I bought and installed a Fujita intake for my GTI. The intake pipe going into the engine is 2.5". The Fujita uses a 2.75" tube and a 2.5" tube. The 2.5" tube houses the MAF.
People have complained of a slight hickup only in hot temperatures and only from 1000-2500rpms. A guy did some logs with a VAG-Com(diagnostic tool) and found it pulled some timing. Here is the link comparing it to another intake.
I was wondering if anyone could help me understand the information contained in the graphs. Also, I was wondering why the intake would cause such a problem.
I was wondering also if changing the pipe diameter to 2.75" by the Maf and using a 2.75" to 2.5" silicon reduction coupler would solve my problem. All of the other aftermarket intakes that use the 2.75" all the way use the reduction coupler, so is it the fact that the pipe where the air is getting metered is a bit smaller than stock messing with the readings?
Sorry for the long post, just trying to understand this. Thanks.