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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. I hesitate to put this as I'd assume you would've thought of it already, but here it goes. http://tax.ohio.gov/
  2. Regular civic for reliability. VW's a close second thx to it's diesel.
  3. I believe this is just another sneak attack by Japan. That is all.
  4. It's the end of the world! What's funny is the first place I saw this giant moon story was not a 2012 site, so to speak, but accuweather.com. I don't doubt it has an affect of some kind. It's well known without the moon, life wouldn't even exist on this planet as we know it, so it's gotta have at least a tiny affect.
  5. Well, time to become Columbus Underground Racing. Let's get out there and find our new drag spot! I know Cleveland has an abandoned, unfinished subway system, too.
  6. Hilarious. My gf and I were just talking about this a couple days ago. I don't recall how we got started on it. Zombie talk or the like, I"m sure. This isn't a new thing my any means, just that particular species for that ant. Many insects can be affected by different types mind control fungus. Each insect has a specific specie of fungus that attacks us. What's the process? Let me break it down for you quickly. Imagine you're at an OSU game. Thousands of people stack the bleachers. The day before, a gentleman is out with his family for a little hike through the woods. As he walks by a carcass unnoticed, he lightly kicks it, sending a barely perceptible cloud wisking through the air. The gentleman sneezes and moves on without a second thought. What he doesn't know is he's become the first recorded human victim of a mind control fungus. Present You've just bought a hotdog and your 5th beer. Feeling pretty good. OSU just scored another touchdown. How great it is to be from Ohio; to be American, dammit! What's this? Oh! Hahaha! That guys going out onto the field! Wait, what the fuck is he just doing standing there?! Something seems wrong with him... *Boom* That gentleman is the same one who was infected yesterday and his head just exploded in a cloud of spores that now quickly spreads to everyone in the stadium and out now, out into the city. Each infected will now return to their homes or large crowded places and perfrom the same 'trick', infecting all we know. Those from out of state will board their planes or drive their cars back to their states, cities, homes... ---- On a serious note, many types of fauna make the specie jump. And there has been reported cases of people possibly being affected by fungus, bacteria, and viruses. Look at rabies? Do many of you know the mental aspect of rabies and the drive it gives you or other animals? Or how about the horsehair worm? A common worm, actually that's capable of growing upto nearly 2yards. The larvae infects the host, generally beetles, cockroaches, and crustaceans. The infection acts on the insect's brain and causes it to seek water and drown itself, thus returning the nematomorph to water. They are also remarkably able to survive the predation of their host, being able to wriggle out of the predator that has eaten the host. If you really want to scare yourself, read up on viruses and just what they are capable of. You may find we as a race are more virus than human at this point, so to speak. Or how about our mitochondria which some would say aren't even originally human but something that's become a part of us, something we live symbiotically with that has now become part of what is 'human'.
  7. I decided to post this up here, as well, since I know there are some Supra/Toyota people here. (Some of you have been pm'd, sorry if I forogt your screename and you didn't get one.) Anyone is welcome, of course, however don't expect a huge turnout of top of the line Supras. It's only a mini meet and those haven't been real big for us in a couple years. =========================== Im thinking on Apr 16th. It's open for me, but not solid, and the weather should be better by then. A little jump off for spring. So, tentatively, let's say the 16th at 1pm. If there's a change or it's just a terrible day for everyone, it may change dates. Bring your own drinks and it'd be great if everyone can pitch in some food. I figured we can all hang out and play some games or shoot the shit until everyone's showed up and ate, then head out for a bit of a cruise. Things needed: Food BBQ pit Frisbee, football, and/or cornhole Please, feel free to add any ideas or items. Also, be sure to list anything you may bring including friend(s). I'll be posting my phone number in this thread the day before the meet and deleting it the day after if anyone has problems, etc. Location of park and intended cruise route: (Note: You will have to enter and leave the park from the exit facing US-23. I forgot to fix that Google Map error but forgot.) http://tinyurl.com/6hh8tkj Scenic route heading north up old 315 to RiverRd to Prospect, then a quick jaunt back down 257S back to the park. It won't take as long as it estimates. It's about a 50mi round trip or less. It's definitely no Hocking Hills or Triple Nickel and the like, but it's decent enough for local especially if you're not used to it, anyway, and will be fun for a bit of spirited driving and plenty of cruising and taking in the scenery and such.
  8. lol No. It just always cracks me up when they have a drive for something bad for you... by doing something bad for you. And no, nothing against drinking. The only 'cause' I used to need was 'cause' I needed to get drunk. Carry on drunkards! Cure us all!
