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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Ahh, I remember the days of scrambled porn. Sadly, the fantasy created using the bits I could see to fuel my desparate imagination were generally better than what was actually being shown.
  2. Welcome. GTO's nice. LIttle too much 'stance' for me. Rex sounds like it'll be a beast.
  3. Holy shit, I can see 9/11 hidden within your post! You're the one responsible? PS - Shitty Audi electronics were responsible for Y2K. PSS - Y2K happened. We've all forgotten due to a Y2k bug located withing the chip implanted within all our heads.
  4. Damn, that's too bad. Anything he and Warren G did was golden.
  5. Technically, Liberty Road/Freedom Lane which is my street. Silver Maple runs behind my house. Probably shittier than my road. I mean, when you change the original names of actual city streets in an attempt to lessen the area's notoriety, you know it's crappy. lol When we moved in, they had it pretty cleaned up still. You knew the one or two houses that you always threw 'that' glance at, but now, shit. 5yrs later, mulitple murders, hostage situation, drugs, violence, and a secret pedophile (not so secret anymore) all living/happening on my very small block or directly behind my house... and I feel right at home. hahaha Not even the worse place I've lived. Still, I hate my backyard, love my neighbors on one side, would wish the neighbors on the other side would die in a fire, but I share a 2story duplex with them so..., and I can't stand half the people who live in the apts directly behind me. Can't even let my dogs out in my own yard without constant supervision for fear of people either fucking with them, letting their kids fuck with them, or people throwing shit over the fence. Great f'n rent and landlord, but damn it's time to go soon. lol Takes 5 minutes in the summer now just get 100yards up my street with all the cars and kids that are too fuckin stupid to get out of the street or look both ways. Ok, Im done ranting.
  6. RMTC on here, aka Mike, occasionally hosts a small group of us to go offroading here in Delaware at a spot not 5min from our houses. There have been a few threads in the past. The area has alot of what anyone would want to throw their truck at. I occasionally go on my own, but only a short ways in. Our group runs are generally pretty fun especially since you have people wiht know how to help out. Mike may also know of some other places to wheel. I dunno. We've all had a damn good time at the Delaware spot.
  7. So, coming home last night around 10-1030pm, literally 12hrs after the murder on my street, 4 cars were in an accident a little ways in front of me on 270N. Was stuck there for over an hour before they had us all u-turn until we reached an emergency crossover and headed back down 270S. I saw at least 6 different ambulances, a couple firetrucks, and a copter. I found an article a few minutes ago concering it a bit more. http://www.10tv.com/live/content/local/stories/2011/03/15/story-hilliard-interstate-270-fatal-crash.html?sid=102
  8. 3rd one in a year... that I know of. The last 2 or 3 yrs this area's really started to go downhill. At least this one was at the end of my block instead of my backyard. Happened yesterday morning. I'm just getting around to posting it. http://www.10tv.com/live/content/local/stories/2011/03/14/story-delaware-liberty-road-shooting.html?sid=102 Gonna make a post now about the 270 fatality I was stuck in last night...
  9. Didn't know y'all were into karts. You have one I fit in? lol I haven't drove a real kart since I lived in Cali. Unless you count GT5. And then I golded those with ease! haha
  10. Shit's only as smart as the people who use it.
  11. A little too much 'stance' for me.
  12. WTF? Spaghettios? How bout some mac and cheese?
  13. It won't, now. Not anything I would think a professional would consider seriously. The difference now is the mma fighter has evolved far too much for weight to not mean anything anymore. I think you're are seriously underestimating the popularity of MMA and the amount of new blood coming into the sport.
  14. Haha, ass. Only when you ride in them.
  15. There will be no mixing of cards between Strikeforce and UFC. Supposedly, at least for now, nothing will change. They're just under new ownership. Dana White has been quoted as saying no superfights, the UFC does not co-promote.
  16. No kidding. We moved from Texas, as well. Fuckin taxes here suck.
  17. lol Good point. I did not know that.
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