LOL yah, cuz everyone that has the money to afford the three cars you mentioned ALL want RWD v8s LOL. You ever notice that half of the people that drive the current SHOs dont know a damn thing about them? They are usually wealthy older people that wanted the optioned out taurus. So what makes you think everyone looking at a new SHO is sitting there thinking "man I hope this car can runs circles around a Charger or G8"....please. The SHO will be on par performancewise with them, it has WAAAYY more options, it will be considerably better on gas, and AWD STANDARD will appeal to more people. By the time you option out a Charger with AWD your sticker is a touch over the SHO. I find it funny that everyone here is an expert on how to market vehicles. How many of you own a car company again???? Thought so....