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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Started a diet on Oct 30th of last year. When I started I was 310lbs. Im now at 255lbs. Haven't felt this good in a long time and I haven't even increased my activity level, yet. Very low-carb (never more than 20g a day and about 15 of that is greans.) NO sugars including natural sugar and no bread and cereal group, which should go without saying. There's a bit more to it, but that's the gist. It's very "Atkinsy". I had SERIOUS digestive and stomach issues before. They are almost non-existent now and the affects were immediate after starting my diet. My gf started when I did and has lost about 25-30lbs and is lighter than when she was in college, now. Stopped smoking cigs in October of 2010. I think Im about ready for another CR Boxing Day!
  2. Yep, I would've gone to court if I need to. Let the guy get caught trying to scam on top of backing into me. lol Same here.
  3. ImUrOBGYN


    Huge difference in the quality in springs. There are some you maybe able to leave fully loaded off and on for years and never have noticable degradation in spring strength and elasticity. Some others, not so much. What works for one clip may not hold true for another. If it worries you so much, buy another spring. Depending on the clip, it shouldn't be too expensive or hard to replace.
  4. Wouldn't have to if these nut-sippers understood forum/internet protocol when posting things like this... Where's the damn screenshots?!?!?! :fuuuu:
  5. I don't get it. It looks fancy, but what's to stop you from doing this, now?
  6. When were you there? I missed you, somehow.
  7. I believe I may need that. I'll check later to be sure. In the meantime, hold it for me if you don't mind.
  8. Ew. Get off your LS1 box. It's gone to your head. :gabe:
  9. Also, many know this car is a ode to the Toyota 800 and the AE86, what most don't know is that the 800 was actually the first front-mounted, boxer engined rear-wheel drive automobile. Anyway, of course, they're going to use a company that is current with boxer tech and that they own a sizable portion of to develop a current boxer motor for the new 86. This obviously saves a ton of money and is almost 'in-house'. This isn't exactly unheard of between the two given that Toyota already provides FHI's minicars, for example. As for the new FR-S/BR-Z, given where I currently live, I'd be tempted in to selling the Supra for one. Maybe, not the 1st year model, though. New car reliability and warranty on top of it. Littleguy and I talked about owning an "underpowered" car like this one. I agreed with him that if I still lived in Houston or somewhere similar where you weren't able to really utilize the corner carving ability. In Houston especially, it's a land of power and straights. However, here in Ohio, I know countless roads to lose an entire day on where the curves, banks, blind corners, decreasing radius turns, etc are nonstop and I still haven't run out of new ones, yet. (Seriously, compeletely shocking how few of you really know how many great roads you guys have out here.) Not only would this car be better at tackling these roads than my Supra, especially after a little suspension upgrade, but I'd save more gas getting there and back. There will always be upgrades for more power. Besides, the amount of power you'll need in a nice light car liek that will be alot less than you needed in your T/A, Evo, etc. I'm excited.
  10. Vid 1 That's almost exactly how I do mine stuff. The sleeves on the shirt I haven't tried that way, though. My way works pretty good, however. What's impressive is how absolutely fast and perfect my aunt Vicki can fold a fitted sheet and you can't tell it's not a regular one. Vid 2 Dumb old bitch! Last time, my brain score was an easy 60! Games are for every age. Vid 3 Pretty cool and much less dangerous than the inflatable doll my buddy and I hung off the overpass over the freeway when we were younger. Vid 4 My hero growing up. Loved everything Bruce Lee. Still pissed he's dead. Yes, he is that fast. Vid 5 Girlfriend just got home with groceries so I'll make this quick. "Awesome". I need it and I don't even need it...
  11. Thinking of stopping by Doc's if it's open and then maybe some sliding around on some empty streets/parking lots.
  12. I think that's why everyone's laughing. DON tends to push some shit sometimes that borders funny for some, however.
  13. Hopefully, he's extra damn good considering the close proximity of each person in that crowd. Also, keep that guy in mind next time you decide to streak out onto the field. lol
  14. The OP's first reply after being told numerous times that he's used the jack incorrectly: "GODDAMIT." lol Damn idiot. It tells you in the manual and either where the jack is located or on the jack, as well. He's lucky the damn thing didn't fall off.
  15. Received this tweet from Delaware Ohio News today. Here's the facebook link that was tweeted out showing not only replies but also how many f'n likes... http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=811092&l=96eabad80e&id=189325527769728 A later tweet by them. FYI, if you read the comments from the previous link, you'll find a commenter by the name of J Louis Mills. This is relevant to the next DON tweet. Delaware Ohio News Is J Louis Mills the next Al Sharpton? lol Holy shit. Doesn't really suprise me if you've ever read their "news", etc. Still, I gotta wonder if someone's not possibly just trying to screw them over. I dunno. They're supposedly opening a new website today, too. I wonder how much this shit's got to do with that, as well.
  16. Congratulations on the next level. Good luck with Luck Lolita Studios. (Sorry, everytime I hear/see the name that's what pops into my head. lol)
  17. Better than some of the previous halftime shows. And for those saying Madonna looked hot... C'mon. If I put that much makeup and form-contricting clothing I'd look that good up there.
  18. That's interesting. Learned something new.
  19. This thread is funny already so I'll skip the easy "portable pole" for your wife to ride joke.
  20. It's been awhile but do they still make glaser safety slugs?
  21. It was cool seeing some of you I haven't seen in awhile. Also, I am still undefeated in foosball if any of you wanna bring it. I will bringing a level for that thing next time, too. lol
  22. May I enter the RAV4 or is too "tippy"?
  23. Yes, I forgot to mention this earlier. I wonder how many of those people (on both sides) with issues have shitloads of aps downloaded and/or running. Or just install whatever and wonder why they have issues.
  24. I'll probably make an appearance this week, myself.
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