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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Fuck. You know, that's almost what I went with, too. lol But I decided that I would go for content similarity as opposed to being from the same creator. You Fail. Come back when you're capable of seeing more than one path.
  2. Isn't that what makes it fun? I mean, otherwise, people would have their grandmother pull them in a little red wagon all their life and call it fun.
  3. Bullshit. Time travel is possible. I do it every night in my time machine below. I can also control the future. I can prove this, as well. I try not to abuse the power and generally only demonstrate it by having my tv turn off after I've gone to sleep or time traveled. No use in wasting power. Be Green! I'm also faster than light. I know this because when I shut my eyelids, it cuts the light off which can only mean my eyelids are faster than light, thus, I'm faster than light. http://furniturequotesdirect.com/artman/uploads/1/lane_regency_platform_bed.jpg
  4. I am happy for this: Science Returns to the White House http://www.livescience.com/environment/081221-obama-science-advisers.html I just hope it doesn't turn into a race to see who can rip the public off the most with global warming threats.
  5. Exactly. It's not as it sounds. The only part I disagree with your last statement. I believe NASA's become bogged down in red tape and overspending like every other thing government. Know what the real kicker is? They are supposedly not a government facility. Yet, they've become so entrenched, you can't tell the difference. I'm more interested in public and private companies, new ones, like those who competed for the X-Prize.
  6. I decided to disregard all of your opinions on this subject since you've obviously not watched the shows enough to know they are not identical anymore than The Simpsons and King of The Hill. I will agree it is not as funny, though it did show some improvement. I'd also like to add, "Your mamma".
  7. Here's a decent youtube channel seemingly dedicated to him. (Stephen Lynch) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IFUNIa2NU8&feature=PlayList&p=9536BE235D6A19C8&index=0&playnext=1
  8. You watch his show, yet, The Riches? Can't believe nobody's mentioned this guy. Stephen Lynch Here's a couple vids to check out of him, randomly picked. He just has so many that are hilarious. I saw him and Mitch Hedburg shortly before Mitch passed away. Both are hilarious. Stephen's expressions and shit are priceless live. His songs always seem real nice at first... Craig Lullaby (The Divorce Song) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxwzQjeIRsE HermAphrodite
  9. They do this every year in where I lived in Texas. It is an amazing site. Every year, in College Station, Texas, the middle of town, ie; trees and powerlines, are loaded with these birds and their calls at night. During the day, out in fields. It truly is amazing to see them fly that way. They look black, but the males are actually shades of purple, black, and green. The flocks generally consist of blackbirds and/or brown cowbirds.
  10. 3 more years until I'm too old to be on here. I'm curious how some of the others feel since I know I'm far from the oldest.
  11. This is the first one I thought of. Win.
  12. People ARE that stupid. Whether this one was fake or not, it's not far fetched. And dealers/mechanics are fuckin crooks. Many of them anyway. I don't know how many times I had to send my wife (exwife, now) to take care of something only to have to return on my day off and cuss a motherfucker out for trying to rip her off for literally hundreds of dollars.
  13. Saw someone in a T/A or Firebird or whatever. A v8 fbody, dammit, with those on them yesterday.
  14. That's pretty sweet. Not as sweet as the Bandit's car, but pretty sweet.
  15. ImUrOBGYN


    "The show, from Ryan Seacrest’s production company..." :marc: /thread
  16. Well, fuck me. That's your problem. You're comparing it to San Diego. Columbus is going to lose that battle everytime in my book.
  17. Nothing really. Though, this happens to be one of the few places I've ever lived somewhere this long. Only becuase I've been fighting very hard to swallow that nomadic instinct that overwhelms me once again. Nothing against Ohio, I've enjoyed it here, for the most part. But, my gf is here and I'm not completely bored with it, yet. Eh, what's one place from another. I know eventually I'll move somewhere else and it'll be somewhere new I haven't lived before. Been thinking the Northwest, lately...
  18. Version of what "Ninja Cat comes closer without moving" would be like if Alfred Hitchcock directed it.
  19. What a sad state of affairs as we all know how this will probably turn out. Abandoned by the World: UN Declares Open Season on Somalia http://www.uruknet.de/?p=m49674&hd=&size=1&l=e
  20. Interesting reads that seem to hold pretty true. Low Hanging Fruit — The Idiots Who Rule America http://pathwhisperer.wordpress.com/2008/10/23/low-hanging-fruit-the-idiots-who-lead-america/ A somewhat Related article Bernie Madoff, probable sociopath, following in the footsteps of Charles Ponzi, definite sociopath http://www.sott.net/articles/show/171019-Bernie-Madoff-probable-sociopath-following-in-the-footsteps-of-Charles-Ponzi-definite-sociopath
  21. lol Definitely a "glass is half empty" look at your cat's behavior .
  22. You should've done the fronts first. I've always done the front first so I can cruise around the block, maybe do a launch, with the rake look. lol I used to love a raked hotrod when I was a kid. Now, it's just kinda fun/funny to do for a bit.
  23. lol It's cool to see some interest in this. I love theoretical science, quantum physics, etc. Having enough knowledge in quantum physics actually got me laid by an incredibly beautiful woman. True...fucking...story.
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