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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. UPDATE ON MEET: Due to weather, it looks like the meet is on temporary hiatus until the day draws closer. However, at this point, it looks like a cancellation due to weather. I'd like to postpone it until Sunday, April 17th. They're calling for party cloudy and mid to high 50's. Sorry, to those who cannot accept the schedule change. I'd postpone it further, but I will not be in town next weekend and then I also risk conflict with other meets since I haven't looked that far ahead at this time. Again, I apologize and hope a few of you can still make it out.
  2. Asshole. I had finally managed to unsee it and forget it. Now, that's gone. I have a psychological fear of arrows and will have to remain in the house for days, now. Stop pointing at me.
  3. Nice to see you on here, man. I should actually be out in the Supra Fri and Sat and not the RAV. Great looking car. Nice guy.
  4. I'd like to participate. Sounds like fun. I'm assuming there's some liability in place if said products blow my motor sky high?
  5. I have tons of data entry experience and accounting as I've done both for jobs. (Not just checking my bank account before I enter my info online to order a pizza. ) I also have alot of xp with Excel and a little with Access. However, it's been a long time since dealing with those last two programs. My point is that I know how to utilize those programs quite efficiently once I'm upto snuff again. Anymore info on job, job hours and days, etc?
  6. $25 - 6 tablets for large dogs (240 micrograms of Ivermectin). Valuheart from above mentioned link.
  7. Right! Yet, they decide to load like so much lawn equipment.
  8. Both of those use terrible English and punctuation among other things. It seems obvious to me.
  9. It's at 1pm!? Be awake. Yes, you did, but I did ask for reconfirmation and anything you may bring. Football, frisbee and cornhole would be great! Now, watch, there'll be like 3 people there total and we'll all want to play something different. Perfect. lol ------------------- Again, everyone bring their own drinks. Of coures, if you want to bring a cooler and drinks, you can. Various snacks or sides would be great, too. Cruise time will be played more by ear on meet day. The park really does have some nice sites to see with some beautiful creeks, trails and 100ft high bluffs overlooking the river.
  10. Those who are attending at Highbanks Metro Park 9466 Columbus Pike Lewis Center, OH 43035 so far: OhioSupras.org ImUrOBGYN (Christian) - Fresh from the farm hamburgers, buns supragregotti (Greg +1) - Casserole, hot dogs, hot dog buns Nyvus (Nate) Rickster (Rick and Steve) ======================== ColumbusRacing.com mjrsplat (AJ) - drinks? Crossle (Sean) RMTC (Mike) Mojoe (Joe)? BIGGU Captain Panic (Randall) Bark (Joe)? Eboost (Eric) - football, frisbee, cornhole Alex L (Alex +1)?
  11. Actually, I completely agree. I was just being a smartass. Maybe, not one up to Hal's standard, but then I don't believe his last post was all that worthy, as well. I don't understand why he has to bring Jesus into this, either. That guy doesn't need to know I'm here.
  12. Ive owned and worked with many snakes including poisonous ones. Even had poisonous pet snakes. Would I want that guy's job? Hell no. I consider myself lucky never having being bitten by a poisonous snake. I figure, your luck's gotta run out sooner or later.
  13. Like many things Activision, they know how to run a franchise into the ground. I had a lot of hope for Black Ops and when I finally played it, I was just not impressed. It seemed less than some of their other games, but admittedly, I haven't had time to play it very much. As far as cheating goes, can't stand it. As was said, how can you take any pride in a win? Who's respect are you earning? Who do you thing you're impressing? The only purpose for competition is to measure yourself against others. If you're cheating, you're wasting everyone's time. Do you truly believe that people are gonna think, Wow, that guy is fucking awesome doing that! No. And you know it. Yet, your fucked up little lazy loser mind cant comprehend it. Now, you'll be tired of the game in half the time, (great for eveyone else) and will have to move on wasting money on yet another game you wont fully enjoy because you ruined it with your actions. I'd say you were wasting your money on games, but a person like you probably doesn't have a gf or friends who really wants to hang out with you anyway.
  14. He says he's going to drive it often not stare out it sitting in the garage... of a Ford service center.
  15. Ask yourself: You say it'll be almost a daily. Which is more practical? You mentioned previously owning a vette. Are you a person who revels in the partaking of a new experience or do you like the tried and true? As far as modding goes, (and this is more for some of the other posters), he's already mentioned it would be only lightly modded at best. Either car reacts positively to basic mods and can still remain reliable. Here's a little test I worked out as a small child to help me figure out which Hot Wheel was truly my favorite. I noticed when I raced them fairly and say, Car B would win, I may find a fault in the race somehow and want to rerace them again. Or, say Car A won and I was more willing to accept it immediately with happiness. In both cases, it was obvious which car I had favored and I am generally intensely "fair and balanced". (Wow, someone really screwed up the sound of that phrase, nowadays. ) To finish up my long-winded ramblings and sum up my lonely childhood story, figure a hypothetical situation were both cars were presented to you or possibly a situation that would force you to choose a car. Hell, watch some races between the two that you do not know the outcome of, and see if you silently root for one over the other. Go with your gut, dammit, is what I'm saying. Quite often, when you need advice, you generally already know what you need and/or want to do.
  16. He has the right to remain silent. Anything he says can and will be used against him against him on ColumbusRacing.com.
  17. Why don't you tell us the real reason? He tried to suffocate your child, didn't he? That's what you get for closing the other thread. Good luck. Cute puppy.
  18. I've learned my lesson to check for plenty of tp before sitting down to shit. Also, I wipe down the seat and then lay down tp over the seat before I sit. Flush with my foot.
  19. I really don't see anything wrong with the 2nd one. Nobody asks you to participate or even agree with it, simply accept it. The straight guy sitting behind you probably has secrets far worse than homosexuality, yet nobody questions his ability to be a soldier. As far as pay, they should be one of the last groupls to not get paid. How is this not common sense?
  20. Awesome. But only if the tube socks have a couple horizontal stripes at the top. I should be out tonight taking care of those last few break-in miles in the Supra. That's if Toyota ever gets my f'n bumpstops in. Been 5 feaking days I've been waiting to redo my suspension!
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