Its a Dominion home, in one of their communities. Its off of Central College Rd between Ulry and Hamilton. It has single family homes, patio style homes (garage in back, lawn and snow removal included) and townhouse condos. Ours is a patio style home, 2 story, 1580sq ft, 3 bedroom, 2.5 baths, attic storage etc. Exterior is 1/2 brick and 1/2 siding, with shutters. Garage is a bit small, but will house our 2 VW's just fine.
We had to sacrifice some of the things we initially wanted to get into the location we wanted and it being a new house. We decided to buy a house before the credit expired about a week before christmas. Because we weren't planning on buying a house, we hadn't saved up a downpayment, which made us have to find something that would close towards the end of the credit timeline.
There were some new inventory homes through M/I we looked at, but everything was already picked out, so we had no options to make it ours. They said they couldn't build any new builds before the credit expired. We then looked at Dominion and they had a few inventory houses too, and they were able to build a new build in time. This was the best of both worlds.
They had 6-8 lots left that overlooked the large park they have in the community. So we got to pick our exact lot across from the park, pick the exact floor plan we wanted, and pick all the colors and options. It really worked out great.
They also have a work equity program, that will give us the entire 3.5% downpayment. We have to paint the interior of the house, mulch and plant the shrubs, fill in the nail holes in the cabinets and install cabinet shelves, and a few other misc things. By doing this, they will contribute $5,500 towards the DP, which is everything shy of $100 I think.
We also locked in a killer interest rate for 180 days, and couldn't be happier with the way our timeline, demands and expectations were met.