I hate when I miss a thread the previous day and by the time I go to read it, it's already 8 pages long, forcing me to just skip to the end once I've wasted my time reading through the first two pages.
I'll tell you what I'm careful about. When you goto wash your hands and you lean forward against the counter that some ass has graciously covered in water and get the front of your pants wet. After a couple times of that (and sitting under one of those air dryers for 10min), I've learned to pay attention to the sink counter, now. Just a tip.
Direct Youtube link:
WTF was that about? Did anyone catch that game a few weeks ago (can't remember if it was pro or college though I think it was college), where the ref grabbed one of the players from behind in a choke hold and fell to the ground? I wish I could remember what game it was....
People have this problem with me because I cuss alot. lol
It's just the way the dog expresses itself. My dog isn't as bad, but sometimes people think he's growling but he's just "purring" from getting some petting. THe gf's dog acts like you're beating her when she first goes on a walk out of sheer excitement. But they're all happy. Just weird.
(Edit: Sorry, this should be in the vid section.)
This is Markus Boesiger (2007 Truck Racing Champion) pushing this extreme race truck to the limit and even drifting on some parts of the hillclimb (mostly second half of vid).
Learn the art of the Office Ninja
I've never made fun of a quip of Bush's! Oh wait, my sig..
Seriously, though, I said it was funny. I laugh at funny no matter where it comes from. Reread my post, I believe you misunderstood it.