  9. That theoretically gives me $49 to drive around your neighborhood looking for the tv before it's not cost effective. I'll wait.
  10. The first fish is an Arrowana. Yes, big gulping mouths and predominantly top feeders. I had a 120 when I lived in California. It was filled with schools of barbs, tetras and the like. Huge community tank. I also dabbled in fighting fish (huge money making gambling thing where I lived) and when a male lost but lived, I couldn't just flush him so they'd go into the tank, too. Eventually, I got tired of it all - Friend gave me two pairs of breeding angels, I bought a Pacu and an arrowana, both only a couple inches long; at first. Slowly, all the littel fish disappeared. lol I've also raised largemouth bass in it, before.
  11. Shitty goldfish don't count. I don't count them as a normal tropical fish. Don't get me started on the puppy mills of the fish world. I do have some cool/funny goldfish stories, though. So, even the blue gourami? If so, awesome! I don't about where you live, but I have to add aquarium salt to help buffer the water so that the ph levels will stay and are easier to adjust. Also, as super gtp said, helps soften the water, improve gill function and many parasites/diseases have a hard time the higher the salt concentration. As a matter of fact, when I was a kid, I used to use almost nothing but salt for various cures. Be sure not to add to much; follow the directions. Little known fact, but there are many species of freshwater fish you can convert completely to salt water. At one time, I had guppies in a saltwater tank w/saltwater damsels. Note: When damsels get bigger they'll kill your trespassing ass guppies.
  12. lol@this I mean, c'mon. lol
  13. Pretty little girl. Great dogs. Enjoy.
  14. As was said before, check your ph, nitrate, nitrite, alkalinity and hardness and post them here. I can almost guarantee, barring a disease, that I can tell you exactly what you need to fix it. Personally, I would've tested the water before the water change. The water change may've been unneccessary and would've put undue stress on an already sick fish. A water test is like running codes on your car. Until you've done it, you're just repairing shit that may not need repairing. As far as the fish being sick, hard to say without seeing it. Is there anything else about the fish that's strange other than lying on the bottom? Any markings or other erratic behaviour? Also, when was this tank setup? Size of tank and amount of fish? WHat kinds of fish? Is this the only fish showing problems? I'm going to hold off diagnosing anything until you've come back with some answers. Or, hopefully, your fish will already be feeling better. Slightly off topic: A fish won't screw his bladder up feeding off the top. If he's having swim bladder issues it's another underlying problem.
  15. Nice pics, man. SOunds like you had a good time.
  16. WTF are you talking about?! Wrong thread? lol
  17. Really? I doubt this. They charge $8 for a fucking burrito. Chipotle is finally priced a bit more accordingly with these coupons. Are there even Chipotle's down south or out west? Wouldn't know how they'd even stay in business. That being said, they're pretty decent for what they are however they are far from 'authentic' or reasonably priced. ==== This link http://chipotle.inomod.com/ worked for me and the number changed each time I refreshed it on two different computers at two different ip's. Also, I ordered online and picked it up later. No problems. I mean, what are they going to do, anyway? Like I told my gf, I'm just going to go in and hand it to them. If they say something, I'll just tell them, "Ok, then. Go ahead and throw those burritos away, and I'll order in-store now; same thing." lol
  18. ImUrOBGYN


    I like to cruise said scene with a gangster lean.
  19. Ass. Besides, it's you who's gonna get hit eventually. It's not so much the speed they move at that I was referring to, but the fact that hardly anyone even looks where they are going. You may have the right of way, but you're not surrounded by an impenetrable shield. Btw, I've had people pull that "Im gonna walk extra slow to be a self important asshole". I actually hit a guy's backpack as he crossed in front mo me with the front of my car. The look on his face, lol. Fuckin dick. Got into last fall with a lady at the end of my block when her fuckface 12yr old wouldn't get out of the street with his friends on their skateboards. She had the audacity to yell at me because I didn't come to a complete stop. Both these instances, I wasn't in a rush, I didn't provoke and the "slow" parties were both very obviously doing it to be dicks. You gotta watch who you poke with a stick. Being an asshole for no reason will eventually bite you in the ass... or hit you in it with it's bumper. Yes, Brian. We all saw it. It was very amusing and I'm sorry nobody will acknowledge it. Whatta bunch of micro dicks. Good job, buddy.
  20. Im not a planner really. Other than I plan to be 'turned' in the first wave of zombies. That's right. I'm eating somebody.
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