Your average person is terrified of dogs, and are complete idiots. This makes them act in stupid ways thinking the dog will bite/attack them. His daughter probably was crying, said, "DADDY, a dog was chasing me and I was so scared, wwwwwwaaaaaaaaa."
However, it is your responsibility to not allow that to happen. Given it was a puppy, it is understandable. The father was just trying to protect his girl.
My brothers Doberman is such a sweet dog, would never heart a fly. He doesn't use a leash and sometimes he goes running up to people. Its funny to see what they do sometimes, but is totally understandable being afraid of a 90lb Doberman running at you. lol
What I find amazing is even dog owners are afraid of dogs most of the time. They act so dumb when a dog isnt completely boring, lazy.
Sorry this happened.