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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Nice getting out and seeing everybody. Hopefully, in a couple weeks it'll be in the Supra and not the Rav. lol
  2. Holy shit. I think they covered just about every stereotype. Daisy's still hot, though. I like the realistic commercial break at the jump halfway thru, too.
  3. lol Seriously, though, it's just a vamped up browser game that's fun to kill a bit of time when you dont have enough time/concentration to play a real game. And it's free and in beta, so it's not fleshed out, yet. They update and add on a regular basis, however.
  4. I was purple. I don't know who phone was.
  5. Here's a little MMO I've been playing for awhile. Pretty good mostly mindless fun. You can level up, find items, there are bosses, you can team up, etc, etc. all while killies the endless hordes. I figure the game's wikia page would explain it pretty thoroughly (it also provides a vid of gameplay, though it's a bit shitty in quality). http://deadfrontier.wikia.com/wiki/Dead_Frontier_Wiki Here's a link to the game. Please, use this link if you do decide to sign up so I get credit. Thanks. http://fairview.deadfrontier.com/refer.php?ID=3195420&SERVER=fairview.deadfrontier.com Regular game link http://www.deadfrontier.com
  6. No, that's my plan and you, sir, are stealing it.
  7. I don't participate in the life eating monster known as Facebook. It raped my father and had sex with my sister. I don't even have a sister. Think about that.
  8. I'm going cuz I have nothing else planned tonight. Rain or... well, it'll be dark, but you know what I mean. I'm gonna be there is what i mean.
  9. Can you have him take a pic of the pic on your phone with his phone and upload it on here or possibly send it to all our phones? lol
  10. Ok, that's what I thought, but wasn't sure. Thanks. Gotta say this 'wording' paints a bit of a different light than the way some others would have you believe. If you catch my drift. I think the entire NCAA should get be punished. lol Just cuz USC was.
  11. Oops. I forgot. When I came back to this thread, I kept seeing all the questions regarding who he was, etc, my first reaction was to make another post with something to help. lol Oh well, the best intentions... BTW, why did you call me on that, but not CarWhore's post? lol
  12. Good luck, man. Texas has its ups and downs. Dallas is a nice city as far as cities go. I lived in Arlington for a short time years and years ago. (I've lived ALL over Texas, though. lol) Anyway, enjoy yourself. Personally, I love moving to a new place and being given the opportunity to explore new places and things. I won't say goodbye since I haven't had the opportunity to meet you in person and I'm sure you'll remain here, on CR. Hell, a few of us should get together next year for TX2K11 and head down. I know there's at least a half dozen CR people in Texas, now.
  13. Overdriving an animal is a real one. Though, I do get the pun.
  14. Probably runs it on pure corn based ethanol... E100?
  15. Soo... Sawmill thing or what?
  16. Some of us cannot properly comprehend without pictures. Hell, I think that's the only way some of our forum members can communicate.
  17. Haha, if your read the bottom, this happened in the 'overflow parking lot'. Funny if it's true.
  18. For those of you who do not know of Nate Dogg, here's one of the most popular songs/videos featuring Nate Dogg together with Warren G. This is one of their older songs, but if you've heard one, this is probably it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4B01ws4wgIA
  19. Dammit! So many times I've found myself driving in Amish country and having to pass a wagon. Ive thought what would happen if I pulled up along side and honked it off. Figured nothing. Now, I see this. I'm challenging the next one I see.
  20. I'm probably in for something.
  21. I thought they decided to suspend 5 or 6 others for the 1st 5 games, too, including Pryor. Before, I thought it was only going to be the first 2 games.
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