Ill whip through alot of games in less than a month. And that's with finding all the little things, completing all the little crap, etc. I haven't used Gamefly, but I used to rent games all the time until Blockbuster ran out all the little game stores that rented for a decent price and then raised their prices to ridiculous heights.
I've wondered about the Blockbuster thing. Netflix is crazy fast about sending out videos and they're pretty 1 for 1 on getting my que correct. Plus, I have a bit of bad taste in my mouth from Blockbuster. It's been awhile, though.
I dont' know if they even exist anymore, but Intelliflix used to do games and movies. However, IT WAS FUCKING TERRIBLE. No customer service worth a shit, issues with charges, never sent shit in order, I think I had 1 game work out of over 10 due to scratches, etc. Movies were rarely in good shape and rarely seemed to show up in an acceptable time. They sucked.