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Fiji ST

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Everything posted by Fiji ST

  1. I didn't want to risk damaging mind by accident in anger.
  2. Fiji ST

    Paging Doc

    I don't think he has the limo version of it. Maybe he can start a car service.
  3. I found the notarized survey of the property tonight in our mortgage paperwork. We went out and spend 20 minutes measuring that side of the house. According to the survey and our measurements, our fence is actually 2 feet inside our property line. Well, we had enough and called the neighbor. We met outside and explained the issues we had and it turned to shit rather quickly. He basically told us that he had cleared everything with the HOA president a few weeks ago while he was passing out invites for the 4th of July, that it was the installer's idea to do the install the way it is, and our post could hold the weight of both gates. Well, the HOA has no record of an approval or plan designs being submitted. He also went on to say that blocking off the easement to the utility boxes was fine and they would come through his yard to access them, as the easement rule is one "that's not closely followed". He also conveniently forgot that we had talked on the phone back in April where I said we didn't want the extra weight on our fencing, among everything else we had issues with. I have a voicemail from him asking me to call him from April 27. We've probably made an enemy, but the amount of BS coming from his mouth was unreal. I am VERY defensive of my family and then my property. Coming up with excuses and dismissing our concerns without even trying to offer a solution just made me shake my head at him. I had my wife take over after that. (Not imasulating, kind of hot actually....) I'm sorry to vent on here as I am a very private person and this seems so childish, but I appreciate you all giving me the opportunity to put it in words and confirm I'm handling this the right way. There's more that I haven't written about and I can if you want the full scope of it.
  4. No badging for the fence company. That information is suppose to be sent to the HOA if I remember correctly. Still waiting to hear from them. I will check on the survey, unless someone has a metal detector.
  5. Some pictures so you can get a better idea of what they did. http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff66/naborgia/BBF02E3E-2541-4670-B47C-5B53DDE134E7.jpg http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff66/naborgia/7EE34136-FF19-4C12-9A09-0EE116EA76D0.jpg
  6. I'm not ready to just go and dismantle things. I'm too lazy for that. They put it up, they can take it down. I will double-check on the property line and measure it out if I can that info. Still have it with my mortgage stuff I think. Should be interesting to try and find the property markers. I'll either be yelling at my neighbor or the people that put in the fence. Maybe both, who knows.
  7. They've crossed over the property line into mine and have enclosed a small portion of my property inside theirs as well as disregarded my response to not connect to my fence. I will be polite when I talk to them. Like I said, I don't want drama in my neighborhood as they've been here a lot longer than we have and have deeper ties on our street than we do.
  8. They're not home this weekend. I'm still too mad to really talk to them without losing my cool. It takes a lot to upset me this much, so I'm trying to remain calm.
  9. Seeing as how there's been some good advice given on here, thought I would take my turn and ask. We had a fence installed around our backyard 3 years ago. We pushed it as far out as possible (have a corner lot), but pulled it back about 6 inches or so from our actual property line on the back and the side facing our neighbors to the side. We didn't want an issue with the neighbors (rear neighbors did the same thing) as well as allow the utility company access to the boxes in the back corner (not on my property, but it gave them access to it from the main road). Fast forward to last month, when the neighbor to our side asked if they could tie into our fence and use our one side when they install their fencing. We declined as they would be encroaching on our property, tying off a portion of it, as well as we had anchoring issues from wind that caused the fence to lean, and we didn't want their fencing to create another issue. So coming home from being on vacation for a week late last night, my wife noticed they finally had their fence installed. She immediately noticed that it was tied into our fence. Turns out that they not only drilled and mounted their gate on my gate post, but are using the entire side of our fence as well as attached additional fencing at the end of ours to block off that pathway my rear neighbor and I had left. He also used the fencing to the house being ours as well as their neighbors on the other side. Rough Google Map indicating where they installed the fencing. http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff66/naborgia/Fence.jpg I'm beyond pissed. So is my wife. I guess after this long post, I just need some rational ideas of how to handle this. They're not home this weekend, but I thought about simply going out there and knocking their shit down, but I know that won't help. We have reached out to the HOA to make sure they actually had approval to do this install. Plus, the by-laws state that "Fences are restricted to inside the owner’s property line and easement area, and must meet the setback requirements according to the Columbus City Code." I don't feel like I'm overreacting, but I'm not trying to have drama/animosity where I live. I have enough of that at work.
  10. So I ended up getting the Amazon Fire TV. Got it set up and so far it looks really good. A little less clunky than my AppleTV and I like you can kind of customize the menus. Looking forward to trying it out tonight.
  11. Should I do the Amazon Fire TV for $24.99, go with a Chromecast??
  12. It's all the Appalacian people coming out of the hills of southern PA/West Virginia. They only have a few brain cells and they kill them off anytime there's booze and music together.
  13. They're spewing out a lot more emissions than legally allowed, plus they all have software to cheat during emissions testing.
  14. Pretty much. Unless they can figure out a fix, to the scrapyard they go. http://jalopnik.com/heres-what-will-happen-to-the-thousands-of-diesels-volk-1782815084?rev=1467219621749&utm_campaign=socialflow_jalopnik_facebook&utm_source=jalopnik_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow
  15. I remember when I was 8 or 9, my parents Volvo 850 was at the dealership for a few days and they had given him a white Beretta as a rental car. While we had it, my dad and I went to pick up my grandmother for dinner one night. When she gets in the Beretta, looks around with this slightly pained look on her face, and says to my dad, "Frank, did you lose your job?" My dad was mortified.
  16. To piss off my wife. She hates when I do it as she thinks I'm showing off. Seriously though, I started doing it years ago when I was living with my mom right after college in her new house. The driveway is very steep and it was too tight of a right-hander to make it into the garage, so I would pull to the end of the driveway and back in. Made it much easier to get out of the garage. It's now a habit 9 years later. Even in my house now, the way our garage is, it gives us more room between my car and the wife's to open the doors without dinging each other if I go ass-first. I find it also helps when you're trying to leave the grocery store/mall/wherever and your sandwiched between a minivan and a Suburban. A low car with tinted windows in the back makes for a sketchy maneuver.
  17. He wasn't terrible for his first time doing something like this. I even enjoyed Evans go up against Sabine where we wasn't screaming at an audience or Gordon Ramsey. I felt the interactions between LeBlanc and Evans was just awful, and the host interaction with each other is what made this show for me. I think I'd rather watch Geeto and Tim argue instead.
  18. Watching Matt LeBlanc and Chris Evans interact throughout that show was like being apart of a blind date that never should have been set up in the first place.
  19. Maybe install a light with a sensor on it by the door. Might be enough to scare them away. Maybe even install a camera to see who it is and then find the parents?
  20. Spiders use to be bad for a few years for me, but I found a few areas around our back door and basement window that weren't sealed properly. Also picked up some of those ultra sonic pest things off eBay. Only had one spider so far this year. Fingers are crossed in the fall though.
  21. *BUMP* My buddy is on the search again. Not sure what happened, but if anyone out there knows of someone hiring, please let me know.
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