you still have them?? I need to go out to my parents and check the sizes of my quad, 86' Suzuki LT250R, Rear tires are done...Will PM on Fri or Sat
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