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Everything posted by Jonan1647545505

  1. thicker oil may slow the consumption. its starting to get colder tho, so take that into consideration. prolly needs rings. mileage?
  2. yes it comes with the hutch, i have to have a pic of your desk before i'll consider a straight trade You never sent me pics of your desk, i dont want to commit to anything until i know what you have IF YOU WANT TO TRADE I NEED TO SEE YOUR DESK BEFORE HAND. I AM ATTENDING SCHOOL UP NEAR CLEVELAND AND THE DESK IS IN COLUMBUS. PLEASE SEND ME PICS OF YOUR DESKS. THE DESK HAS TO GET OUT OF STORAGE THIS WEEKEND. GET ME PICS BY THEN AND CONTACT ME SO WE CAN MAKE THIS HAPPEN. thanks,
  3. desk is still up for grabs would like it gone tomorrow give me a call 740-815-5848
  4. the desk is in pcs at a storage unit at polaris and 23. great desk, loved it, plenty of usable space. i'm moving to akron this weekend for school. so weekends are best.
  5. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2930 $'s neg
  6. lol http://www.break.com/index/rally-car-passenger-injured.html
  7. what year(s) engines will be a direct swap? again its 2.2 4cyl 5spd thanks,
  8. sorry i didnt get back to any of these posts for a while, works been crazy. the truck is a 96 s10 2x4 5spd. the spark plug blew out of the head, he took it to midas and they put a "sleeve" in there a put the spark plug back in. it blew out again, so they told him to sign the title over to them and they would "dispose" of the truck. he didnt sign the title over. its sitting waiting for me to do something about it. there is a lot of damage to the spark plug, appears as though the piston hit it, so the motor should be replaced.
  9. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=36265
  10. i just got ins today, 100/300/100 50. on an 89 gs500 20 bucks a month with progressive.
  11. what year(s) engines would be a direct swap? its a 2.2 4cyl 5spd I need a chevy 2.2 motor for a 96 s10 5spd. doesnt really matter what its from as long as it will replace current motor. this is for my brother in law, would like to get a good deal on a motor. any useful info would be good too. thanks, john
  12. come on some one offer something. he is looking at getting a 1000cc, trades possible.
  13. http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/2962/florida07001of3.th.jpg http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/3616/florida07002rs6.th.jpg http://img170.imageshack.us/img170/8766/florida07003sm1.th.jpg http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/8606/florida07004tf8.th.jpg
  14. selling for friend of a friend. 98 gsxr 600 SRAD 12k miles new tires black and deep red nice looking bike well maintained never stunted never laid down $3750 will get some pics up tomorrow. let me know if there are any specific pics or info you would like me to ask him thanks for looking,
  15. the bike is an 89 gs500e. what all generally needs replaced when rebuilding the forks? are special tools required? where can i find stiffer springs, they are notorious for too much nose dive when stopping. here is a exploded view of the forks with parts and price list: http://houseofmotorcycles.bikebandit.com/partsbandit/oem_schematic_view~schem_dept_id~723956~section_dept_id~1~section_dept_name~OEM+%28Stock%29+Parts~dept_type_id~2~model_dept_year~1989~model_dept_mfr~Suzuki~model_dept_id~703240~model_dept_name~GS500EK.asp here is just a pic without the parts list: http://houseofmotorcycles.bikebandit.com/partsbandit/assets/schematics/Suzuki/SU0083_055.gif thanks
  16. thanks for the info tires where is the best place to get them replaced mounted and balanced?
  17. i figured it was pretty much the same thing, i just wasnt sure if they were all connected in such a way that i would be getting in over my head. im also assuming that i should leave them connected while rebuilding them individually. where would be a good place to find an appropriate manual? having difficulty locating someone who carries any manual. also what about tires where can i go to get those replaced?
  18. ive always tried to find things that need a little tlc to help save money and get more familiar with the machine. I will be inspecting and more than likely purchasing a 97 rf900. it has been sitting for a few years now and will need a battery, tires, fluid changes, etc. also im going to have to assume that the carbs should be rebuilt. ive rebuilt single carb motors before for cars, dirtbikes, tractors, etc. im not to sure if it would be the same procedures for a machine with four carbs. is this something i should be able to tackle myself or leave this to the pros? also prices on tires and where the best place to get them would be and brand. ive tried searching around online and have come back with few helpful results. any info would be sweet! thanks,
  19. he definitely deserved it. he was feeding it finger shaped food. kinda look like a hot dog.
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