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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. ImUrOBGYN

    QSL tonight

    I'm bored, now. Anyone still there?
  2. I read that this was the way Nissan was going to handle this after my buddy telling him way back about it. I couldn't believe the shit they were saying. Why would you spend all that money only to for nissan to hand you a "nanny key"? (reference ) It's an incredible piece of engineering technology, no doubt, but it's too bad that what I heard has now turned out to be true. AFAIK, they at least removed some of the restrictions for out of Japan GTR's but you still lose the warranty. "Here you go sir. Here's the pistol you bought. Feel free to load it. But you aren't allowed to shoot it. " Wtf?
  3. We got two a few days ago. They were both addressed to previous occupants, though. lol I'm going to keep mine packaged and sell them on ebay in 50 years.
  4. I don't think so. It depends on the teacher as well as the student.
  5. Not my point, I'm saying he has no more experience than Kimbo in the MMA ring and pointing out Kimbo hasn't fought top talent is pointless as neither has Lesnar. Yes, he almost finished Mir, but that was his natural size and speed that simply caught him off-guard. You could have ten more of the same match and Mir would stop him without a problem; now, with the knowledge of Lesnar's size and speed. And, yes, granted there could be a match where Lesnar won it but it would more than likely be due to his brute size and strength, not from real MMA technique. I 've been watching MMA since before the UFC's inception. Back before there were weight classes. You'd be suprised how often the skilled beats the "big". Or maybe not. But that is the way it goes. For the record, I think both fighters have something to bring to MMA. I don't "hate on" either of them.
  6. Technically, nobody here's arguing whether the Earth was a circle or not. You see, if what you quoted is true, the Earth can be flat because a circle is flat. Chuwg means circle, not sphere, correct? Scemantics. Get it?
  7. Nice save. Not like you can defend what you did, so I guess your reply is acceptable. Let's see, you answer for yourself by name calling and categorizing. Personally, I don't label myself. You see, my name is Christian Rodriguez and that is who I am. I define myself. And since when has it been "funny" to wish ill will on someone, oh "follower of God"? Even if given the benefit of the doubt here, your little "slight of hand" would have been out of context and out of line. Nice try.
  8. lol and +to you for building on the last post. Did you read any of the reply posts here? I mean, if you can't do that, then I guess I can't expect to you to have read an entire article.
  9. As long as there are a couple Republicans left to enforce soap usage.
  10. No. Short, pushy, and wears glasses. I'll get you a jumpsuit for to go with it all for Halloween, buddy.
  11. I'm on my way to clean up dog shit in my backyard. I figured since everyone was sharing and all...
  12. That's like saying anyone who first starts in MMA and doesn't fight the top contenders doesn't deserve to be there. If you started now, would you expect to fight top talent? You earn your way there. Is Kimbo a complete figther? Of course not. Was given alot of hype? Yes. Was it necessarily unwarranted? No. It worked. How? You're hear talking about it now and everytime he's fought and you've watched the fights or at least I hope you have if you're going to comment. Lesner is no more a real MMA fighter than Kimbo. If you're gonna argue one way or the other, don't be a bigot about it. lol I thought the same thing. At first, with the way people were commenting, I thought he'd been beaten on the ground and/or submitted. What I found was Seth running backward and getting lucky. I had to watch the reply multiple times before finally seeing the little rabbit punch that originally rocks him. Happens to anyone. I did find it strange Kimbo went down from that as he's taken much harder shots. But that's the way fighting is. Sometimes, your ass just gets knocked out. I'd much rather seen the original fight especially since Kimbo disrespected Shamrock at the weigh-in. (Don't know how many of you saw the whole event.)
  13. I think the cause of his issues may've resulted from being hit in the head with a shovel by his dad in the first place.
  14. WTF!!! I just got this. What the fuck is wrong with you? I see how you changed his quote to say I hope he does fall ill. I'm sure you'll feign ignorance or divine intervention.
  15. How can see the holes in something you don't understand. And the fact that you couldn't take the time to read my post (which you probably did) is in running with how you usually handle my posts. Not answering them with anything concrete. It's ok, I'm used to you forgoing my posts even though, up till now, I've never asked questions or presented posts that were purposely made to incite anger, to put down, or anything of the like. Thanks for reassuring my decisions about religion, yourself and the like. What's wrong, Rick? Giving up already? This was never an actual battle for me, (these thread topics in general, not just this one), only a debate to learn more about people's thoughts on the matter. Now, I'm just willing to pick you apart, but I guess we're done already. And seriously, how dare you insult people's intelligence simple because they don't believe what you believe? Or are you going to tell me you didn't do that, either?
