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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Drive the speed limit or take a surface street? :gabe:
  2. Good point. I know sometimes people don't realize they're risking their lives for something stupid at that moment. Hell, we all risk it for some stupid shit at some point. POV. Tomato, Tomatoe. heh Whatever. My empathy is at its lowest levels earlier in the day. My mood and everything else improves as it gets later/darker. I'm super friendly and caring in the evening/night. Get with me, then. lmao Aw, for fuck's sake. haha
  3. Thanks for the info. It'd be for their recognized radiology coursework they offer. I won't have the rest of my business together in time for this year more than likely, anyway. But I'll definitely keep it in mind once Im ready to register, etc. I did have plans to meet with an advisor, plus, I have to meet with.. I forget the name offhand. Has to do with the radiology and related classes. Any particular reason why you wouldn't suggest online courses? Please list any and all. It's been years since I've been in school and I dont mind in-class sessions but would like to do online ones for any basic coursework. And sorry for the thread-jack. I don't feel it's that bigga deal, at this point, however.
  4. I agree with the gauge. You can always borrow one from Autozone, etc. Give yourself the piece of mind knowing that you're not prematurely wearing out your belts and more importantly, your pulleys, your alternator, etc. Or, too little and your belts are slipping and you WILL NOT always know they are slipping. They don't always squeal. Sure, you can get a feel for them once you've done them a few tiems or used a gauge, but it sounds like you're not exactly comfortable with that.
  5. Im sorry, am I the only one who think's he's an idiot? Besides, he should've just let his son catch the ball instead of ball hoggin'. This is how he died. A firefighter. That's the part that's sad. I wonder how many other people need to throw themselves over the rail before they put us all behind a chain link fence to watch the game... Sorry, just not feeling particularly sympathetic towards the dad. I do, however, feel very poorly for the son and family.
  6. Wow, pretty cool. Congrats, man! Thanks for pointing it out, Doc. I sure would've never known.
  7. Im not arguing punctuation or semantics. I'm arguing against their literal meaning. It specifically states, "...used to explode any cartridge or thing filled with any explosive substance or material." My paticular airgun does not explode any cartridge or thing filled with any explosive...", ie; a powdered filled catridge (bullet), etc. Shit, my slingshot is more deadly than my pellet rifle depending on the situation. Though, that's irrelevant here.
  8. Im not much of a stream person though I did do a bit of that when I lived in Cali and I'm practicing it here. I do love some bass fishing but they also have some of the best crappie and catfish, too. The weather lends itself to some large fish. And lol@ all the 'fisting' people. You guys can still post pics... lol
  9. Saw a guy the other day in Delaware driving a red truck (not even full size or even a nice one) with a huge red, white and blue mural of an eagle's head and flag. Got along beside him and he had the exact same mural tatooed on his arm. hahaha Im going to get a mural and tatoo of me in my car on the side of my car. Sorta like Jon Benjamin/this redneck. lol Other than the prison yard tats, how do you like Columbus state? Im considering taking some classes there.
  10. Then you've been missing out since the UK version is almost a full hour uncut, unlike the US airing. I will say though, that BBC America did start playing Top Gear uncut last season, I believe. I think they'll be doing that again this season. Dunno for sure, though. BTW, other car show start dates: Fifth Gear - Currently airing Motorweek - Currently airing Top Gear UK - Currently airing Bullrun - 7/8/11 The Car Show - 7/13/11 Top Gear US - 7/24/11 Top Gear Australia - To Be Announced
  11. Did you read the thread? 10 out of 14 trucks in one group. Did you read how it happened? These are rhetorical, btw. I know the answer. I don't understand how people express such strong opinions based on guessing and skimming...
  12. I agree on most, if not all, of these points.
  13. That 1st yr old pic of your boy in the tub is cute as shit. lol My daughter will be turning 17 August 2nd. :no: For some reason, she still thinks her Dad is pretty cool and funny as hell.
  14. You could see the shockwave travel down his thigh.
  15. I have House Sparrows like freakin roaches around our house and getting into the attic. They shit everywhere. Lawn furniture, cars, etc. My neighbor tried screening his attic vents and the little bastards tore threw it all. lol I stopped filling the bird feeders a year ago just because the sparrows were getting ridiculous.
  16. No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any firearm, airgun or other instrument used to explode any cartridge or thing filled with any explosive substance or material. This part is open to interpretation and I would not hesitate to fight it in court if I were charged with firing a pellet/bb rifle since technically the air discharge is NOT being used to explode a catridge or any explosive substance. However, I dont fire off around my house, anyway. I was told by a couple people that it was fine here in Delaware, but I argued you probably couldn't since you couldn't in most cities I've lived in. I need to check the laws here, too.
  17. This sentence is full of dumb. "And those who complain that it is a waste to spend money in space forget that NASA creates jobs." NASA is a waste of government money for an agency that is technically private. Especially, when there are loads of private companies that can do what they do cheaper and with less red tape. Im not saying Im disappointed in the lack of support or that there hasn't been great inventions that have come from NASA (and one great sugar momma years ago. ). However, like many things that have been infected by government, it became bloated and ineffectual.
  18. lol I wonder what new bugs will move in, now.
  19. That may be true, but you're in one of the best fishing states there is. I miss it almost everytime I go fishing here.
  20. Nope, the infant is protected from many diseases within the womb. Not that it's not possible to infect one, it's just also possible to not infect them. Case in point, his son was 6yrs old and HIV free. I wonder if they've actually tested the child and found that he's now Positive. What a worthless fuck. I can think of many excuses for many crimes, but this is some shit. I'd like to cut him up a bit and drag him naked, nice and slow behind a boat down the Amazon. Or just through a murderous, homosexual gang's territory who knew who he was. If I can find one of those.
  21. I heard this may be changed. I've always done the $1 dollar thing, as well. I cannot remember the details, though.
  22. Black widow spiders are not nearly as commonplace as they are in other parts of the country. It southern California, I can guarantee you I can find one within 2minutes if you were to randomly ask me at anytime. People aren't dying off and nobody is losing all their children. They're a very shy insect. Worry about the recluses. Pretty much what Doc posted covers the rest of the ground.
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