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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. I can only assume you're joking as the existence of one species throughout does not denote evolution. Oh, and I think you know better. When I first heard of the coelacanth being found as a child, I remember being incredibly excited. What else could still exist in the dark depths of the ocean? Hell, how many other "extinct" animals weren't extinct? Being a huge Cousteau fan and wanting to be a marine bioligist for as long as I remember, this, of course, excited me. What I find strange, is that this fish has been found quite a bit more than this article would lead you to believe and is actually caught by many natives quite regularly; as a food source by some and as something to be reverred by others.
  2. I read about this yesterday. I was fucking appalled.
  3. Temperatures have been dropping now on average for over a decade. There has been more ice growth lately than in recent history. I think it's a crock, as well. Won't matter in 4 years, anyway. Lining up of all the planets in our system, a switch in poles here on Earth, aliens coming to take back their land and slaves, Mayans returning with disease blankets and controlling the blanket market so that you're forced to buy their disease blankets or freeze to death during the ensuing global cooling that you were unprepared for because they set you up by lying about global warming all this time. *breathe*
  4. I actually agree with you on term limits. There definitely needs to be more roatation and fresher minds.
  5. I agree for the most part. I'll continue to live my life trying to be a good and caring person. Not because I'm frightened about any consequences, but because I choose to live my life that way. Is there an afterlife of any sort? Dunno. But I figure, when I die, I'll be able to look back and know I was a good person. Whether it's back to the soil with me or if there is a higher being, higher plane, higher existence, whatever. I don't need a reward and I believe if there is something more, I see no reason why I wouldn't be a part of it. If your god wants to punish me after leading a better life than what I've seen many "Christians", etc., lead, then so be it. Why would you worship something or want approval from such a being? Do you really believe such a being's ego would be so wrapped up in that? Or do you think his concern would about the quality of your "soul", not what church you went to?
  6. Bad timing. It seems she's just walked in here and saw my last post. Said she heard me laughing. I may've just screwed the pooch on this one. Looks like I"m getting up in the morning and cleaning her windshield if need be. It has been demanded I claim that: I'm an :asshole: .
  7. I park my car in the garage. Problem solved. I let my gf worry about her windshield outside.
  8. You have this one twice. What do I win? It better be good. http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t214/ls2sam/life.jpg
  9. The Clintons involvment in big oil and what most would consider "Republican-type" behind the scenes workings, has been pretty well-known for a long time. Do some research on the Clintons and their history. You may be suprised what you find.
  10. I agree. Wasn't the smartest thing to probably do. However, it was more reflex once I realized it was a stranger. I remember feeling angry, violated, and wanting to protect those around me. Trust me when I say I came at him way too fast, quiet and hard for him to react. I'm not a small man. Most would probably want a weapon against me. Given the choice of an alternative outcome, Im glad it was only my fists and that I didn't kill him. I am aware it couldn've gone the other way, though. Oh, yeah. Long story... not really, but I probably shouldn't elaborate as it opens a whole 'nother can o worms.
  11. I thought he did poorly in HS?
  12. How can a politician have the time to learn proper economics, etc when they have to spend so much time and money just to get somewhere in our political system? Not all, but I believe many politicians get where they're at simply by knowing the right people, greasing the right gears, screwing over the right people, etc. You almost can't blame them, as there is hardly any other way to do it. The way they are funded and who ultimately runs the show because of it, obviously, has much to do with this. Hey, there you are. I've been missing all your internetz wizdoms. I have a book for you to read. http://www.jjsargent.com/finetooth/deadhorse2.jpg
  13. Dammit! Why in the hell did you tell him? Not only does he know that, now, but he's gonna realize it's been me in drag this whole time!
  14. I have a dinosaur in my pants, as well! His name is Tyrone. Short for Tyrannosuarus Rex. I can't believe this thread reminded me of a joke I used to make in 5th grade about the name of my penis.
  15. That axe is sweet. lol Has anyone here ever actually experienced a break-in? I have and owned a firearm at the time; didn't use it. Saw someone walk by my bedroom window on the front porch, second story, no reason to walk by my windown unless you're coming to my apt. Wondering why my roomate hadn't come in my room yet, I walked into the hallway and living room entrance. Realizing it wasn't my roomate, I took a step back to assess the situation and see what kind of courage I was going to muster up. I noticed the guy looked like he was actually heading back out the window, realized I had plenty of courage, rage, need to protect, etc and I charged him. Smacked him around pretty badly. Wife and friend's gf come out of my room and turn on the lights. Guy was bleeding as I held him against the front door. He couldn't really speak English and reached for a pocket inside his jacket. He took an elbow/forearm to the face a couple times for his effort and then I held it against his neck..... Turns out he was reaching for his wallet. lol oops Long story short, turned out he was just some drunk Mexican labor worker who'd gotten confused on where he lived. (Sidenote: No lights in this area of the complex. Literally, pitch black when there was no moon and even then, alot was blocked by trees, etc.) His key wouldn't work (no shit), so he came in through the window, realized he was in the wrong place and tried to go back out through the window. He took nothing. Cops eventually came, I pressed no charges (what would be the point of pursuing it any further) as he'd already learned a valuable lesson and ass whipping.
