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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. ImUrOBGYN

    I hate cr

    What the hell is a tutle?
  2. ImUrOBGYN


    I was talking about this website: http://clinicaltrials.gov/
  3. I just can't stand dusting and getting behind/under furniture when dusting and vacuuming. I wish I had someone just for that...
  4. lmao Sorry, it's funny as shit to listen to many of you go off now, that you feel betrayed when many of you used to constantly praise and make excuses for them. I do think it's shitty, though. It's just going to take a couple years to rebuild. If, IF the NCAA can leave you guys the fuck alone. They just removed a 'win' in the Orange Bowl from USC a few days ago from back in... shit, I think 2004. :fuuuu: Take it away from everyone. Take it aways from the school and fans. Just too bad...
  5. "Was he supposed to do it?", the lady in the crowd says. I wonder that myself. What the fuck was he waiting for? Had he attempted this before? Who set this up there? Who thought this guy and his 'trick' was ready for a public venue?
  6. CANNOT understand the fascination with Beiber and Gaga. Well, I guess I can why others do, though I cannot agree with it. :fuuuu:
  7. 肛門 前掲 (anal supra) Translation: Super Anal
  8. ImUrOBGYN


    What kind of trial was it? There's an excellent site that shows all clinical testing going on in the US and locally, what you need to qualify, dates, compensation, etc. I cant remember if offhand and dont have time to look it up, atm. If anyone is interested, let me know and I'll find it later.
  9. That is a common house centipede. It is a voracious eater of other insects and spiders.
  10. I dunno, man. He half ass stumbled over there with the crowd. Once the crowd was gone, he's still seen standing around there. There's obviously some words said before the altercation. After seeing the whole vid, I'm back to thinking he probably ran his mouth a little too much. Whether he just didn't like being told to move away or whether he was just being an ass, a person in his position should've known better; should've known there were more important things at stake than his possible drunken pride. Let me also just say that I don't agree with what happened. It was excessive and the bodyguards should be punished accordingly, as well.
  11. ImUrOBGYN


    WTF? I make a point not to hang out with anyone who's just exited quarantine... :megusta:
  12. Vid didnt work for me yesterday. Saw it, now, though. Honestly, you can't tell who instigated it. I would imagine he was standing closer than they would've liked and asked him to move. When he didn't, things got serious. It looks like he pushes one of them, not to hard, but as if to say get out of my face. Thats when the punches start flying. They were all probably being pricks. lol
  13. Advanced Auto used to. Dunno if they still do. Guess you could check the site.
  14. It wasn't actually Tosh, but a special guest. I do not recall the actors name. He was bitching about his eyes burning for obvious reasons. hahaha We couldn't even get 3/4's of the 'badasses' who were supposed to show up for boxing. You thing anyone would actually show up for this? I'd go and suffer just to see who actually showed up and who actually was a badass. lol Set it up. :megusta:
  15. I'm gonna go with #4 since she's obviously high-dollar and therefore, classy.
  16. Cool catch and good pics. You see this all over the place with various small birds and raptors. I'm sure some of you wonder why the hawk doesnt just whip its ass. I'll take a scene from one of the greatest movies of our time to help explain... Fast & the Furious Hondas chasing a semi-truck. Of course, the truck could smash them; but only if the Hondas let him. They're too fast for the truck to hit. Best thing for him to do is to feint a little when neccessary and haul ass out of there to be rid of the irrating fucks. You'll never see them chase a smaller raptor, ie; falcons, harriers or other small, highly agile raptors for obvious reasons. In Texas, the state bird is the Mockingbird. It's found many places and I even occasionally see them here. They're notoriously aggressive and know (and Ive seen them) attack cats, dogs, people, ANYTHING that comes remotely near their nest. Fearless littel bastards. Smart, too. There used to be one that hung out in the front yard and learned to copy the same whistle I used to call the dogs. It would sit in the tree, whistle, cock it's little head and watch the dogs run out front. Dogs would get confused and return to the backyard only to have the little shit whistle for them again. lol Funny stuff.
  17. I guess it depends on who's story you believe. Fact of the matter is, it's impossible, given the location, that there were no witnesses who really saw what happened. If this guy has really already been charged and really has been demoted, etc, I'm assuming the LaBelle side is probably the right side. It makes the most logical sense. Or the writer of this story is just seriously shitty and biased. Which I think is the case, anyway. The story is missing a ridiculuous amount of facts and legal info. *Off soapbox* Just my opinion, of course.
  18. If you lived in Delaware... Sorry. Good luck.
  19. This a slight possibility. However, some seem to be enjoying it, so what the hell. Besides, I figured it was slightly relevant due to the recent crazy exiting of a Jeep vid.
  20. Those two guys have zero personality. Oh, and taste. Tachometer measures rotational speed of the shift. Who the fuck is JKTyres? Nevermind, it's an Indian tire company. I had no idea they were 'the best'. They put a Scion sticker on it.
  21. This "Pleasure Coach" was on Tosh.0 last night. It was flippin hilarious.
  22. Earlier this week, you learned how to exit a vehicle like a boss. Today, you learn how to enter it like one. http://youtu.be/b-xmfWX5Myo
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