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Everything posted by Aaron

  1. The SRT-4 trans was mentioned in handling over 400 without modification.
  2. I was wondering if anyone knows of a FWD MANUAL transmission that has a high tq rating. At least 300+ lb ft. Thanks for the help.
  3. It depends on if he is leasing or buying. You can lease a 45k car for fractions of what the buy payment will be. Buy: CPO B7 S4 CPO E46 M3 CPO C55 AMG C6 Vette G37 335 Lease: 335 135
  4. x2 Past and Present, you are much appreciated. Be safe, and thanks.
  5. Awesome, thanks guys. I will get in touch when I receive my brakes.
  6. To add crap to this thread, this intake clearly uses the 2.5" pipe most of the way, including where the MAF is, so why is this intake not getting ripped apart? http://www.namotorsports.net/detail.cfm/part_cd/AF51-11112
  7. I bought and installed a Fujita intake for my GTI. The intake pipe going into the engine is 2.5". The Fujita uses a 2.75" tube and a 2.5" tube. The 2.5" tube houses the MAF. http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r247/A4SHO/Fujitaintake2.jpg http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r247/A4SHO/Fujitaintake.jpg People have complained of a slight hickup only in hot temperatures and only from 1000-2500rpms. A guy did some logs with a VAG-Com(diagnostic tool) and found it pulled some timing. Here is the link comparing it to another intake. http://www.golfmkv.com/forums/showthread.php?t=67328&highlight=fujita I was wondering if anyone could help me understand the information contained in the graphs. Also, I was wondering why the intake would cause such a problem. I was wondering also if changing the pipe diameter to 2.75" by the Maf and using a 2.75" to 2.5" silicon reduction coupler would solve my problem. All of the other aftermarket intakes that use the 2.75" all the way use the reduction coupler, so is it the fact that the pipe where the air is getting metered is a bit smaller than stock messing with the readings? Sorry for the long post, just trying to understand this. Thanks.
  8. Does anyone have a 14mm triple square? I need one to replace the rear rotors on my GTI. I know you can buy them from the mac tools truck, but would like to borrow one if anyone has it. Thanks. Aaron
  9. What part of the MAF is tricky? If you put it in the same place in the pipe, should there be an issue? I will bring it buy next week. Thanks.
  10. Car looks great, big fan of the wheels.
  11. http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r247/A4SHO/Fujitaintake2.jpg
  12. How much would it take to fab up the smaller pipe with the sensor bung with a piece of pipe in the larger size. 2.75" I believe. I imagine you could take the bung off of the existing piece, so it shouldn't take long. http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r247/A4SHO/Fujitaintake.jpg Thanks.
  13. I will never use the Casino and did not research it properly so I didnt cast a vote. I will not tell others what should and should not be with out proper information.
  14. 10 minutes at Thomas Elementary @ 10AM
  15. Just voted for McCain. Interested in the coverage today.........
  16. Had a great time. Thanks for the ride/drive. Let me know when you want to go for another drive.
  17. I will PM you my number, call me if you are running really late or are not able to make it. Cool? Shower, and taking the dog out. See you there.
  18. Alright, I just found the lot. That looks like a perfect place. 2PM?
  19. I think I am mentally retarded. I can't find where that is even when using the map.....
  20. Sounds good. Meet me outside in about an hour, I will be right there.
  21. Sounds good man. Where do you want to meet? I live in the Orleans apartments by Tutle Mall off of Hayden Run.
  22. No one came through on the Hocking Hills thing, so I was wondering if anyone wanted to go for a drive still? Name the route, and time, and I will attend.
  23. Whats up man, mkv aaron on ohiovw. Have fun here.......
  24. Was talking about this last night. 100% for a flat tax rate.
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