  16. That's pretty sweet. My aunt was telling me about this yesterday. (She lives there, obviously.) It gets pretty cold during the winter, especially at night. It never snowed the entire time I lived there, though. However, Mt Charleston is nearby and usually has lots of snow. For example, we all got up one morning, standing around outside in shorts, etc. Got our winter clothing in bags, drove to Mt. Charleston about 30min away for some serious snow play. It's kinda weird. You can see Mt Charleston to the west, it's beautiful on a clear day as you drive through Vegas.
  17. I don't put much faith in these IQ tests. This was confirmed after watching an excellent show on them on Discovery or some shit awhile back. BTW, anyone noticed all the college and nfl football playes who've taken IQ test lately? lol I keep seeing ads, especially on ESPN. Apparently, all football players are genuises. I mean, I'm a smart guy. Most of my friends ask my opinion on many things. Honor roll in school, etc, etc. I took an IQ test years ago. My score was ridiculous. Even I know I'm not that smart. lol Though, I do enjoy alot of the questions that are used in those kinds of test.
  18. 1600 I believe. Square roots.
  19. This thread was suprisingly funny. And now I'm mucking it up with a non-funny reply.
  20. That's too bad. It loooked halfway interesting, too.
  21. I wasn't aware that there were only two choices available to us. Faith or no faith. I wasn't aware that I'm unable to be happy becuase I have no faith. I wasn't aware that I had to have faith to feel I have a purpose. Seriously, this is so much shit it's taken a moment to even get started here. I have a purpose. I have morals. I have respect and love. I've never needed faith in a religion/god for that. As I said before, if you need that to direct you (and after reading your posts, I believe that may be the case) then by all means, but some of us are evolved enough to do it on our own. SOme of us are strong enough to do it on our own and don't need to be policed by a higher lifeform, offered promises and threats by one, or a Being I can place all my problems on to function. You say we need faith to make our lives work. I say, why can't you have faith there is no god? Why can't you have faith in yourself and fellow man to be able to accomplish peace, love and understanding on your/their own? This is not a personal attack on your beliefs. Hell, I consider myself agnostic or "One who has no answers". It is a defense and an alternative view in direct response to your last few, very one sided, close minded views. (Of which, I'm really hardly touching on here.) Im not trying to upset you or convert you, just open your mind to more possibilities and your incredibly bad choice of words and, what I'll assume, accidental accusations and "lack of faith" in your fellow man. You're being very quick to judge and denounce all other options (without apparent knowledge of their existence). Someone else took offense to your posts. I gotta say, I took a bit, too. Your implying people are unable to leave happy, fulfilling lives; are unable to be good people with morals <--(I use this word VERY loosely for what I hope are obvious reasons) and hope without having faith. Ridiculous. (Not directed specifically at you.) "The Faithful" question the big bang theory, and ask, as a way to disprove or cause contention, "Well, where did the big bang come from?" Yet, when asked the same question about their god, the only answer they have is that he sits outside of everything or something similar. Do I need to point out the problem here? It's not so much that some people need to have faith in something to help them get through life. Nothing wrong with that. But when you attack others, demean them or shortchange them due to their lack of faith (and this does go both ways), then you're out of line and not even following your own "faith". This is where I draw the line and am willing to debate the opposite side. You've only managed to further alienate others. If god gave you a brain and a means to use it, do you think he would just expect you to have blind faith? Would you expect your child to have blind faith in you? I have a daughter and I offer the respect to have to earn her faith in me. I would be disappointed in her intelligence if she had blind faith in anything. She's intelligent and she should use that gift to learn, to challenge, to evolve. What father wouldn't want that? If your god is truly this loving father, how could he want anything else? Wouldn't you want someone to love you for you; a decision that was made on their own? Would it mean anything to you if they loved you because they thought they had to?
  22. Good answer. About the only one I won't contest in the particular matter. That's your belief. You stand behind it and I respect that. The only part that concerns me is, what I can only believe since you wont' share, is blind faith in the fact your religion trumps all. Those that are older than you, those from different cultures, those that Chrisitianity takes from, etc. If you don't believe that anything can be proven right or wrong, how can you put so much faith into it? Here's a question to consider: If you were born and raised in another culture/part of the world where Christianity was not dominant, what faith do you think you'd have then?
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