Cool catch and good pics. You see this all over the place with various small birds and raptors. I'm sure some of you wonder why the hawk doesnt just whip its ass. I'll take a scene from one of the greatest movies of our time to help explain...
Fast & the Furious
Hondas chasing a semi-truck.
Of course, the truck could smash them; but only if the Hondas let him. They're too fast for the truck to hit. Best thing for him to do is to feint a little when neccessary and haul ass out of there to be rid of the irrating fucks.
You'll never see them chase a smaller raptor, ie; falcons, harriers or other small, highly agile raptors for obvious reasons.
In Texas, the state bird is the Mockingbird. It's found many places and I even occasionally see them here. They're notoriously aggressive and know (and Ive seen them) attack cats, dogs, people, ANYTHING that comes remotely near their nest. Fearless littel bastards. Smart, too. There used to be one that hung out in the front yard and learned to copy the same whistle I used to call the dogs. It would sit in the tree, whistle, cock it's little head and watch the dogs run out front. Dogs would get confused and return to the backyard only to have the little shit whistle for them again. lol Funny stuff.