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Everything posted by Aaron

  1. Justin's skill wasn't finding the checkpoints, that was fairly easy. His skill was finding ways to get there faster. My wife usually found the address within the same general time as Justin, and was searching for any "better" routes when we get a text that say, "we got this, follow us" lol. And he did. Some of the roads he was able to locate using his Iphone weren't even indicated on Google, or Garmin in our car. I think we could have done very well on day 1 without his help (top 10 maybe), but he certainly pushed us over the edge to be in 4th place! Don't take my statements above as a knock, as they are certainly not. The opposite in fact. It is the small things like the gravel road here, a turn there that make or break your times. He rocked it out. :fuckyeah: I know from experience that leading a drive like that is far harder than following. You were taking all the chances, I just had to stay glued to your bumper. It was a blast without a doubt! Maybe Kyle can post some video of our run in Mexico on Day 3!
  2. Nobody is going to fill them in on your Hardee's experience?
  3. As far as the Rally goes, it was a blast. Jess and I had a fantastic time. Day 1 was the most "serious" day as far as competing goes. Joe and I were romping on some back roads and were pretty much "in the zone" the whole day. Joe and Navigator Justin founds some amazing back roads to cut some time, one being a gravel road about 2 miles long that Joe was so kind to annihilate my car with dust (pictured above). The second day, we screwed up on the first check point and took it easy going forward. We found ourselves in a state park with some wicked roads. We made it to every check point on day 2, but were not competitive. Third day was Talledega and straight to Florida. Our hotel was a joke, so my wife and I let that night at midnight and drove all the way through and were able to enjoy all friday and the entire weekend here at home. I urge everyone to do this, as it was a blast.
  4. Just a few details Doc. Joe finished 2nd the first day, and we finished 4th. Because of his ticket (and being an honorable guy), we ended up getting 3rd on the first day. Justin and Dave got 3rd on the second day. They originally were told 2nd, but at the end of the day, it turned out to be 3rd.
  5. Just got settled from the Rally. Not going to make this.
  6. My condolences. I will cry like a girl for a long time when our first pup goes. I fear the day.
  7. Very excited to say the least. See you in the morning!
  8. Some people dont recommend changing trans fluid if it hasnt been done at high mileage. Do some research on that aspect before you do it.
  9. Aaron

    Husky puppy

    Mine loves swimming.
  10. Name: Tina Join Date: Oct 2007 Location: Reynoldsburg Occupation: Evil Woman
  11. Be Brian, have no touch on todays car prices.
  12. Aaron

    Husky puppy

    Those above that call Husky's dumb, are infact mistaken. Read up on them. They are VERY hard headed, not dumb. They want to do what THEY want. Do your research before you get one, as they can be very BAD dogs, if not well cared for. They shed an insane amount, expect weekly brushings at a minimum, but more like 2/3 times per week. During coat blowing time, maybe even more. Get a high quality vacuum, and enjoy doing it, as they shed an insane amount. Furminator works great (brush). My Husky has a stick up its ass about small dogs, and as mentioned, they are a predatory dog, so it has to be expected. Recently she has gotten into 2 issues at the dog park because dumb owners of 3lb dogs let them into the big dog area. Nothing bad, just nipping at the neck of a 3lb dog looks pretty bad, and can do a lot more damage than to a full grown dog. This is something that you NEED to take seriously as it can put other pets/animals and your own, in danger. They are very hard to train to go to the bathroom outside. Ours pees in her cage almost every night, no matter what we do. She used to poop inside if we didn't take her out, now she barks for both pee and poop when she is out with us, but in her cage, she still pees. Keep in mind, she just started barking to use the bathroom at around 2.5 years old. They need a TON of exercise. Get a harness, a leash and a bike and let it pull you around the city, they love that. I weigh 350, on a bike that rubs the brake every turn of the wheel, and my 32lb husky can pull me all day. Also, the above dog is not normal, Husky's are known to bolt, as in run away at the first change they get. Even fences sometimes aren't enough, as they are mega athletic and can just jump them. Huskys are one of the top breeds at the pound because they run away. They also are mischevious if not exercised. They will get into things and potentially damage stuff. It should be noted some Huskys are bad with kids too. I know they sound bad, but it needs to be said, as you never know if you are going to get a model citizen, or a hellion. With that said, we love ours, and if it weren't for the fur, would soley have them.
  13. The kit on the black one doesn't look horrible, I guess.
  14. Leave the kit off. They only need wheels and dropped. That blue one looks great with mediocre wheels.
  15. http://media.desura.com/images/members/1/349/348572/get-the-fuck-out.jpg
  16. Pretty bad ass. Let me know when you have it out next so we can go for a drive and i want a ride.
  17. I think the heat will win it this year. I hope the Thunder put up as good a fight as the Celtics did.
  18. Yeah, I think 5 would be my max. I wouldn't want to get into a proving yourself type situation with unknown people. Let me know if this goes through though.
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