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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. This is me, as well. Looking for an excuse tonight, too. Supposed to keep snowing for a bit and I want to get out there in it. Been waiting too long to put these beefy A/T's out in the snow.
  2. lol Those f'n commercials make me want to run out the door and choke the living shit out of the first living thing I see.
  3. Either I misunderstood the meaning of your post or vice versa. I don't think we're on the same page.
  4. You pussy. Stand behind what you said. So, VatoZone isn't politically correct? How about Advanced Vato? That's like a compliment. :gabe: He only apologized cuz I told him he was 'kinda' in trouble in this thread. I'm not apologizing for shit.
  5. I've wondered about my nasal passages, etc, as well. I don't feel like I can breathe through there normally.
  6. Damn Columbians. Mountain Mexicans.
  7. Yes. Yes, it can. Tickle: n. 1. The act of tickling. 2. A tickling sensation.
  8. You're assuming that minorities are treated better, currently? By who or what? Moving on from that, I've always liked Ron Paul. Like others have said though, he wont' be voted in.
  9. Also, I'm not sure they'll remain for long. Ford and VW is coming on strong and Toyota was never really out of it. Hell, who even knows for sure since it seems every manu' uses their own math system.
  10. Fleet sales and rentals. Since we're going to count those, let's count all the terrorist vehicles while we're at it. Who's champion, now? Toyota. lol
  11. Looking at the first pic makes my knee tickle but makes me not wanna look at it.
  12. I feel like you just did. Good point.
  13. haha That second guy looks like a f'n cartoon character. I've been having a lot of 'nightmares'. Not really nightmares, but not always good, either. Mine have all been about vices I've quit in the last couple years. Smoking and eating like shit. I have dreams of eating things Im not supposed to. Last night, it was a room with people and filled with pastries and the like. lol I took a bite and then felt guilty. Later, I had a dream where I decided to smoke a cig, tho I never actually did it in the dream. I've also been having a few where Im in a public setting with just a pair of boxer briefs on. Sometimes Im embarassed but occasionally, I'm looking good again and not giving a shit. haha
  14. Is that racist? Personally, I love racoons. Shitty pets as they're worse than little kids about getting into everything. Other than that, awesome little bastards. So smart, yet, they love to run out in traffic. Sorry about that car. That sucks.
  15. I may have to take you up on this. My garage heater died and I need to change either a cps or a valve cover gasket.
  16. Seems you have some tranny issues. Shouldn't this be in the tech section?
  17. Not so sure it was racially charged, either, given the last names of the majority of the attackers. I admit, my 'fairness' meter goes off the f'n chart seeing someone jumped by multiple people. Hell, Ill jump in and stop a 1 on 1 once someone starts getting their asses kicked. Somtimes, people need a good ol fashion ass whippin but there's a limit to everything.
  18. Looking good. Excited to see it out.
  19. lol I wish had the room for one of those 50's... I'd love to make a huge vivarium. I always wanted to do one in a 110 I used to have but it always had some kinda fish.
  20. Hope you're ok. That sucks.... Ricer.
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