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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. I need to see them in person, but I think I like them better, now. To me, the original color didn't match the car and it appeared more obvious to me that they were 350 wheels. Harder to tell, now.
  2. Who knew a fucking fishing show would be so cool? IMO, of course.
  3. Just wanted to welcome another MKIII owner to the board. Your welcome thread was locked up by the time I saw it. Ill probably be out at Home Depot later tonight in mine. Not sure if you guys ever head over there in either car, though.
  4. Pretty cool pics. I love wandering around old, abandoned places like that. Such a different view than what you're used to.
  5. He still did something technically illegal and morally wrong. He's a fucking bigot and a cockfag who used the whole underage internet thing to heighten his own career. He deserves no strange.
  6. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/DontCareGraph.jpg
  7. I'd love to... if I still had a bike. I'm so outta shape. I wish still had one. It's not like working out.
  8. Imagine if he were President... of anything. lol Damn Jones.
  9. You... Bastard! How dare you?! Actually, it wasn't me who took the pics. lol Let me see just how shitty a pic I can take. I want to make you cry inside.
  10. You're all http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/32/Zwei_zigaretten.jpg/250px-Zwei_zigaretten.jpg
  11. Not everyone cares about pop and top40 music. Oh, and she speaks perfect English.
  12. Just like a car. Turning over but no spark? Narrow it down.
  13. ImUrOBGYN


    Ill whip through alot of games in less than a month. And that's with finding all the little things, completing all the little crap, etc. I haven't used Gamefly, but I used to rent games all the time until Blockbuster ran out all the little game stores that rented for a decent price and then raised their prices to ridiculous heights. I've wondered about the Blockbuster thing. Netflix is crazy fast about sending out videos and they're pretty 1 for 1 on getting my que correct. Plus, I have a bit of bad taste in my mouth from Blockbuster. It's been awhile, though. I dont' know if they even exist anymore, but Intelliflix used to do games and movies. However, IT WAS FUCKING TERRIBLE. No customer service worth a shit, issues with charges, never sent shit in order, I think I had 1 game work out of over 10 due to scratches, etc. Movies were rarely in good shape and rarely seemed to show up in an acceptable time. They sucked.
  14. Got you covered. I know who grabbed it when everyone left. I'll let him know. I was going to post something but forgot all about it. Glad I decided to look in here for some reason just now. Subconcious FTW. lol Joe lives up here near me in Delaware. Im sure one of us can bring it next Fri or you can pick it up sooner if need be. Something can be figured out. Tell you ass it'll be cradled once again in no time.
  15. Do you know or can you find out what the aftermath was? Did she break it or dislocate it, is she fine, now, etc? Cuz that shit looks broken. Also, I had a feeling it would be the black haired girl before it even happened. She was completely out of position in relation to the other girl to be arm wrestling.
  16. Awesome. I wondered if anyone would get it.
  17. Thanks. There are quite a few that size and larger in this pond fed by the river. They're fun and cheap to fish for. My arm is definitely a rapist's arm. That guy in the dark blue "Ice Hockey" shirt has gotta be a rapist.
  18. My two most recent which aren't all that recent since it seems to rain everytime I get ready to go fishing here lately... Was just fishing for fun and my Ohio fishing pin. Snapping turtle doesn't count but Carp does. Taken with super cheap phone. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/332798861445.jpg http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/356115065349.jpg
  19. Awesome. Let's keep this going.
  20. Definitely a difference in speed. :fuckyeah: I found playing them at the same time worked well.
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