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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. ImUrOBGYN


    Welcome and good job with distracting the hecklers with some cliffhanging information. For your sake, I hope your explanation and/or pics are worth it.
  2. I don't laugh much before noon, but this thread is delivering the... http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/CuntPunt.jpg
  3. Anyone with experience with these plz chime in. Which one is the best bang for buck? Are the II and Neo worth the extra dough? I'll be doing my own research, of course, but would like to hear actual experiences.
  4. New account? Tried messaging them, yet?
  5. Your blood flow through the base of your penis seems a bit restricted. Right about where the weatherman's karate chopping it. Get a cock ring that goes around the balls, too.
  6. I do believe her finger's really in her nose. Of course, I had to watch it repeat like 10times before I came to an absolute conclusion. And Thorne, I'm still always up; watching the sun come and go.
  7. ImUrOBGYN


    Yeah, but it still seems better than D&B's for gaming.
  8. I would've like to have seen someone pass me at 200+. Probably shit my pants. Btw, that wasn't really me at the end. Someone stole my name. Thorne, I doubt there very many people around here who've done 200+. Many reasons why they haven't; the room to do it, the balls, the power, GEARING, aerodynamics, etc. Kevin, the speed is logged electronically. It's probably fairly accurant though they should've used a gps unit, as well. (Unless Lambo uses that already for the digi speed which I seriously doubt.)
  9. ImUrOBGYN


    I managed a very popular arcade in Huntington Beach, CA many years ago and have always wanted to open my own arcade. Being a huge video game afficiando, experience with the market and money side, and the know how to fix, build, install, etc, I always felt I would do well. Even now, I believe an arcade could be lucrative if it were directed a bit more towards the 18 and over (maybe 21 and over at a certain time on weekends or something) and compensated with pool tables and the likes.
  10. Hopefully, it won't matter for long as they are still trying to merge. And I've liked Rosetta so far though I haven't used it in sometime.
  11. omglol That's fucked up. :funny: What an :asshole:
  12. When I was a kid I wanted one sooo bad. That and a Countach. There was someone who lived in my apt complex in San Gabriel then who had one. I used to just go out in the parking lot and stare at it whenever I went by. I would never have a giant fucking bird or anything else for that matter on the hood of any car I own but would still do it for that one.
  13. Hard to make a car with that much power still look that sleeper even with the hood up. Loving it.
  14. I started to wonder about halfway though but it finished pretty funny.
  15. You should fire them all for drinking and smoking cigarettes, too. Nick, I agree what they did was freakin stupid and there should be ramifications. Now, on a seperate note, as far as just being high on the job, if you can't tell who is, why bother? Think about it. I've worked in many, many places in many different states doing many different things. Half the world is stoned and you'd never know it. I'm no longer suprised by who I find smokes. Now, that statement wouldn't mean shit if I worked at McD's or similar, but I'm talking mulitple labs including the genetics lab I worked for; doctors there, etc. As far as I'm concerned, it's as normal as knowing someone who drinks. Well, the difference between those two is at least if I know you're high, you're less likely to crash, be depressed, or violent. lol
  16. ImUrOBGYN

    the flu

    It's probably the alcohol poisoning the virus.. and you're body, of course. I guess drinking is one of those, "If I can't have it, neither can you", (refering to your body) thoughts. lol
  17. ImUrOBGYN


    Lived mostly in LA and Orange counties. Was born in LA many, many moons ago. I've lived out there off and on throughout my life. I do still miss quite a few things about it and definitely don't miss some other things. It's love and hate.
  18. ImUrOBGYN


    I know just what you're saying. It's almost impossible to find arcades like that anymore. They do still exist out in Southern Cali and there was one called Mary K's Arcade where I lived in Vegas (I know, strange name) which I can easily say was one of the best arcades I've ever frequented. As for here, there just aren't any. Gameworks and D&Bs don't count and MagicMountain really doesn't cut it, either.
  19. There's already way too many traffic cops here compared to other places I've lived. This is why I've learned a backroad to just about every damn place I go. Not always a 100%, but sure cuts down on the sightings.
  20. ImUrOBGYN

    I feel old

    Was just discussing this a couple days ago. What gave it away for me was seeing jams I listened to as a kid being sold on one of those Time or Reader's Digest cd collection commercials.
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