  16. But better get her under control. I hope they don't. She's becoming quite entertaining. Oh, and lol @ Rob.
  17. Too much ass-coddling in this country. It seems to me, when I was a kid, there seemed to be alot less restriction. Now, they restrict everydamnthing there is and this "forces" (for lack of a better word) the kids to go out of their way to either do what kids have done for generations anyway, or find something even more extreme. I'm not saying there shouldn't be any restrictions on anything, but we're not currently taking the right steps.
  18. Kidding. HiPER Laser Fusion Project "Starts" Tomorrow, Could Save Earth (Note: This news is a day late. Meant to post it last night.) http://gizmodo.com/5059178/hiper-laser-fusion-project-starts-tomorrow-could-save-earth Unless someone else does it, I'll find some updated info later.
  19. Damn, can't remember off hand what this dell lappy takes. I may check back in later. Until then, good luck, sir.
  20. Is this the best you can do? At no time did I feel hatred while writing that. Frustration, yes. The only thing I truly hate is stupidity and those who are ignorant but don't wish to learn. Thanks for proving my point. Great, I see you've pulled ONE thing from my post and still only use scemantics to help your argument. Maybe you should go back and read page 2. You, yourself say you're offering the same thing Brain (Gonneville), theory. You've compared creationsim with evolution in that you say they're both theory. Why do I have to remind you of what you say? Do you conveniently forget things? It's probably easier that way. Too bad we didn't bet money. You are WRONG. Why? Because of your answer as to what (even though it wasn't an answer but a defensive reply garnering no actual information) evolution is. If you truly knew the defintion of evolution and what it entails, this wouldn't; couldn't be a part of your argument. Your blatant ignorance in understanding evolution, honestly, causes me pause in believing anything you say due to your lack of knowledge and leads me to believe you may twist other things around so they match your 'reality'. Then again, we've seen evidence of this already. Oh shit! So, you took biology. That's like saying you can take political science and truly and fully understand all that goes on in politics. You get the gist. That's it. If you don't understand the analogy, it only proves my point further. This is ridiculous. Do you even fully know the history of Christianity and were it came from, it's books, it's beliefs, it's roots, etc? But you're right. God only loved Europeans and everyone else's religion (including those FAR older than Christianity, which many are) were wrong. He only visited "over there". Oh wait, Mormons. Jesus did come to the New World. Or maybe, that's just a damn convenient way to spread your religion? Maybe, he only appeared in the Old World because people didn't know there was another half of the world? And since people wrote the bible, they hadn't taken that into consideration. Everyone's elses culture is wrong, I guess. Only your beliefs. Which, btw, many of those beliefs were taken from other religions. Maybe you can find some of your info here> http://www.plagiarismdetect.com/ You ridicule those who believe that "something came from nothing" but you ask others to do the same. Let's break it down. A magical, all-knowing being (who, uh, apparently appears from NOTHING) comes into existence and for some reason decides he want to create Earth and the heavens and animals, and then bust out man from mud cuz he's lonley. But Adam is like, "Hey, no homo!", and God give him a woman from his rib. The ignorant bitch apparently talks to a snake, disobeys, and gets them both kicked out where they have sex and have kids who then consistently inbreed to produce the world's population. Seriously, where do you get off? I'm honestly laughing here. Man, I can really do this for days. But what for? You'll continue to sift through the things you cannot answer and comment on the things you can twist around. That's my scientific observation based on passed, factual events. I'll see if I can get someone to jot it down in a new New Testament book for you to read, if need be. A closed mind is like a closed book: just a block of wood. - Chinese proverb Seriously, I may not agree with you, but I used to repsect you for standing up for your beliefs. If you look back, I was never this hardcore about debating this shit with you. Due to your lack of any common sense, constant bashing, misdirected attacks, and lack of a broader sense of understanding of both sides, has caused me to lose respect for you on this subject. (And even some of those who argue against you, as well. Both sides have their 'extremists'. Neither is beneficial.) Not that you care since Jesus loves you, I'm hateful, and a heathen.
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