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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Yeah, got mine last night. Seems pretty similar to the regular SS, however, this one has a higher overall beginning hp for sure after oil change.
  2. There are people who don't like boobs?
  3. Not really the same, but I had a TR7 Triumph. Fun car when it ran, but that was after I pretty much rewired it myself. Not that the wiring is all that hard on an old car. Some of the electronics had to be replaced and after a nice upgrade to the dual carbs and the normal shit, ie, full exhaust, etc, it was a fun, tossable little ride. I do miss it. Very pure, very gokart like.
  4. lol I use Lionbridge; not a friend, not someone I heard, not something I read about. Me. I used it. It is legit. http://en-us.lionbridge.com/global-crowdsourcing/jobs/default.htm
  5. Can you try not doing that again when I approach you this Friday?
  6. Ah, yes, the little witnessed Mexican River Dance. Born along the banks of the Rio Grande, it is performed by the native Mexican people to confuse and entrance U.S. Border Patrol while others escape across. Due to the low gene count in the south, it expected if a zombie apocalypse were to occur, it would be there. These are actually early training videos designed to teach the layman how to blend in with the mindless, rythmless scourge.
  7. Welcome. Must admit I am jealous of your location. It's a quick trip to many good roads and closer still than I to many others.
  8. Wish I could. One of the coolest animals I've ever owned.
  9. Same here. As a matter of fact, I've had people offer me shit either much discounted or flat out free, depending on the item, after chatting with them for a bit. (Without the trade of sex or sexually related acts. lol)
  10. The next set of PS3 codes have arrived from Schick. They did Gran Turismo codes in the past along with contests and here's the next batch. This is so you don't have to buy the product to get a code for these. You can get codes for: -Gran Turismo 5 - Special Camaro SS -Infamous 2 - Sniper Blast special attack -Killzone 3 - Retro Map Pack and Unlock Points By using this special promo code: 841058005209 at this exact link (no "www"): http://edgeshave.com/ps3 You must register first. You don't have to use a read address, though I don't know if there a limit to that. You can get these codes for free unlimited times.
  11. Let 'em run what they brung. It's funny how so many people complain about rules and then complain that there aren't any. If you are 18 and over, you sign your life on the line when you take that drive. The only good excuse I heard in here for implementing rule changes was due to possible bad exposure and attention. And you know what, that's a shitty, but true excuse. ONLY becuz people lack responsibility and when something bad happens someoene wants to blame anyone but themselves or their significant other, family member, etc. It's always 'someone else's' fault. So, the track will receive bad publicity and more rules will be implemented and so on and so forth becuz the ignorant and./or stupid few and irresonsible are catered to.
  12. Get the jizz out your ears and listen up! I think you're still missing my point, buddy.
  13. ImUrOBGYN

    Next genius

    Ahh, the antichrist is here!!!
  14. I'm actually a bit excited for it.
  15. Don't be jealous, buddy. You're my only. BTW, that's neither a 7m or a 1j in that pic you posted. You know better than that. Hmm. I bet you're just itching for a spanking the next time I see you.
  16. There's been some talk about the production company behind this video and shitloads more just like it. Same lyrical horseshit. Same 'make you wanna walk outside and silently choke the living shit outta the first person you see' kinda shit. http://www.ArkMusicFactory.com
  17. Are you trying to be a smartass? This is your only chance to reread the thread and try to gain some understanding as to what I posted before I let loose!!!! lol Actually, I dont have the patience to wait so Ill just assume you were trying to be a smartass. First of all, I never said they were kills. You did. Perhaps, Im misunderstanding and these are Kill List worthy to you... I digress. As I was saying, I never said these were kills but people/cars that for whatever reason, decided to 'show off' in front of me and then proceed to damage their cars or run off the road. The cars I listed are just the ones I remembered doing it off the top of my head. Eat it. Penor.
  18. I stand by what I said. And no way parachute pants are gay.
  19. It's trying to tell you to quit being a pussy and put on a windbreaker..
  20. I would like to join a game once they get going. I do not own a frisbee and Ive only golfed a few times and that was years and years ago in Cali with some friends. I can, however, throw a frisbee half decent and don't foresee making everyone wait for me forever.
  21. ImUrOBGYN


    Ditto. Just let me know. I used to fish ALOT ALOT. I dont do it much anymore, but trying to slowly get gear together and get back out there. Currently, basic tackle and some crappy fishing rods. But hey, they get the job done.
  22. I love it. There's has been at least 3 separate instances of someone doing something similar near me and eating shit. A Civic, 1 Cobalt and 1 Cavalier. There have been a few close calls, too. Now, for beef: You sonofa... :nutkick: Thank you, Alex. I'll let it go... For now. :gtfo:
  23. 3wk acid trip. That would almost beat my record. Would you rather suck me and I fuck you or I fuck you and you suck me.
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