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Everything posted by Aaron

  1. Aaron

    FRS > Cayman

    Wait, so this article has credibility?
  2. Aaron

    FRS > Cayman

    He is asking for numbers. You know, what every other test has. Performance stats.
  3. Aaron

    FRS > Cayman

    Renault megan 265
  4. Aaron

    FRS > Cayman

    There is a thread on vortex, shows the brz destroyed by a french econobox. Ill try to find it.
  5. Any idea who could handle something like this? I don't have the tools for removing the material.
  6. Maint is a bit more than usual, as the DSG needs done every 40k, haldex needs done regularly too. Other than those items, its just filters (fuel, cabin, air, oil), oil changes and wear itesm. Intakes are 200-500, exhausts are 4-800 and springs are 200-400. Don't know how that compares to other cars, but I think its pretty reasonable. Radio is pretty good, its not amazing, but good. Has sirius, 6 disc changer, aux input, etc.
  7. You will always get more private party sale. Trade in is for convenience only.
  8. I have driven them countless times, almost bought one 3 times lol. There were 2 downsides when I was looking, and I couldn't get over 1. #1 was gas mileage. Highway is rated at 23, so if you baby it, you might see 25 at 65mph. I was traveling 75 and it said something like 18mpg. I could have easily gotten over this if it weren't for #2. #2 was DSG. I owned a 2006 GTI DSG for 40k miles. It was great initially, but got really boring after the honeymoon period wore off. The R32 begs for a 6mt. It works well with the 3.2, but it just sucks the fun out of the car. I absolutely LOVE the way the MKV's look (obviously), and if they came in a 6mt, I'd own one. Other than the 2 above, there isn't much to dislike about the car. It is a bit portly, a bit slow, and a bit expensive for most. The DSG has a learning curve. You will have to learn how to drive the car to get it to do what you want seamlessly, such as if you are accelerating, and want to downshift, you need to let off the gas for a split second. This will switch the second shaft in the trans from going to the higher gear, and have it go to the lower gear, allowing the fastest downshift possible. There is plenty of info online about this kind of stuff.
  9. Hey guys, so as some of you know, I am doing a front brake upgrade to the Porsche Boxster 4 piston Brembo calipers. Take a look below and let me know how easy the bracket would be to modify? Stock S pads: http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRH6ODQqoLJ-RM0CakpWdyR4rw3YXWz1misx1eyYbXmjNDsYzwY Roughly modified S pads to mirror the Standard Boxster pad: http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r247/A4SHO/Workingonthecar025.jpg Stock pad: http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r247/A4SHO/Workingonthecar023.jpg http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r247/A4SHO/Workingonthecar022.jpg S Pad: http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r247/A4SHO/Workingonthecar029.jpg http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r247/A4SHO/Workingonthecar028.jpg http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r247/A4SHO/Workingonthecar026.jpg So the obvious thing to do would be to lower the ledge that the pads sit on, however: http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r247/A4SHO/Workingonthecar030.jpg http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r247/A4SHO/Workingonthecar031.jpg There is essentially no room, as I wouldn't feel comfortable with a pad that was any closer to the bracket. It does look that if the pad opening on the bracket was widened, it would allow for the pad to be lowered enough to have full contact. Thoughts?
  10. Test fit my brakes. Great success. Should have them installed this weekend.
  11. This is a great cause guys, anything is appreciated. PS, your troll almost worked doc...
  12. The IS350 does come in AWD. It didn't come initially, but they released it later in the models life.
  13. I just did 270 from 161 to 71 to polaris there and back and zero.
  14. Aaron

    5/18 Sonic

    I'll be there, maybe not til 830 though. Debadging and washing the car first.
  15. Is the grill issue just an optical illusion caused by the picture?
  16. Thanks for looking man, I appreciate it. I was actually just trying to give Derek some more time with them, but it looks like he just got them. You know it.
  17. Anyone have a set? Old used ones are fine. Using for a mock up only.
  18. http://i.imgur.com/Vkxsu.jpg http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7194/7147516839_d31e8f1f2c_b.jpg http://lowdaily.ru/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/MG_17171-21.jpg A bit ricey, but https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/472906_10150825046668721_94289138720_9757742_411581985_o.jpg
  19. I'll be picking this up. Thanks doc!
  20. Usually 10, but the last time I was out, there was quite a few cars there by 10.
  21. Chipotle was delicious. See you guys tonight.
  22. LOL, nothing can get past you... :lolguy:
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