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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. We had a blue one when I was a kid. Loved the old windows in the back that popped open like little side spoilers. lol Later, a 302 was plopped into it. Thinking back, it was still a pig. haha
  2. It's the new "in thing" to do.
  3. Don't feel bad, Phil. I think he's just having post-coital regret.
  4. Caught and solved a small bug. I noticed at one point I couldn't sprint more than a couple feet. Didn't matter where I was, how full my stamina or that my weight was acceptable, either. If this happens to you, just sneak/crouch a couple times then stand back up and try sprinting again. Should be fine. Not completely sure what causes it, though. If you've played the previous ones extensively, you know this one will have a bug or two, as well. If you get any, please post them up with Bug/Glitch in title.
  5. Oh, that reminds me. Thanks. I've been working with a phone that the mic stopped working on for like 6months, now. Always using this pos bluetooth thing that looks pink. I get a full discount in January but I've been hoping for some big sale sooner.
  6. Being as big as I am and having worked with animals all my life, including large farm animals, I would never fear a dog so much I had to shoot it. However, not everyone is my size or has experience with animals like I do. It's underdtandable for someone to be safe as opposed to sorry. THe important thing comes during that decsions process. Too many people overreact or look for a reason to use more force than needed. Animals are much stronger than their size belies. People forget, pound for pound, there isn't an animal out there who isn't stronger. If you truly need a scientific reason behind this, ask, otherwise, let's keep my post short. A large dog is quite capable of causing enough damage and pain to cause most people, especially those who've never truly experienced the pain and strength from a large dog or other animal, to panic. A skilled dog or a dog with good insincts only needs that brief moment to get the upperhand.
  7. Ive been playing it. I trying to go with a different character as I had an Orc warrior and a Kajit bow assassin in Oblivion. This time, I have a high elf magic user. Currently, he's a werewolf with good archery for that first attack and heavy destruction and conjuration to clean it up. Im still barely in Whiterun but I'm already overflowing with quests and sidequests. I'll have to comb back thru this thread later. Needless to say, it's been fun finding new little tricks and shit to do. Also, Im liking some of the new animations, like insta kills and werewolf attacks. Weirdest thing thats happened is I've accidentally kicked some antlers on the ground and they hurt the shit out of me. lol Also, Ive seeen a coupld npc's either disappear or suddenly appear out of nowhere. Dammit. Think I'm gonna skip some shit today so I can play it in a few.
  8. Is that last offer 72hrs total or just till 'fruition' and you have 72hrs to complete it?
  9. Incredible idea. This man deserves a plus 1. This way we can still be entertained by them. Like animals in a zoo. And if every once awhile, one of them finally blooms into a legit cr member (whatever that is), they can even be allowed back in. I know we have a newb area, but this would be for those special few who get thru.
  10. As mysterious and wonderful as your double-sexed genatalia...
  11. I've quoted the important part. First, you know it's a problem so either handle it appropriately or stop provoking a poorly trained dog everytime you walk yours. Handle this first thing right, and you won't find yourself questioning whether you want to shoot someone else's animal. Start by speaking with the owners. There's no reason not to be amicable and try. If there's still a problem, contact animal control. I would go ahead and do that, now. Since you've already been attacked. Personally, I would ask for them to speak with the owners, not take away their dog. Make them understand the next time the dog will be taken away and/or a large fine or possible lawsuit. This is 2011. You have zero reason to be questioning the shooting of this dog. Especially, since you say you're a caring dog owner yourself. You're not on your farm with a feral dog threatening your family. You're walking by a yard with a poorly trained, aggressive dog that you are not forced to confront and without any other avenues having been investigated, ie; haven't spoke with animal control or the owners or changed your dog walking route, etc. At this point, you're putting yourself and your dog in a situation. And as a fellow bully owner, it'll be you who gets blamed 9 times out of 10. (Probably not in this case since their dog is jumping the fence unsupervised. But you know what Im saying.) Of course, you shouldnt' have to alter your walks, etc. It's not right. But again, I think you know what Im saying. Just trying to put things into perspective here. Some level minds have to prevail in this forum of 'shoot first and ask questions later'.
  12. Nice kill. Can't deny the consistency, either.
  13. Hadn't seen the first posting... having said that... Fuckin little shit got what she deserved. Probably didn't get enough.
  14. ImUrOBGYN

    Ouija Boards

    Read it. Got a translated copy of it back in '92.
  15. First of all, big deal. It's a silicone coating. Of course, it's fucking water proof. Oh, and just because fucking water doesn't stick to it doesn't mean it can't carry bacteria and viruses. I would still spray my dick with it.
  16. ImUrOBGYN

    Ouija Boards

    Nope, you just need to 'winterize'.
  17. North Carolina home was our fav. She really likes that style house and the garage was pretty damn pimp, too.
  18. Yes, you are right. It was CO2. Memory and all...
  19. ImUrOBGYN

    Ouija Boards

    Are we talking about the Ouija boards or have we switched topics to vaginas?
  20. Crazy. Have you heard of methane burps in other lakes, etc? There's a famous one I think happened in Africa. The methane overflowed the lake shore, ran down the hills and filled a small valley this village lived in killing the villagers and their animals. Not the only occurence of this natural event happening, either.
  21. If you read the entire article, it's not as bad as it's made out to be. (Though there may be some other shit that they don't know for sure.) No bodies are buried in a landfill. It's basically what little dust and debris remains after the ashes, etc have been taken out to be returned to families, etc. The 'scratch' that remains is eventually dumped. Really, this is no different than any other crematorium type deal. Many other families gave permission to the military to dispose of the ashes, as well. Sorry, but I don't feel like you can complain where your loved one's ashes go when you give the responsibility to someone else who isn't even an individual let alone a part of the family. That's the gist I got from the article, anyway. This is my opinion, of course, but THEY ARE DEAD, anyway. It's just ashes; it's just a husk. I understand some people have certain 'beliefs', but then you shouldn't handled it yourself. Perform your ceremonies and honor them in your memory and the way you live your life.
  22. It's too bad this kinda shit happens. I'm glad they're cleaning the place out. And fuck the idiots rioting. It's a simple example of misdirected angst and an excuse to act out.
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