What's so much funnier about being about black and gay? lol I mean, other than the actual statement you just made? As opposed to being latino, white, or asian, etc?
And just so some of you understand a bit better, I'll try to explain something. It's not descriptions, per se, that piss people off (well, some people just like an excuse to rant), it's the meaning behind it the description or the context of it. The problem with this is that quite often, either the 'describer' doesn't realize the err of his ways and therefore, cannot be appoached and corrected or the person placing blame has misunderstood the 'describers' meaning placing blame where none is due.
"It's the thought that counts." I believe in this, wholly. Words, descriptions, etc, mean NOTHING on their own. It's the user's intent that's important. And many times, that is misinterpreted. Especially, on the internet without the benefits of body language, expressions and tone.
Tim, on the other hand, is racist. His car isn't even white enough. He's having it painted it Colonial Cotton White. I believe he's even ordered some white tires.